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Things You Never Thought You'd Say Or Do?

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One thing I never thought I would EVER hear myself saying..


"As long as you live under My roof, you'll live by MY rules." Damn teenagers. I think I see a grey hair coming on. Sigh...

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When i was your age we had..........


You think you have it tough......

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I never thought I would say...


"I don't ever want to be in a monogamous relationship again." But here I am, being single and finally feeling like my life is "right".


"I don't do crazy." I have always attracted incredible characters but I now have lines where eccentric cross over to crazy and once it is crossed, I'm out.


"It's bedtime." I was always a night owl, now 11pm seems awfully late.


These are just a few of the things that have struck me lately that I never believed I would say. All of them indicate a very scary thing, I just may be growing up...



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I never thought I would say,fuck me,want me to suck your cock....I used to be so shy and withdrawn,now what comes out of my mouth shocks even me!Also, I never thought I would become an sp,surprise,surprise.Sorry mom,but what is better than getting paid to be naughty and have fun?

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Wow.....Crisry....I never thought I would say those things myself.......hehehehehe....but I have....

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I never thought I'd get involved in this lifestyle (although I'm not sorry I did :p )



A long time ago......as a dirty, grungy looking, long haired teen......on a whim and all by myself....... I crashed a "rich socialite" party. Ya know....the kinda thing where butlers walk around with the little wiener platter things on sticks and everyone stands around making really bad rich socialite jokes and laughing their fake rich socialite "Ha. Ha. Ha" kind of laughs? Yup, I crashed one of those. Ate their wiener things and laughed my fake laugh at their bad jokes. They looked quite perturbed at my presence.




Once I was waiting for a bus, and from the corner of my eye I saw someone whom I had gone to High School with and PRAYED she wouldn't recognize me.....it's just someone I really wasn't fond of in high school....and I had just come from a crappy day at work and all I wanted to do was close my eyes and listen to my music. The last thing I wanted to do was make small talk with anyone. So of course from my peripherals I see her come and stand in front of me...I start looking up and inspecting the ceiling of the bus shelter like it's the most fascinating thing I've ever seen.........I feel a tug on my sleeve....Dammit! So I look down at her. "Hi Castle *insert real name here*!" she says.......I looked her straight in the eye, shook my head and said "No, Sorry....Not me." Basically I denied being me. Her shoulders slumped "Oh....ok....sorry" and she walked away. I could tell she knew it was me. I felt HORRIBLE! To this day I still feel bad about that and it was years ago lol. She didn't even get on the same bus as me so I would have just had to make conversation for a minute or two.....but on that day it would have seemed like sheer torture.




And my crowning achievement. A few years ago I got on a bus and there was this emo kid sitting there all dressed in black and he was holding a black balloon of all things and looking very downtrodden as emo kids seem to enjoy looking. I could just tell that he was contemplating the cruel realities of an existence where fascist parents make their children do the dishes and get a job. Oh the horror!! As I made my way to the back of the bus, without breaking stride, I took my pen out of my coat pocket and burst his black balloon...*POP*. He looked even more melancholy after that.



Anyone who knows me will tell you that I'm really a shy, reserved, and very friendly person. So these things are very unlike me....Honest!! ;)

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I never thought I would be sharing more personal information and feelings about my life and its ups and downs with certain SP ladies than I do with my closest friends and my brothers. Really cool actually.


I never thought I would have an SP I know fairly well now tell me to come and see her anyways with a screwed up back .... hunched over.... and walk out standing straight, feeling great and cancelling my doctor appointment ;)


I never thought I would be saying to my parents "you don't need a new truck and 5th wheel trailer, you can't afford it" lol Shoe on the other foot ! and ended up buying a new truck myself that I didn't really need just so they could tow their trailer ...sheesh

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I never thought I would say to the young people in my life "turn that music down, it's driving me crazy".

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Telling my mother, be careful. At her age, just standing on a step stool to change light bulbs in ceiling light fixtures brings on added risks, such as her possibly falling and breaking a hip

Always tell her, something needs to be done, even changing light bulbs, I'll drive up and do it for her.

When she gets annoyed with my telling her to be careful, I remind her she did that to me when I was growing up LOL


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