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To put it bluntly, if there was no CERB I would not be an SP.


On FaceBook yesterday I saw a "funny" that had a scraggly street walker standing by a post. The caption was, "If you have to ask, you can't afford it".


I just shook my head, as there was that stereotype yet again.


Here on CERB I know I am not alone. I know I am reasonably safe by my own practices and this site. And I definitively know I am not/and never was, that woman in the picture.


Because we are small in population and a gov't town, that puts Ottawa in a unique niche. One we should be thankful for.


Other cities have their unique qualities/problems as well.


We may fight like cats and dogs sometimes, but when push comes to shove, we tend to come together when we need to. If that's not extended family, I don't know what is.

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Mr. Nice,


I could not agree more, I have said it many times "Cerb" is my hobby.




Sorry to say it again, but you are kinda like a Dad. You read our posts and laugh at us/with us. You keep us in line when we need it, but are always there to help us when needed.


I luv my Cerb family! Many of you (some of which I have never met and maybe never will) have become so close to me.


Cerb has been here when I was sick and needed a laugh, it has been here when I having a bad day and needed a distraction.


To all new members,


Be proud to be a Cerbite! I know I sure am. Always ask for help when needed, we will always be there to help. Together we STAND, divided we FALL!

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Like Ive said before; this is Mod's livingroom, we are guests, act accordingly.


Another rule I practice (tends to keep me under the radar - whew) is that I wont type what I wont say to your face and if I have something to say to you that might be negative or private or to answer a question, I take it off of the public forum.


Just reread this. It sounds preachy, but Im not really trying to come off that way. :redface:

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Whenever I read a thread like this, it always reminds me of the movie "Boogie Nights" for some reason. I suppose it's because people will say "Oh, that's a movie about the porn industry" or whatever. On the surface, I suppose that's true. However, what I've always found striking is that what the movie is really about seems to get lost on many. That is, if you take the time to read between the lines, you'll find that the underlying theme is one of unity, bonding and family.


The same can be said for Cerb, since the site promotes an atmosphere of acceptance and belonging. Much like the movie, Cerb transcends the prevalent stereotypes which encompass our industry and at its core, reveals a thoughtful, articulate, caring community - one which is built on mutual respect and trust. These are the attributes which are rarely evident to those on the outside, or society at large. It's a shame really, since it is precisely these qualities which make Cerb so special. I'd say, people would do well to remember the old adage "never judge a book by its cover", as it certainly applies here.

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As a new member of CERB, this is such a welcoming and comforting post. It really shows the character of the Board and its members that the founding principles of respect and inclusion are still present today. I'm really excited to get to know the members of CERB more and become more active in the community.

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Sometimes we as individuals do not realize or are never made aware of just how important a little personal gesture can be in making someone feel better or even how that simple gesture might turn a persons life around for the better.


I love how this applies not only to CERB, but life more generally. It only takes a moment to make a difference in someone's life. A passing hello, a "how are you?", a "do you need help carrying your groceries?". Sometimes it's recognizing a person's vulnerability, or giving them back their dignity when someone is being disrespectful.


It's those little moments that are so important, and they are apparent on CERB (and in our lives) everyday. When we're rushed we have a tendency to forget how a moment can change someone's life. We're so impatient as a society, and I try as best as I can to take my time and be mindful of those around me.

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