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Another reminder on discretion...

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Yes I know there is already many treads on this subject...but I felt the need to create a new one...especially about discretion online.


1) Gentlemen, if you have some online accounts on different social networks (facebook, fetlife, okcupid etc.) and you find a lady on the website. Please respect her privacy and don't send a "wink" smiley. It's creepy. Especially if we don't know who the hell you are.


We have private life, families. Yes we may be on dating websites, but our private emotional/sexual life doesn't concern you, unless we share it with you


2) This is about handles.I have came across different profiles on different website...where the person keep the same nickname...I am sorry but if your name is turnipgodofthezooloo...the chance that someone else have the same nickname are really low. If someone Google it, they will found your different accounts on different websites.


Try to keep hobbiest lifestyle and private life separate also.


and I am out

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1) Gentlemen, if you have some online accounts on different social networks (facebook, fetlife, okcupid etc.) and you find a lady on the website. Please respect her privacy and don't send a "wink" smiley. It's creepy. Especially if we don't know who the hell you are.


We have private life, families. Yes we may be on dating websites, but our private emotional/sexual life doesn't concern you, unless we share it with you


A reminder that unfortunately needs to be repeated again and again! I myself started a thread on this last year after someone I'd never even seen before messaged me on facebook saying 'Add me but please be discrete, my life and family are on here'.


There is nothing more infuriating that the idea some hobbiests (and by no means all, if it was all I wouldn't be in this business) have that because we're on here, we don't have the right to an outside life. I've been approached in restaurants, concerts, and on facebook, by people I don't know. And as Malika says, it's CREEPY and so inappropriate!


On here, I'm selling my sexual side. So I like people telling me they like my appearance, and saying sexy things to me. Because that means I'm doing something right.


But for someone to message me on facebook and tell me what they'd like to do to me sexually, or to come up to me in public and grab my ass, makes me feel about THIS <-> big. It makes me want to cry, scream, and most of all makes me want to punch the person doing it.


When we're on here, mutually enjoying this hobby and the services the girls provide, let's enjoy. But outside of here, you don't know us. And we don't know you. End of story. Please keep that in mind before 'poking' the escort who's photo you recognize on facebook.

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It is an unfortunate truth that the only actions you can control are your own. The only real way to ensure 100% anonymity is to have zero visual presence online which is quite hard to accomplish when you are in our line of work. I do not show my face or any particularly identifiable pose when posting pics. I have yet to be hunted down on facebook lol :)

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I agree 100% with you.. if that would happen to me, I will be mad as welll..! But my question is.. How can somebody can find you on Facebook? He had you "real" name or he find you by coincidence? Its really creepy!



Yes I know there is already many treads on this subject...but I felt the need to create a new one...especially about discretion online.


1) Gentlemen, if you have some online accounts on different social networks (facebook, fetlife, okcupid etc.) and you find a lady on the website. Please respect her privacy and don't send a "wink" smiley. It's creepy. Especially if we don't know who the hell you are.


We have private life, families. Yes we may be on dating websites, but our private emotional/sexual life doesn't concern you, unless we share it with you


2) This is about handles.I have came across different profiles on different website...where the person keep the same nickname...I am sorry but if your name is turnipgodofthezooloo...the chance that someone else have the same nickname are really low. If someone Google it, they will found your different accounts on different websites.


Try to keep hobbiest lifestyle and private life separate also.


and I am out

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This is why you are best to compartmentalize your life, and I hope this makes sense.

My family is in one compartment

My friends and people in my real hobby (fishing) are in another compartment

My work is in another compartment

The ladies (and ladies who are friends) in this lifestyle are in another compartment, and roamingguy is used for that compartment

Of all the compartments in my life, the only one that stands alone, no overlap to any other compartment, are the ladies in this compartment.

And I'm single, pretty safe to me to be outed...but as has already been posted, the ladies have lives outside this lifestyle, and don't need this part of their lives creeping into other parts of their lives


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Since starting in this hobby, this is something I've wondered about.


If I was just at the grocery store or whatever and saw an SP that I recognized from this website but had never been with, I definitely wouldn't do anything. It would just be one of those "small world" moments.


I figured if I ran into an SP I had been with, I would let her initiate any greeting or smalltalk or whatever because, as you ladies have said, you don't share this side of your life with everybody and I wouldn't want to potentially embarass an SP in front of her friends and family by putting her in a position where she would have to explain how she knows me and why I'm calling her by her professional name.

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I figured if I ran into an SP I had been with, I would let her initiate any greeting or smalltalk or whatever.


Don't ever feel slighted if she doesn't. Most of us wouldn't because of the reciprocal unwritten rule of discretion :)

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Since starting in this hobby, this is something I've wondered about.


If I was just at the grocery store or whatever and saw an SP that I recognized from this website but had never been with, I definitely wouldn't do anything. It would just be one of those "small world" moments.


I figured if I ran into an SP I had been with, I would let her initiate any greeting or smalltalk or whatever because, as you ladies have said, you don't share this side of your life with everybody and I wouldn't want to potentially embarass an SP in front of her friends and family by putting her in a position where she would have to explain how she knows me and why I'm calling her by her professional name.


I'd do the same thing Loopie, although it hasn't happened to me. Very much pass each other as though you are strangers, because in day to day life, you are

I would probably, through a pm or email or text at a private time just contact the lady to say hi and let her know I wasn't being rude.

And as Meg says, don't expect her to initiate any greeting. The ladies respect the gentlemen's private life just as much as the gentlemen respect, or should respect the ladies' private life


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I agree 100% with you.. if that would happen to me, I will be mad as welll..! But my question is.. How can somebody can find you on Facebook? He had you "real" name or he find you by coincidence? Its really creepy!


Let's say in some circles (okay except this one:P) I am quite well know...I am part time model as well...and well with my tats it's hard to hide myself:P


On Facebook they didn't know my real name, but we had some friends in common...so I guess it showed up on their feed/place where they say you may know this person

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It's frighteningly easy to find someone on facebook. It's happened to me twice now that I've accidentally seen profiles (and real names) of people I recognize from this lifestyle. Both times because of mutual friends and the "people you might know" function on the fb homepage. One being someone I had met several times and another being someone I have chatted with at extent on here. Both persons I have a great repore with. But not for one second did it enter my mind to message them or "poke" them. Sorry if it sounds rude but confusing facebook (or other social networks) with cerb is just plain stupid


I did however want to send a PM to them on here just saying "Hey I accidentally saw your facebook profile so you may want to do something about your privacy settings"......or something like that....just as a heads up. But then thought even that may come across as a little creepy so I just let it go.....in retrospect maybe I should let them know...I dunno....it's a touchy dilemma.

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Sps who do have FB accounts with loose privacy settings might want to consider that at some point someone who knows they are an sp and knows them privately may have a falling out with them, and that person will or can decide to expose them.


Happens more often than one would hope, and isn't usually a client exposing the sp, but more like a friend or family member, ex roomate, or someone who benefited from their working in some way then had those benefits cut off.

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Guest S***dst***

One of my all time fav MA's had a horrific experience with a stalker..so bad she basically left the business and is comtemplating moving cities.

All of which would have been a non issue if the prevous agency she worked for hadn't given out her REAL name and email address when she left them.


The individual actually tracked down her father and struck up a (non sex trade related) conversation just before she arrived..Her father said, "I met your friend just a short time ago" and pointed him out. When she turned and saw him...she almost had a heart attack.

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Sps who do have FB accounts with loose privacy settings might want to consider that at some point someone who knows they are an sp and knows them privately may have a falling out with them, and that person will or can decide to expose them.


Happens more often than one would hope, and isn't usually a client exposing the sp, but more like a friend or family member, ex roomate, or someone who benefited from their working in some way then had those benefits cut off.


I have my settings as strict as possible. And due to the first unknown hobbiest trying to add me, no longer use my real name. Ottawa is small though, so it hasn't prevented me from being poked and message by hobbiests who are 'friends of friends'.

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If possible don't use the same email and never use the computer of someone else cause that's how I got caught. Some old friends in my hometown caught me while I was replying PMs in an escort forum and that's how they found what exacly I was doing and where I was when I was traveling. Since these friends are close to the other side of my family, they talk behind my back when they meet. In an event, they discussed and told my mother. She threatened me to disown me from the heritage of her house if I would not marry my first boyfriend or some other guy friends she already know in our community before she die. One of the guys is my distant cousin :confused:. Anyway I receive a lot of advices and I know exactly what to do, but please be very vigilant when comes to your private life. Learn from my mistake, don't get caught or you may will have to pay for it. Good luck.

Edited by Sexy_LanaMegane

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i think it all comes down to having respect for each other. i enjoy my time with ladys but when that time is up, thats it, time to move on to other parts of my life and her to her life. also it has to do with being discreet and treating wach other the way we ourselves want to be treated.being an older guy and widower i am not ready yet to go into the dating game. so thank you ladys for what you do and not just sex but the conversations we have had. but i for one want what we have to be private and between us on those times we are together and only during those times. thank you

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In this day and age as well, prospective employers and employers may check your Facebook accounts as a matter of routine "big brotherness" (if that's a word)

This can affect both ladies and gentlemen. If our civilian world caught wind of this on-line, there could be ramnifications, such as losing your job, no career advancement, not getting hired for a job etc.

I am not a facebook or other on-line social networking person. Been invited to join, always declined, just because of this sort of thing, and it's not me :-)

Just a rambling from someone who read Orwell's 1984


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I am very careful when meeting an escort.I don't just pick anyone first of all.I don't talk too much about my private life and expect the same from her.I remember one time being with a provider,she was talking about her private in details and she could not stop talking.It was so annoying!She might have been drunk.Please ladies save us from that.I want you to be classy,fun,sincere and yourself and please do not ask me so many questions and details about my private life.I want to be safe and I want you to be safe.

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