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How do you start your day

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Personally, when I wake up I am ravenous,so I start my day off with a very large breakfast,my favoerite is blueberry pancakes and sausage,orange juice.green tea,toast and jam.what do you get your day started with?

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I usually drink two or three cups of coffee alone and in silence, check my mail and reply to any overnight inquiries.


Then its ready set go for me. Eat, go running, clean my house and get ready for any guests that may be visiting.


Talk to my cats as well of course. :biggrin:

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1) Stretch.

2) Pee.

3) Make a cup of tea and watch my roomies bustle about.

4) Check online stuff.

5) Grab something light to eat like yogurt and/or a piece of fruit.

6) Head out for the day.


Sometimes, my sleep patterns shift and I find myself awake in the middle of the night (2 or 3AM). I actually quite enjoy this. They say before the industrial revolution, most people were up in the middle of the night for a couple of hours, and would visit neighbors or other such things. I really enjoy getting up and having a quiet cup of tea when the world's alseep. I don't set my alarms, though. Haven't used an alarm in years. My body knows when to get up.

Edited by Kate von Katz

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Guest S**a*Q

I wake up at insane hours of the morning... 5-6-7am and I'm totally awake. I roll over, check my phone, cause I normally fall asleep earlier than when people stop texting me. I text them back, then go to the washroom. I put coffee on, sit in front of the computer, check all my necessary social networks and log onto Cerb chat to talk to the morning crew. :D


After that, anything can happen, from going to the gym or pool, writing, cleaning, having breakfast, watching online episodes, or doing nothing and staying in chat all morning. :D

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Whine, press snooze on my alarm two times, whine again, pee, coffee, Cerb and other online social network, food, coffee, shower and then whatever I have to do.


Whine again probably:D

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Guest S**a*Q
Whine, press snooze on my alarm two times, whine again, pee, coffee, Cerb and other online social network, food, coffee, shower and then whatever I have to do.


Whine again probably:D


Mmmm morning wine. :D Great idea!!!


Oh whine... Damn the difference a letter makes!

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4:30: Let the dog out ( then in)

5:00: Get up for real , coffee on, first toast with PB and jam.

6:00: Drop off SO at work.

7:00: Drop off SKid at school.

7:15 More toast with PB and honey.

7:30: Work or internet, lately internet.

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Up at 5am . COFFEE COFFEE! Already brewed on timer. Plunk down in office and check weather, hockey drafts, email, see what's shakin on Cerb, look in the mirror and decide I don't feel like shaving today and go to work at 5:30.

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Get up and put on the coffee. Shower (masterbate, optional) , shave, dress.

Pour my first coffee and go on MSN, sports, review boards, messages.


Anytime between 5:30 a.m. to 7 a.m. Eat breakfast, pack a lunch, head out to work,

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Such complicated routines you all have ... 9 of 10 workdays when I am not travelling it is up at 6 am, shower, shave, dress, toast and maybe juice, an apple, out the door before 6:45, in the office by 7:30 ... When the weather gets warm again, I will try to get back to an hour of walking in between the alarm and the shower ... When I am travelling, every day is different ... First coffee is at the office ... And I pee in the shower - it save the water from one flush and is good for the planet :)

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I wake up each day to the 'Cleo Catra' alarm - and by that I mean my little Cleo muffin standing on my chest sometime around 7:30-8:30am, meowing at me to get out of bed and give her some breakfast. So, since she doesn't come with a snooze button (sometimes I wish she did!!!), I get up, feed the monsters, and put on a pot of coffee. Then I make myself some turkey bacon and a fruit smoothie before heading off to the gym :)

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Up at 6:30 am ish, hit the head. Put on coffee and grab the newspaper. While coffee is brewing, check emails. Once coffee brewed, hit the back porch with coffee, newspaper and a smoke. Breakfast is blueberries, natural plain yougurt and bran.....immediatley hit the head again :). Semi-retired at the moment..so see if there's anything out there I may want to do....if not brew more coffee and have a workout later.




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I usually go to bed early so I'm an early riser, 5,6,7. I put on a pot of tea, coffee for later in the day. Sit in the bay window with my tea and spend a relaxing hour going through the Globe and Mail, cover to cover, then breakfast, always the best meal of the day.

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Whatsup with all the sleepyheads.LOL Up around 4 yes am, light a smoke and check into CERB to see whats up. :-) then S.S.S and make a coffee for the road. Then off to work for more of the same bullshit I just had the day before. Every day is not exactly the same, just the bosses are twits to say the least, day in, day out.

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Get up. Shower. Drive to work. Coffee. Emails, meetings if unavoidable. Wake up sometime before lunch, with luck.


Seriously, don't ask me hard questions in the morning. If you do, I'll have to get back to you.


They say before the industrial revolution, most people were up in the middle of the night for a couple of hours, and would visit neighbors or other such things. I really enjoy getting up and having a quiet cup of tea when the world's asleep.


It's true... and without external stimulus, that's what we revert to. More here.


I don't set my alarms, though. Haven't used an alarm in years. My body knows when to get up.


So does mine... unfortunately it seems to think that mid-afternoon is about the right time, if left to its own devices.

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I've woken up to 'Shine On You Crazy Diamond' by Pink Floyd for about 6 years now. I seriously thought I would have changed the CD or at least the track in my CD alarm clock by now, but I seem to be happy with it. I am in a perpetual good mood, so maybe starting you day with that song is key to happiness.

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Week days and weekends are alike! Wake up to radio clock set off a few minutes before the morning news. Listen to news. Go to bathroom for a quick relief. Brew coffee. Shower up. Have coffee and breakfast in front of iPhone. Run out of the house for the day...

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I don't 'start my day' so much as shuffle around in slippers listening to classical music while sipping tea and coffee for an hour or two.


Morning person, I am not.

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Morning! haha lets see,

I dont really have any issue with morning, as i usually up and out of the house by 6 on weekdays! Started with shower, a glass of milk... (good for your bones! so they say :b)

Proceeded to the daily commute downtown, and Tims!

Ahh and my morning started after that XL coffee is finished..


On the weekend .. usually started with coffee and breakfast :D

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I love mornings! I feel at my optimum energy level between 9-11am.

I start with doing dishes while my coffee is brewing, then come to my computer table with coffee in hand. I always start with my early bird shout box freinds, sharing good wishes for the day. move on to a few threads that peek my interest. Then by 10, I begin to study( reflexology ). I have to start to study at 10-12 or I can not do it. I need that specific time window, or I do not seem to retain much information after that.


I wish i could sleep in though, even if I go to bed early, I always wake up at 745. Especially a saturday morning, like this morning!

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

A five thirty wake up, shower and shave , warm up the car, get a coffee and a a bun and off to join the hordes on the Kingsway to work.

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