Seymour 3970 Report post Posted May 16, 2009 Thanks whatsup and capitalman. Amy is a wonderful person and is deserving of all things special. It is nice to have lady luck on my side for a change. 5.0 Location 5.0 Location Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n----9 Report post Posted May 17, 2009 Met Amy the other day...enough has been said in other reviews...but indeed her pictures don't do her justice... and despite her incredible sex appeal, 10/10 face and electric smile.... I was truly impressed with her depth as a lady... ;) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
P******_**Y 120 Report post Posted May 21, 2009 How to write a recommendation for someone with the qualities of a goddess? How to begin to capture every feeling, every emotion, every detail, everything running through my mind? Help me for I (Seymour) am <insert expletive> crazy! Her words. The secret is out, I have seen Amy. The first time we met she stunned me with her beauty. I was later to realize she has an amazing personality, charm, witt and a great sense of humor. She is such a giving person it is easy to see how easily one can get caught up in her charm. Since our first meeting, I have been secretly pining for her presence. We exchanged a few emails and I was obviously glad to hear from her and know she was doing well. On another occasion we decided this was going to be a bit of a celebration, well OK, I did as I surprised her with a late birthday celebration of sorts. We'll keep those details private but let's just say we both left feeling it was both our birthdays. WOW. Back to the future, I happen to be having a day off work and talk about dumb luck, I walked out of the shower and low and behold noticed Amy was around today. Hmm - my lucky day. So a few emails later we schedule a last minute date. I arrive to be greeted by my goddess, dressed in a very attractive schoolgirl outfit. Solid top, checkered skirt, matching tights and heels. Good lord. Finally we are together again and the fireworks start. I could not help but take my goddess into my arms and kiss her. Time seemed frozen as nothing else mattered. We were together, united after what felt like eternity. I almost dropped the gifts I brought for her and her friend Sexy Brooke (Hi Sexy Brooke)! - my goddess I'm becoming inebriated. She smiles at me, wiping the lipstick off my lips and cheek, but I was not bothered, I was with my goddess and nothing else mattered. I join her lying side by side on the bed, holding, hugging her, thankful to have this moment, we continue kissing, dressed, totally caught up in the moment trying to get re-acquainted, physically, cerebral. Till she undoes my belt buckle and says, "take it off". God who am I to say no. As I helped her slowly remove her top, she wiggled out of it then arched her back to allow me to undo the clasp on her bra. In one swoop it was off to reveal her amazing form. I'm getting this too I say, as I helped her wiggle free out of the skirt and some very sexy undies. (Thong of the day and wicked weasel followers - drool). The tights stay, the heels stay. "What about you" she says, I reach down to kiss her once more, and whisper in her ear that I got it covered. As we progressed through our afternoon dance routines, we built up a fine sweat, wet a few bedspreads, made a lot of noise and had a breathtaking time, cause nothing else mattered. For over an hour time stood still and I felt like we were the only two people left on the planet. Was this a session, was it an experience, I don't know but what I do know is the gods were certainly in our favor. Goddess I don't know what hit me, but I'm glad you're back. One parting comment for you readers - I like the physical moments Amy and I share. Don't think I'm shallow. Amy is captivating in and out of the bedroom. Treat her with respect. She is kind enough to show me some insight into her personality and her psyche. I can't help but be <insert expletive> crazy about you Amy! Why, cause that's what happens when one meets a goddess. For these special moments goddess, nothing else matters Welcome back my goddess. You take my breath away! What an Amazing review*******! I just wanted to say Thank you Seymour*******! I had a wonderful time spent with you******* & for the Record WOW*******! ;-) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
P******_**Y 120 Report post Posted June 3, 2009 I had the pleasure of Amy's company and to me she certainly lived up to the tremendous billing she has on this thread. Her body is absolutely angelic, her face and smile are so gorgeous and the way she makes love is at once tender and passionate. Thank you, Amy for a most wonderful time. I do hope I have the pleasure of sharing some more time with you in the near future. You are to kind for words!! I too had an amazing time & cnt wait till we greet eachother again with open arms!! x0x Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cato 160314 Report post Posted June 3, 2009 I'm looking forward to meeting you at last, Amy! Congratulations on the great reviews Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seymour 3970 Report post Posted July 7, 2009 It's been a while since I've had the pleasure of her company. She is a busy gal with lots going on in life. You can't fault her for that. I call her my goddess - the original goddess, she calls me crazy! We have this interesting relationship of openness, trust, honesty and mutual respect. We take turns pushing the envelope sometimes but carefully, we do not wish to hurt each other. We care for each other and about each other. I make her laugh and she lights up my life when she smiles. This is the foundation of the relationship between Amy and me. Wow - I just said relationship in a recommendation.... I arrived to find Amy dressed in matching top and bottom white sexy wear. I instantly lock onto her in our customary greeting and again I'm covered in her lip gloss. She could greet me wearing just about anything and I find her sexy, attractive and appealing. Now Amy is Petite and I cannot justify to myself the thought of getting rough with her so our playtime starts with slow and sensual caressing and kissing followed by more sensual caressing and kissing. Being a gentleman, I must help her get undressed and I did. She starts to help me but no no no - I stopped her. "Today is for you" I say - as I maneuvered my torso to pay homage to my goddess Amy. I could not help myself but take a taste of the sweetness oozing from this love goddess. Who am I kidding? I didn't take a taste - I took a mouthful and then some. Of course, I do this knowing fully well that one must appease the gods in order to receive their blessing. Blessed I was as I continued with my delight - slowly licking, tasting and salivating as I explored a heightened sense of intimacy with Amy. Now, for my clothing, well, let's just say that Seymour can multitask without skipping a beat. Shirt is unbuttoned, removed and tossed across the room for added flair, while lying face down appeasing the goddess. Similarly, jeans, unbuckled, unbuttoned, slipped off using one hand and legs for added momentum. This act of respect to the goddess was not wasted, as it was well received judging by some timely compliments. Something about flexibility and maintaining balance and being unselfish. Thank you goddess! Now, like I said before, appease the gods, and receive their blessings. Well blessing came in the form of a hot, wet, sticky, prolonged, vocal romp, with goddess and man united as one. I walked in to the sounds of thunder and rain ? I left in brilliant sunshine. That is the power of THE goddess at work! She playfully tells me I'm crazy, I playfully tell her she right! I once told her, and then wrote here that when spending time with her - nothing else matters - this was true then and still applies now. The best part of a date with Amy is Amy. The worse part of a date with Amy, is knowing you have to leave at the end! :-( Treat this divine goddess with respect - she is a kind, caring, soul. My Amy - my Petite Amy, MY GODDESS Amy! If you could handle that - then you too could leave feeling good! Thanks for EVERYTHING MY Goddess! Here's to you babe ? and for the record - WOW, you still take my breath away! 5.0 Location 5.0 Location Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
YoungStud 468 Report post Posted July 7, 2009 Glad to hear she seems fit and rested after her vacation. 8-) Good recommendation! 5.0 Location 5.0 Location Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jgulkar 110 Report post Posted August 3, 2009 Is her profile Petite_Amy? If so I'm sad to see the pics are gone :( Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest n----9 Report post Posted August 5, 2009 Sometimes girls take time off, and Amy is very good at what she does and always returned emails/calls. Ofcourse YMMV, but I don't think the recommendation board is the place to air that. Amy is easily top 5 in terms of sensuality, beauty and the service she provides...I'm sure when she's available again she'll post it if she's taking calls. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seymour 3970 Report post Posted August 5, 2009 Sometimes girls take time off, and Amy is very good at what she does and always returned emails/calls. Ofcourse YMMV, but I don't think the recommendation board is the place to air that. Amy is easily top 5 in terms of sensuality, beauty and the service she provides...I'm sure when she's available again she'll post it if she's taking calls. Agreed - people, please use the discussion forum to 'discuss' and keep the recommendations section for the recommendations. Amy is a wonderful person, highly regarded, highly sought after and highly recommended. And add to this - highly missed! When she's available, she'll let us know. 5.0 Location 5.0 Location Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dingoo72 100 Report post Posted October 6, 2009 where i can see pics of her? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted October 6, 2009 where i can see pics of her? right here... 5.0 Location 5.0 Location Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PistolPete 61421 Report post Posted October 6, 2009 I should mention, she has not been on CERB since early September so have fun looking at her pictures.:handjob: 5.0 Location 5.0 Location Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
emb3750 9398 Report post Posted February 2, 2010 After a long and deserving break, Amy has decided to grace us with her prescence again. I was fortunate enough to be paying attention yesterday, when this legend decided to post her return. Lucky man that I am, I was first in line. And let me tell you, good things come to those who have waited. Amy remains the stunning beauty she has always been, with a few new graceful tattoos that will awaken your imagination. Our time together was nothing short of spectacular. We took a few moments to reconnect as old friends, then the fun began. All the usual still applies...LFK, DFK, DATY, usual, YMMV, but if you treat her well, you are in for one hell of a ride. We switched it up from MISH, to Cowgirl, to Doggie, back to MISH. I have to say that cowgirl was by far the was like someone opened the flood gates. What an experience!! Good things rarely last forever. Don't hesitate, you may regret it. This is one woman you should not be asking yourself "should I?". Welcome back have been missed. 5.0 Location 5.0 Location Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ivazun 135 Report post Posted February 7, 2010 THE INTRODUCTION: Yes, that is right. Fucking A. Or better off yet, fucking AMY. I have not posted a new girl in cerb for quite some time now. I recently reviewed Miabella again (Please refer to her review here on cerb) and I found not just a new girl but is probably one of the best of all time. This is the reason of my absence of a fresh recommendation. I warn you, this is the longest I have ever written for someone and you will know the reason why. It's not just that she was amazing, it's because she deserves it. If you want to go straight to the point (SCROLL TO THE BOTTOM FOR THE SCORE AND FINAL REVIEW) First off, this girl deserves all the praises and amazing review she has been getting here. Our rende-vouz was highly anticipated when she was a little late to get to her hotel room (I certainly did not mind). Mind you her lateness was totally negligible once I opened that door and saw this girl. Girl, or I mean my girlfriend (so to speak because it felt like one). Seriously this was the escort that I was meant to see. I have been hobbying for about 2 years now. Seen so many girls and I've seen them all, trust me. Most of them were okay, so it was not even worth reviewing. THE ENCOUNTER: Okay, there I was with this "goddess" or "queen" or whatever y'all title here in here. I prefer it girlfriend. She is the ultimate girlfriend experience for me. My encounter was totally YMMV. I do not think one cerbite or hobbyist has ever felt the same passion we had. Sorry to break it to you guys hehe. Just kidding. But seriously she gave it all to me and Amy knows damn well what I am saying. She was wearing a very cute one piece which hid this nice tiny thong. She was also same height as me with her boots on. We talked and got to know each other and coincidentally had the same phones so I asked her to charge mine since it was dying. She asked me if I wanted a massage and so I let her. Her hands started off cold but progressively became warmer as I felt her light and tight body against my back. After a short massage, I actually felt a bit sleepy but I brushed it off when I turned towards her and she asked me what I wanted to do to her. I said I wanna unwrap the "gift". Oh what a present I have infront of me. We started to kiss passionately. She loved my lips. I loved her kiss. I sucked on her tits, she closed her eyes. she took her outer clothing, I saw her underwear. She asked me to take it off, I said I wanted to move it aside and sucked on her clean pussy. She said her boyfriend doesnt even do anything like that to her, I continued stroking it with my tongue. She shivered and had converstations with God, I glistened and cleaned it with my mouth. At this point she was feeling too good so she wanted to return the favour, I just got even harder. She gave me her pussy again, I was getting my dick sucked. She continued sucking, I continued sucking. She shivered and told me she loved it, I just continued sucking and stroked it with my finger. She said she wanted to fuck, I wanted to fuck. Unfortunately, I tried but condom wasn't doing it for me. So I just sucked it again while she just spread it like an eagle with a bald head because it shaved like one. The rest of the encounter just so happened to be the most amazing things I have ever got but I will just leave that aside between me and Amy. That is why its YMMV. She thought I was good looking, I thought she was the hottest. I cannot wait to see her again and again and again. THE CONCLUSION: Here on Cerb, Reviewers have been good. But some just say so very few about a girl that might have so much potential. It all comes from what we say, because this is what helps them from succeeding in this business. If we love them, we got to give them a great review. We have to pay attention to detail. In my opinion that is what sets my reviews to a different level to most of the reviewers out here. Anyways I know you are probably tired of hearing from me but I also placed my own type of scoring. SERVICE: {11/10} It was more than I asked for. Period. Exceeded my expectations to all degrees. Totally YMMV though. But service was excellent and no flaws. Everything that I can ask for and what I wanted. The best. Serviced included BBBJ, DATY, DATO, DIGITS, DFK, LFK, 69, XGFE (ultimate gfe), PSE type, No greek. PERSONALITY: {10/10} We clicked right from the start. I did not find any forced conversations. She was more that friendly. She accomodated for everything that I asked for. And above all she even told me she liked the things I do more than her boyfriend. :) LOOKS AND HYGIENE: {9.9/10} I know I know, Why did I rate it 9.9? When she was so amazing and hot and ultimate girlfriend experience and she smelt good and didn't smell any bad odour and she could be the next top model. Well I just did not like the smoking part. But that's it. Looks is nothing to worry about. Just some people might not like smoking. It's not like it bothered me. But oh well, Amy don't hate me for this hehe. I still think you are the hottest!!! OVERALL: {11/10} Final score, Highest I have ever rank an SP. Highest score that I think I would ever rate a girl. The best I have ever had! A NOTE FOR AMY: Amy, I hope you are more than happy after you read this. I most definitely cannot wait to see you again! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Royalfun 55449 Report post Posted February 7, 2010 I am new at this, but this review convinces me to be at CERB. I appreciate it a lot; well written and I cant wait to meet this marvel very soon. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cowboy kenny 50799 Report post Posted February 7, 2010 Thanks for the review, sounds like you certainly enjoyed yourself ! Curious why this was posted twice, once in the recommendation section and again here in the escort discussion area ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214242 Report post Posted February 7, 2010 I have seen Amy about 1 year ago and still remember our great encounter. She is to be savored by all who are looking for the best in Ottawa. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
buggernot 588 Report post Posted February 7, 2010 In my opinion that is what sets my reviews to a different level to most of the reviewers out here. Glad to hear how happy you are for yourself... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigBlueMachine 112 Report post Posted February 7, 2010 Great reviews for Amy's return. Will have to re-connect soon! 5.0 Location 5.0 Location Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Seymour 3970 Report post Posted February 17, 2010 You knew this was coming..... Something she once said to me struck a nerve and ever since that moment, we became closer. Time is an interesting we go back in time to ....the incarnation of my goddess! Being a busy gal...she took some time off...but returned to grace me with her presence....sometimes the right thing feels so wrong....having to leave her that is... To the present..... We all have lots going on in life and this young woman is no stranger to responsibility and commitment. I may be biased with my opinion of her - but then she is my goddess! I digress. I was away myself and returned to see a post announcing her return in 2010. Is it true? I sent her a joke PM as only I can and she quickly confirmed the news....Then that first flirty PM which I initiated...and my goddess responds....the date is set...I tell her what I'm going to do to her once I get my hands on her...and she so playfully acknowledges. I tell her there is a surprise coming...and now I have her attention. She is curious....The suspense builds...I arrived to find my goddess standing behind the door of her suite, dressed in this amazing pin stripe corset, framing her petite figure. Black leather boots...matching..very well coordinated. While she closes the door, I empty my hands and make my way closer to her as she moves in closer to me. We kiss...that long passionate kiss. HI!!! Breathless!!!! I admire her beauty like the first time we met, I take her slowly by the hand and walk over to sit on the bed. We chat, I can't help myself I kiss her some more. Those eyes, those warm hands, that long flowing hair, that petite sculptured body, those soft sweet lips, that alluring fragrance. This is the temple of Amy - this is my goddess! I encourage her to open the gifts I brought for her...she is hesitant but I assured her it is ok. That smile as she uncovers what lies within - priceless. A toast, complete with wine - birthday wishes for her and sealed with a kiss. Candlelight, wine, chocolates, a hot captivating goddess in my arms - we talk, questions needing answers...I seize every moment to look into her eyes....I kiss her every chance I get. I once told her I could kiss her for hours....I corrected myself. She blushes....she tries to free me from my apparel, the button is stuck...I laugh. Not yet I I free her, slowly admiring the new artwork on her body since we last met. I kiss her back, her new tattoos...all the way up to her neck, and slowly turned her over, reaching for her lips...I found them as my leg is strategically placed between hers. I shift my weight so as not to crush her, my hands roam her body, my legs hugging her close to me. We make out like this for possibly twenty minutes if not longer...but who's counting.... Knowing her birthday is coming up, I decided to pay homage to her, and I did, by playing a game of tease the goddess. Playfully and sensually tease parts of her body and watch/feel her reaction. Imagine bringing her to the brink and holding off, listening to her moans, watching her body writhe, watching her facial expressions. Feeling her hands run through my hair...I think I counted five times in over an hour....End result, goddess is wowed, warm and content. Don't think for a second she is selfish - no way. Let's just say that with all the oral pleasuring going on, I received my fair share too.....and then some.. We ended as we had started lying side by side, cuddled in an embrace, sharing a passionate kiss, me - lost in her eyes, lost in the moment. For a few fleeting moments we rekindled memories of times past and added some new ones....with a birthday toast and a kiss for good luck. So what makes her my goddess? That CERB must stay between her and I, some things must stay between two people. I hold her in high regard, and I sing her praises every chance I get and that is the way I am. She inspires me, she comforts me, she surprises me, she WOWS me! If and when you experience this in your travels you will know what I mean. If I seem out of sorts, it is because I am, she always has this effect on me. As always readers treat my goddess with respect. Happy birthday goddess and thanks for breathing new life into me. Thanks for being you and making heaven a place on earth. Strong words I know, but certainly sincere. I am Seymour, lost in the moment, lost in the temple of Amy. WOW.... 5.0 Location 5.0 Location 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whatsup 11893 Report post Posted February 17, 2010 Very nice Seymour Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
P******_**Y 120 Report post Posted February 17, 2010 WOW!!!!!!!!! :bowdown: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214242 Report post Posted February 17, 2010 It is true that Amy is a great person and I can't wait to get to see her again. But only time will tell when she and I will meet again.:confused: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ivazun 135 Report post Posted February 19, 2010 Yes she is one in a million! If you have already read my first review, wouldn't you think that it can't get any better? Well it did. And damn right it was unbelievable. The encounter stretched to limits beyond my utmost desires. Sounds cheesy but fuck, it was fucking Amy-zing! (Scroll to the conclusion if you do not want to read it all) I love how she quickly responds back. Once I saw her post about being available, I booked for an appointment right away. We teased each other before our encounter with a few emails here and there and a few text messages as well. Fast forward to when I knocked on her hotel room door. She knocks back and then opens it. Opens it with such an inviting smile and an outfit I gladly asked for. Sexy. I just wanted something sexy which I knew she would have. And she delivered. THE ENCOUNTER: I had to deliver as well. Last encounter I did not really last long enough. So this time I had to be the mailman. Express mail was received. We laid down after I took a shower and she started off by sucking my lower lips that she missed so much :p. I kissed hers back by sucking on them as well. We were lovers stuck in our own world. I gradually moved down to :cooter: and I make her wetter than Hurricane Katrina. My tongue was the wind lashing between her model thighs and she just laid down and enjoyed it. I ate her like your mother's favourite cook. I needed to make her moan. This time I want it to last longer. I told her that I wanted it to be the same experience like last time and it was more than I asked for. Once I entered it inside her, I did not want to let go. We tried a few angles on the bed, and most of the time I told her what to do. She gladly obliged with a "yes sir". Fucking right, and we started fucking left, up, down. Doggy, doggy standing up, face up ass down. At one point I took a look back and watched the view and then gave it a lick while its glistening. I did not know what was in me but I had so much energy. She was sweating so much and called me a "monster" or crazy or something along those lines. One point I was about to finish up but I told her to go back on top of me and she ended up getting so wet, my stomach had its own swimming pool! I believe she came 3 times, and even told me about it. That was just my goal, to please her. At one position, we just stayed like this forever and she loved it. I loved it as well. She damn sure knows what Im talking about. On the other end, I felt more than pleased. We both did not want to leave each other. I seriously could have stayed for the whole day haha. But obviously there were other appointments after me. When we finished up, I took a shower and she listened to what I said last time on my review. We talked for a few, and traded kisses and she told me that "you better come back". Who would say no. THE CONCLUSION: SERVICE:{12/10} Scoring doesn't make sense anymore. I just keep adding an extra point now but this was truly a better experience than my best experience from the last time. I could not have been anymore pleased by another woman on this earth. Exaggerating? Not quite. True girlfriend experience (YMMV, BBBJ, DFK, LFK, MPOS, DATY, DATO, DIGITS, 69, GFE, PSE-type services, CIM) PERSONALITY: {10/10} She felt like my girlfriend so what more could you expect. I did not feel unease at all. I think personality is the biggest thing in a service provider. She can give you all the services, but without the right personality, it just would not be an overall experience. I already broke the ice with her so everything was smooth sailing. She just made one between my legs and melted it again. ;) LOOKS AND HYGIENE: {10/10} Okay I gave her a 9.9 last time because of one picky thing. She listened but she did not have to. Either way I was going to give her a 10 anyway. By the way she is a 10 as far as looks no matter what. I love how she dresses and just her overall aura she brings. She smelled good too! OVERALL:{12/10} It keeps getting better and better. I think I might just retire and just see her alone. :lol: No one can compare at the moment and I don't think anyone can. We just seemed to just have this amazing connection. Again it was better than my best experience with her. FUCKING AMY-ZING!!!!! NOTE TO AMY: I will see you soon! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites