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For the Gentlemen that enjoy Greek....

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Good question Sacha, I have been seeing 2 ladies that have played with my backdoor with toys and actually enjoyed it very much. They were very gentle at first until I got used to it and kept going until I ejaculated.

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Guest W***ledi*Time

I enjoy both giving and receiving. (In my case, the receiving has been courtesy of ladies' strap-ons.)


To have received, and therefore to have developed, through experience, an idea of how best to approach anal sex so that it is most enjoyable to the receiver, also allows for a more comprehensive understanding of the considerations that are ideally involved in the activity of giving.


If you're doing it right, the sensations are unique and can be very pleasurable and fulfilling. The anus is sensitive, and sensitive spots on the body are erogenous zones. Treated right, this sensitivity makes anal sex great. And when, as a bonus, her strap-on is angled just right to keep repeatedly stimulating my prostate with every stroke ... WOW!


I like the fact that receiving is one activity that I as a male can imagine myself to be having an (approximately) equivalent experience as does a female when she is enjoying the same act.



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I haven't gone as far as WIT (it is something I'd be interested in trying someday), but yes, I do very much enjoy anal play, both giving and receiving. The anus is an incredible erogenous zone that we all should explore without so many hangups.



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One of the activities yet to experience. I admit I am curious to try going Greek and maybe under the right circumstances I might be willing to recieve. Got to leave something for old(er) age. :)

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Hell no, lol.

As I have said before, I have never tried Greek, but it is probably like jumping off a bridge, i don't have to try it to know it is not for me!

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  sacha said:
Hell no, lol.

As I have said before, I have never tried Greek, but it is probably like jumping off a bridge, i don't have to try it to know it is not for me!


Bad analogy, I have never heard of someone committing suicide by having anal sex.

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Guest W***ledi*Time
  cometman said:
You have now.


... horse_sex_case ...


... we're discussing sexual activities amongst humans.

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HA HA HA HA! You guys crack me up!


A lot of guys like protate stimulation, but not necessarily anal sex. Especially not with a horse!

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I also enjoy the "back side" aspect of things.


It is one of the most erotic feelings when a partner penetrates my most intimate place.


With a lady who is experienced in that skill, it brings a whole new pleasure.


I am always sure to make certain that I am very clean, both inside and out, when encounters of that nature are a possibility.


I have had one encounter with a strapon in the past, (sort of an awakeing), but it was only a small strap on.


Lately I have been practicing myself with a bigger one, (and oh it feels so good)...


Sometime very soon I will need a partner to help me out using something quite large. ;-)

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I enjoy greek when it is done right. The problem is that when clients don't take your directions to heart it can be painful and unpleasant the whole time. This is one of the main reasons I took this off my list of services. I find that this is an intimate thing that you share with someone special. Even if clients state they are gentle or nice my opinion remains the same.


I'm not trying to complain but sometime you guys can be pushy in trying to get this service. Even tho it is clearly stated in my add that I do not do this. This to me means that you do not respect what I have to say and that you feel you can pressure me into doing something I don't usually do. This doesn't happen all the time, tho. I just get the odd guy doing this.


I understand that if this service is not offered it can be a deal breaker and why not get what you want. It will just have to be with one of the girls who do offer this and who enjoy this service.




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Guest W***ledi*Time
  sacha said:
Just curious .....do you even know why...it is called GREEK?


I think the ancient Romans may have been the first (or at least among the first) to refer to anal sex as "Greek". At certain points in their long history, the ancient Greeks practiced socially-accepted pederasty (although that doesn't necessarily mean that carnality or anal sex was actually the norm, or even approved). This likely was the origin of the "Greek" stereotype.


In general, of course, things that aren't accepted or thought to be entirely honorable by society's mainstream tend to get labelled as somehow "other" or "foreign". An example of this that springs readily to mind is the condom - referred to in the old days by the English as a "French Safe", while at the same time called "capote anglaise" by the French.

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It's enlightening to see some men have gotten over the stigma of that lovely area of a mans body and have come right out and said it.


But I will say one thing....your head has to be ready looooong before your body will be. And by experience, to be honest; most men are at least curious about their bottoms.


But it is true, everyone's different and not everyone's cup of tea.

Edited by Chanel Reign

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Guest W***ledi*Time
  sacha said:
But still not the right answer. Here is a hint....elephants!


... I confess that I'm going to need either the punch-line or another hint!

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Yes, a hint would be good ... Must confess I found myself daydreaming about hot blondes with strap ons :redface:

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I will take a shot at this, greek from the country Greece... which has been mistaken for "grease" which is a lubricant...and everyone knows that lubricant is needed to enter the anus....now I can figure out where the elephant fits in here...I'm worried about what the true story is with it.


I have a feeling that Socrates might have something to do with the term greek he was in love with young man, wasn't he?

Edited by NotchJohnson

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  Chanel Reign said:
It enlightening to see some men have gotten over the stigma of that lovely area of a mans body and have come right out and said it.


But I will say one thing....your head has to be ready looooong before your body will be. And by experience, to be honest; most men are at least curious about their bottoms.


But it is true, everyone's different and not everyone's cup of tea.


The first time a very beautiful and most patient lady from cerb did this(anal play with toys) with me it was not planned in my head. Yes I was very clean because that is how I am before I meet any ladies. She was so gentle and all I had to do if I felt uncomfortable was to tell her. Was my mind ready, No, was my body ready, Yes. Will I do it again, Yes with the 2 ladies that I did it with anytime.

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  WrinkledinTime said:
... I confess that I'm going to need either the punch-line or another hint!

I feel your pain. I knew there was another reason for the origin of that term and I have read it before, but Google is now threatening me with a timeout from the search button if I don't cease and desist. Sacha better not have thrown us a curve ball, lol.

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Additional Comments:

  NotchJohnson said:
The first time a very beautiful and most patient lady from cerb did this(anal play with toys) with me it was not planned in my head. Yes I was very clean because that is how I am before I meet any ladies. She was so gentle and all I had to do if I felt uncomfortable was to tell her. Was my mind ready, No, was my body ready, Yes. Will I do it again, Yes with the 2 ladies that I did it with anytime.


Subconsciously some men have already breached that hurdle and don't even know it. When presented as a possible enjoyable experience, some folks are spontaneous enough to just do it! I am glad that you have found a few ladies that you find this enjoyable with.


As for "not being planned", that has happened more often than not; as I usually ask if the Gentleman would like a prostate massage.


I still stand by my statement that your head needs to be in sync with your body, but there are always exceptions to the rule. YMMV :)

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