Guest Report post Posted February 17, 2012 I have been reflecting on some things and thought would we as a human race make the world better if we did at least one good dead a day? The world is a beautiful place but there is negativity all around us. Could we change a persons day if we did something nice for them? Instead of being stuck on how people influence the world in a negative way. Maybe we can try to turn that around by making a lest one person happy. Just food for thought. If you were to do at lest one good dead a day, what would your dead be? It could be anything from walking an old lady across the street, to buying a homeless person dinner. I incourage everyone to do one good dead a day. XoXo Peachy/Val. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest m*ch***G Report post Posted February 17, 2012 I try doing this on a regular basis. For example I held the door for someone at Tim Hortons last week and no thanks from the other person not even a look, the head stayed down to make sure they were not tripping on their own feet. I then said your welcome load enought for all the others to hear and the person still did not even react. I hope that person gets a yeast infection. Other do appreacite the kind gestures but there is always one or two that ruin it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BootyLoving 2441 Report post Posted February 17, 2012 Although appreciation is nice. Expecting it can ruin the great feeling you get from having given with expecting something in return. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WildTiger 1298 Report post Posted February 17, 2012 Well said BL. Doing a good deed isn't for the purpose of receiving appreciation. Having said that, it is just common courtesy to thanks someone when they have done something for you. Sometimes I like to think that when people don't thank you for holding a door or whatever it may be simply that they are shy or have their minds on other troubles. Regardless if everyone followed Val's advice it would indeed be a nicer world to live in. And thank you Val for this post. Cheers, WildTiger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cometman 35115 Report post Posted February 17, 2012 I do good deeds every day, every chance I get. That's how I was brought up...the Golden Rule. It's especially nice doing good deeds unexpectedly. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maverick 2873 Report post Posted February 18, 2012 I always say thank you to service people (cashiers, food people, bus drivers) because I know how good it felt when I worked to get thanked. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Reuben Sandwich 13841 Report post Posted February 18, 2012 Sometimes that negative interaction we may have is the one that sticks out, but in general I find most people try to do their best. It may not get communicated as well as we hope through shyness or not wanting to intrude in another person's space, but simple gestures like holding the elevator, a door or passing down that box of cereal from the high shelf can have a ripple effect that we may never see, but hope it carries on. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jabba 18389 Report post Posted February 18, 2012 I have been reflecting on some things and thought would we as a human race make the world better if we did at least one good dead a day? The world is a beautiful place but there is negativity all around us. Could we change a persons day if we did something nice for them? Instead of being stuck on how people influence the world in a negative way. Maybe we can try to turn that around by making a lest one person happy. Just food for thought. If you were to do at lest one good dead a day, what would your dead be? It could be anything from walking an old lady across the street, to buying a homeless person dinner. I incourage everyone to do one good dead a day.XoXo Peachy/Val. My good deed: Just a light-hearted suggestion to alter the spelling a little. As it's written, it could sooo be taken the wrong way (:icon_eek:). Good topic btw and yes, I personally believe that just something as simple as holding a door open makes a difference! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kubrickfan 12836 Report post Posted February 18, 2012 My good deed:Just a light-hearted suggestion to alter the spelling a little. As it's written, it could sooo be taken the wrong way (:icon_eek:). Good topic btw and yes, I personally believe that just something as simple as holding a door open makes a difference! I did a double take as well! Kinda funny. But Peachy's basic thought is a pure and good one. In fact, beyond simple politeness, such as opening doors, etc., we should all, as Emeril Lagasse says, "kick it up a notch" and try to help someone out who is struggling a bit. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
poolasaurus 5877 Report post Posted February 18, 2012 I will ALWAYS pick up the tab for anyone in military uniform in front if me at the Timmies lineup, which happens about 1x/week at the one I go to. Did just yesterday, and he thanked me. Funny thing was I followed him out to the parking lot and watched him drive off in his new E class Mercedes lol. Posted from my iPhone Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boomer 33202 Report post Posted February 18, 2012 I am an older person, and unfortunately I find that generally what were considered common courtesies 25-30 years ago are no longer the norm. Thanking someone, opening doors, giving up your seat on the bus, and taking off your hat when appropriate shouldn't be the exception. There's an ad on the tube at the moment of a man offering a pregnant lady his seat on the subway, and they speak in very loud voices to illustrate the point that there needs to be more civility in our society. Another way to give and get a great deal of satisfaction is to volunteer. I do a lot of it because I have the time and inclination. But, many organizations are begging for people to help out. I think that it's an indictment of society when we have to require our high school students to so many hours before they can graduate, when they should have learned how to do this at home. One last comment, but very personal for me, one way to do a good deed and really help others is by donating blood, or signing the organ donation part of your drivers license. My wife had a cancer that required may transfusions, and bone marrow transplants. Although unsuccessful I always felt indebted to the donor community. Sorry for getting a little mouthy for a fairly light thread, but had to be said. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted February 18, 2012 It is great to hear other peoples ideas of good gestures or good deeds. I think that being more conscience of being a better person helps. Even if it's just opening the door or saying thank you to someone. Perhaps you can put a smile on someone's face. Not everyone is going to appreciate your gesture but it's still worth a try. You don't have to travel overseas to help the world, when you can start in your own backyard. We are not meant to be perfect but we are meant to feel. XoXo Peachy/Val. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
orionzone 100 Report post Posted February 20, 2012 Great topic. It is more than just saying "thank you", "ma'am" and "sir", it truly is a way of life. Do you return the shopping cart to the cart corral or leave it out in the of the parking lot where it could damage another vehicle or require someone else to move? Do you wait at the elevator to see if anyone is getting off before you rush into the cab? Do you change lanes on the highway to allow another car to enter? We all can do the big things, but it is the small things that give some insight into who a person truly is. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites