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Never mind traffic...OC Transpo's affecting my hobbying!

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Finally some positive media! lol... Whatever your username is - thanks! That should bring a few hundred new members to the site. (Next time a link would be nice - http://www.cerb.ca ??) ;)

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Actually, Dummpy it clearly states in the story the info came from posts on this website. It was an "out of left field" story meant to be fun only. I do look at this forum for interesting stories, as I have used this site to gain a better understanding of the industry. I mainly came to this site looking to break stories about underage prostitution. I learned quickly that everyone here appears to be just regular guys who like regular girls - there's just a transaction of money. I don't judge anyone and feel you have missed the mark on this one when you usually come across as an intelligent person in your posts. It was a three hundred word story at best with no harm intended and at no point did I try to make it appear i had interviewed anyone. If that was the case I wouldn't have mentioned the board in the story.

that being said, I am always looking for ways to crack child prostitution that is happening in this city and welcome anyone to PM me with info. I protect my sources when asked and am not out to harm anyone but shed light on those who do.

thank you.

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Actually, Dummpy it clearly states in the story the info came from posts on this website. It was an "out of left field" story meant to be fun only. I do look at this forum for interesting stories, as I have used this site to gain a better understanding of the industry. I mainly came to this site looking to break stories about underage prostitution. I learned quickly that everyone here appears to be just regular guys who like regular girls - there's just a transaction of money. I don't judge anyone and feel you have missed the mark on this one when you usually come across as an intelligent person in your posts. It was a three hundred word story at best with no harm intended and at no point did I try to make it appear i had interviewed anyone. If that was the case I wouldn't have mentioned the board in the story.

that being said, I am always looking for ways to crack child prostitution that is happening in this city and welcome anyone to PM me with info. I protect my sources when asked and am not out to harm anyone but shed light on those who do.

thank you.


Nice, my post was intended to piss you off without being to condemning, I know I took your report out of context but I was hoping it would bring you to the surface. I did chuckle and I do appreciate the humor in the story.


Sorry if I offended you :) it is fun to poke back you know!

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Welcome to the site jaredjacobs and thank you.


The media is so hard on the ladies and the industry as usually only the bad stuff is published and the general population likes to group all sex workers into one large pool. It's refreshing to hear someone in the media who has taken the time to see what our little community is really all about.


I am sure if you look hard enough you will find underage prostitution online (I hope never on this site as we would remove anything that is even questionable and we ban anyone from the site who was here looking for that). The real problem with the underage prostitution is really the street level prostitution. Runaway girls who get mixed up with pimps and drugs. Unfortunly people think the internet is full of this (Mostly thanks to the media).

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Welcome to the site jaredjacobs and thank you.


The media is so hard on the ladies and the industry as usually only the bad stuff is published and the general population likes to group all sex workers into one large pool. It's refreshing to hear someone in the media who has taken the time to see what our little community is really all about.


I am sure if you look hard enough you will find underage prostitution online (I hope never on this site as we would remove anything that is even questionable and we ban anyone from the site who was here looking for that). The real problem with the underage prostitution is really the street level prostitution. Runaway girls who get mixed up with pimps and drugs. Unfortunly people think the internet is full of this (Mostly thanks to the media).


Excellent points, mod. I would add, no offense to any particular journalist, that given the cutbacks in newsroom staff and the growing use of underpaid inexperienced Internet generation reporters in media today, the tendency to think all journalism can be done via the desktop and phone, as opposed to actually getting off your ass, out of the warm cozy newsroom and onto the streets to do some real research and real reporting with real people, is becoming more common every day.

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hey....the union has run out of strike pay for thier members.........


A local store has come up with a way to possibly help them....



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