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No offense to anyone who doesn't share my view on this particular holiday but I think it's a load of crap.


You shouldn't need a special day to tell someone you love, that you love them. If you love them, you tell them anyday.


If you want to buy them a gift, you buy them a gift.


You don't need a special day to do/remind you to do these things; or atleast you shouldn't.



That was kinda my point or my question anyway......

like if you choose NOT to celebrate Valentines day because it feels forced.....what about christmas? do you not buy people gifts and send out cards.....just cause....its kinda been marketed out that way and embedded into your brain that, thats just what we do.....? And dont too many people wear green and drink oddly coloured drinks and get drunk on st. patricks day? and wear red and white on xmas and say hoe- hoe- hoe and give and get too much? and even go as far as putting up a tree in their house!?! Or do people just have a genuine resentment towards the day of heart shaped boxes filled with over priced -cheaply made- plasticy tasting- but given with love- chocolates? Valentines Day isnt about YOU. It's about somebody else. anybody else. a day of selflessness. Not Petty pitty. All cheesyness aside, forget all the gimicks and cliches and hand picked roses- and ignore your inner defiant- tough guy(or chick!)- anti-commercialization type stand (unless it's fair and you disregard them (holidays) all the same.....) but why not make this day a day where you make someone else feel good? regarded. special. noticed. Especially, if you are lucky enough to have the good feelings of a heart filled with Valentines everyday, Share it. In an easy way. a free way. a hidden path straight to the heart of any stranger, Make Valentines day your "consciously compliment someone day" or a pay it forward type day. hold a door open. leave a larger then usual tip. offer a ride. make THAT phone call. forgive yourself for something. tell someone a secret. go back to cheesy- write an anonymous love note.....even if its to yourself and all the things you wanna hear......;) Valentine's day is about Love (siblings-parents-busdrivers-the lady who makes my cafe!- friendship-kindness- happiness- goofiness- showing appreciation- acknowledging other peoples year round thoughtfulness. Cum on now.....wheres the love?! ;) Okay it appears as tho Im taking this a lil bit too seriously- Okay a lot-a bit. ;) I'm Learning I apparently feel slightly defensive for valentines day. its bittersweet- but I gotta go with cupid, man!

A millions XO's ;)


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Yeah.. I have big plans on Valentine's Day.. buy a big heart shaped box of chocolates and eat them!


Okay, I'm not going to do that but I do have plans that include whipped cream and chocolate sauce tho!

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I can understand the dis-taste with the commercialization of many of our holidays. But if we as society/consumers didn't buy into it - it wouldn't exist. I also agree with the notion that everyday is a good day to tell people how much you care about them. Having said that I don't take myself or things too serious outside of my work...so why not have some fun. I don't have any choc, flowers or gifts lined up but will probably play along. I do feel fortunate that I am going to be meeting with a special lady I've admired for over 2 years and not yet met. When Valentine's evenning became the option I must say I felt this special feeling. After next week Valentines Day is likely my new favourite holiday (haha). But I already know this year its gonna be special! Cub

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When I was younger, I loved it. The smushy romance, love, and the idea of perfect love...


.. now? It smacks of consumerist BS, and I wait until the next day to get the chocolates I like on sale. If I love you, you will know all year round, and Valentines isn't the day I'll tell you. Moreover, I don't need diamonds, dying flowers and chocolate to know that you love me!


For years my ex-hubs and I called it Singles Awareness Day b/c it's the only day of the year that you are PAINFULLY aware if you are the least bit lonely!


Singles Awareness Day-SAD

I'm not SAD although happily aware I'm single, not just on Feb 14th but on the other 364 days of the year

If being married so great, why such a high divorce rate...I believe the stat is 54% of marriages fail

Lonely, thats being in an unhappy relationship...and with that as my definition, I know lots of lonely people, none of them single


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I find there are actually two Singles Awareness Days per year: Valentines day and New Years Eve.


I personally have made the decision to take a time out from conventional dating for my own reasons (bad experiences in the past and a busy work schedule being the main reasons). With the exception of these two days I happy with that decision. However on Valentines Day society and commercialism makes me painfully aware of being single on the 14th.


On the other side of the coin in years I've been dating someone on Valentines Day it's been a great day and a chance to arrange something extra special (although I didn't need a reminder to be romantic the rest of the year it was a pleasant challenge to raise the bar on that day - that I do miss).

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Valentines Day like Christmas is very commercialized, but if you are going to do something, but or do something nice for your friendly neighborhood service provider! : )

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I will uncharacteristically come to the defence of a mainstream holiday...


Every point made here is valid.


However, I see nothing the matter with VDay. Granted, for the first time in a long time, I am not single on this particular holiday. But, having been in the past, VDay was no more a reminder of my singleness than any other holiday, or any other occassion when I would see a couple holding hands or kissing in the street. When you are single, and unhappy about it, you are constantly reminded of it.

if you want to bitch that VDay is stupid because you should be romantic every day, you'd have to cancel almost every holiday there is. Frankly, you should never need a recognized holiday to express the sentiment most associated with that holiday, you should already be doing it every day. However, we're a selfish, dirty and disgusting species, and generally need special occassions to do what's right.

As for the commercialism... What isn't? Everything is commercialized! And I can't help but find it at least a little amusing that some people will complain about the commercialization of romance in their posts, here, on a forum dedicated the professionals of commercialized romance. I mean, seriously...


I'm fine with VDay. It's an easy holiday to get behind, if you find yourself with someone, and if you're single it *should* still be easy to respect a holiday that's all about love. Sure as Hell makes more sense than celebrating a rabbit that shits chocolate.


Sent from my HTC EVO 3D X515a using Tapatalk

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Valentines day is wayyyy too overrated.


It is valentines day for me when I can feel my heart race in the presence somebody that feels the same way about being with me.



Erotic Emely you have expressed all my sentiments about Valentines Day!!!! You are my new Hero!!!

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hmmm where to start. I agree that you don't need official designated days to recognize the loved ones in your life (Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Family Day ....) but I do love taking the time, buying the mushy card and setting aside the day to cherish loved ones. I find that life is sooo busy and goes by so fast that if I did not have these days in my calendar I might not take the time to cook a special meal for my mom, or take my dad fishing, or spend time with my family. Right now it is the expression and excitement in my 8 year old daughter that makes these days special. To see her face on Christmas or watch her make homemade Valentines cards for the kids in her class or best when she comes home and gives me the card that she spent all afternoon making - melts my heart. Ya, the stores and malls are full of crap and they want to sell you stuff but it is those special moments that make the days. I have had my ups and downs, divorce, death in family etc so I have come to realize life is short and you should enjoy life to the fullest as best you can!

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A day to celebrate all the women who give us happiness and pleasure and companionship. What could be better?

Happy Valentine's everyone!

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Cocky Cupid- has Come- and Spread Some Sweet V-day Heat..... But.... he left this morning...... HA! ;)

Have a Sexxxy Day.......Whatever Sexy is to you.

P.S.Today I have a rare, much needed- clothing optional Date- allllllllll day and night.....With Matt. So Amazing. Irresistible. Inviting. Huge. Warm. Always Tempting. Dare I say-Better then most sex.... and Sooooo Soft. yep. Matt Ress. Here comes My Deep-Sleep love- My ever so patiently waiting Mattress. Hahaha.


;) :) ;) :)



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