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I have been researching water filters,have this idea that my brita filter just isn't doing a good job.I found that the undercounter more complex systems are the way to go to be assured all contaminants are removed from the tap water,am I being paranoid or is our drinking water fine from the tap.I know chlorine is bad for dogs,so giving them tap water isn't the best idea,what do you think.

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My dogs get tap water all the time- or drink from puddles- and they're fine. If you have any concerns, phone the city and request a water sample analysis result. My municipal supplier does them weekly and the results are freely available. They may even be posted online. I drink municipal water daily and don't worry about it. If I don't get sick, at least I'm building my immune system.

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I think you're pretty safe drinking the tap water in any of our large metropolitan areas. It's actually been found that many of the bottlers of water are taking it out of the municipal systems. That's the first I've heard about pets being affected by chlorinated water, I know that when I had pets there wasn't a problem.

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Can't say I've ever had a problem with the local tap-water. I put it in the fridge, which means it's cold when I want to drink it, and letting it sit for a while also makes it less chlorine-y.

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I believe that here in Canada we are perhaps one of the most fortunate countries in the world with access to safe drinking water in our homes. Being in a rural area I am really lucky because you cannot beat my well water.


I also believe that the prevalence of bottled water is a total scam and that it is a product that is not only an unnecesary purchase but one that is environmentally unsound.


So Christy save your bucks and drink from the tap!

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Can't say I've ever had a problem with the local tap-water. I put it in the fridge, which means it's cold when I want to drink it, and letting it sit for a while also makes it less chlorine-y.

yes thats what florists say to do with the water you use for your plants,they say leaving sit for a day or so allows the chlorine to evaporate some

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Chlorine is safe, at least in the relatively small amounts in our water. Flouride, however...


The flouride we have in our water system is a by-product of the oil/plastic industry. It's not the same flouride that is good for teeth. Totally different chemical composition. The flouride we drink is often said to be proven to have reduced cavities in the population. Yet statistics from Europe, where most don't fouridate, reflect an equal drop in cavities during the same study period. It wasn't the flouride: it was better dental care.


Personally, I use a filter for my tap water because Brita doesn't clean out much. A good filter will take out the flouride, the lead, and any other trace nasties that may have leeched from pipes along the journey to your faucet.


It's a personal choice to make, but if chlorine is your concern, there's no scientific evidence that I know of that conclusively links domestic animal health to chlorine as found in human-grade water (or food, don't get me started on commercial pet food!).

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Don't know about the chlorine levels in drinking water, but research is indicating that it isn't too healthy to do a lot of swimming in heavily chlorinated water.


Chlorinated Pools May Increase Cancer Risk


Sometimes my tapwater smells like a damn swimming pool.


Here's a map of some springs in North America, but not much listed round these parts:



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