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How would the other ladies handle this situation?

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So I have an advertisements on another site where a 30 something gentleman had started contacting me with interest of a meeting. At first all his requests were something I was able to provide. Very basic, common, requests. He said this was his first time and he was nervous I assured him I an quite new at this myaelf and would do my best to make him feel as comfortable as I possibly could.

Ten mins before our scheduled appt. he had cancelled on me with hig reason being his "consciences " kicked In and thought about hid wife and child. I explained I understood his concerns and wished him well

A couple weeks later he had changed his mind and this time his requests were much more than what I was willing to provide. I politely declined but his messages became way more aggressive and quite frankly scary and intimidating. I stopp3d replying and ignored his messages.

This morning I received an email from his "wife" claiming that I'm a homewrecker and she will be contacting the police

Is this something I should be concerned about?

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He initiated contact with you, you replied, and have since stopped replying to him.

Although it is very easy for us all to say, 'don't worry', if you feel strongly about it, take it to the police. Harassment is harassment no mater what.

You did nothing wrong, and you have the right to advertise your services. It's not your fault the guy has a conscience, but you never asked the guy to contact you, so you are not a 'homewrecker'.

Keep any texts/emails and show them to authorities if necessary.


So I have an advertisements on another site where a 30 something gentleman had started contacting me with interest of a meeting. At first all his requests were something I was able to provide. Very basic, common, requests. He said this was his first time and he was nervous I assured him I an quite new at this myaelf and would do my best to make him feel as comfortable as I possibly could.

Ten mins before our scheduled appt. he had cancelled on me with hig reason being his "consciences " kicked In and thought about hid wife and child. I explained I understood his concerns and wished him well

A couple weeks later he had changed his mind and this time his requests were much more than what I was willing to provide. I politely declined but his messages became way more aggressive and quite frankly scary and intimidating. I stopp3d replying and ignored his messages.

This morning I received an email from his "wife" claiming that I'm a homewrecker and she will be contacting the police

Is this something I should be concerned about?

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I would ignore all future correspondence and keep copies. Since you haven't done anything illegal, you have nothing to worry about if she does indeed call the cops.

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This is probably not an isolated incident. The wife obviously is hurt and for whatever reason wants to maintain her relationship with this guy. Hopefully if you keep your head down she will move on, but if she does keep harnessing you then obviously you have to act, and that is probably a call to the police. And as Angela says, keep a record of your communications regarding this issue.


Good luck

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I will join the ranks here. Not only in this situation, but any situation which could become volatile, always keep records of any threatening type of correspondence.

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...but his messages became way more aggressive and quite frankly scary and intimidating. I stopped replying and ignored his messages. This morning I received an email from his "wife" claiming that I'm a homewrecker and she will be contacting the police

Is this something I should be concerned about?


I have no business responding to this thread (and apologize in advance) but I am immediately suspicious of this. My first thought is that "scary and intimidating" has turned into some sort of psychological warfare. I am very doubtful his wife would be emailing you as opposed to spending her energy on chasing him with a cast iron frying pan. It seems just another way for this sick narcissistic guy who in your very good judgement you chose not to see to get even (in his sick mind). Has it occurred to you that this email is likely from him and not his wife?


Letters on a page in a virtual (as opposed to the real) world, they can't hurt you or even bother you unless you let them. If you respond at all to this, it should be to say "yes, please do call the police, I really want to talk to them also" as you have done nothing wrong.

Edited by backrubman
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I was assuming it was not his wife but him - int hebeginning he seemed liek a very nice sincere man. But after his conscience disappeared and he started getting his fantasy thoughts that I ddint want to be a part of he took great offense to this and went overboard. I appreciate all your comments and advice.

I am quite new to the business so I was unsure if because of my ''career choice'' I was still able to report such sick behavior thank you kindly :)


Additional Comments:

I would ignore all future correspondence and keep copies. Since you haven't done anything illegal, you have nothing to worry about if she does indeed call the cops.



Thanks Angela.

I didnt even bother to respond to any of the emails after they became threatening or the ''wifes'' email either. As my mother says ''dont add fuel to the fire''

Thanks for your advice !

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I don't think he has a wife or if he does, the email was not from her. This is simply a case of someone who has a personality disorder or mental/emotional issues and difficulties relating to a woman hence, his hesitation to go through with the appt. The wife and kids are just an excuse to cover up his insecurities he has with women in general.


His low self esteem got in the way, he cancelled the appt and to make himself feel better, he had pretend to be a woman and call you a homewrecker so he can feel better about himself after you rejected his advances. Can you see how twisted that is?


Is this a harsh explanation? Yes but I've seen this before in my own experiences in being an SP and there is always something off with these types of men and the vibe they give off.


In any event, keep all correspondence from him and if he keeps bothering you after you've been ignoring him, go straight to the police.

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I'll echo what everyone else says. Keep records, next time, if there is a next time, he contacts you, irrespective of the content of the message, call the police. It's your safety that is paramount

One other thing to consider, there is an SP Only Section on CERB, if you have access post details to warn the other ladies.


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I am quite new to the business so I was unsure if because of my ''career choice'' I was still able to report such sick behavior thank you kindly :)


Always remember that you are not engaging in an illegal activity. It may seem a bit intimidating to call the police, but if you have a threatening, harassing, or god forbid, violent client then it may be necessary. Don't not call because you're afraid of their reaction to what you do, or that you might get in trouble. You won't, because prostitution isn't illegal. I believe there are several ladies on CERB who have had to call the police, and generally they have found them helpful in resolving the situation. You have the same rights as everyone else to not be subjected to threats or harassment!



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Guest p**h*x

Excellent advice given by everyone. Also, being new, if you haven't already you might want to consider screening methods for new potential clients to try and weed out the crazies. A lot of the ladies on here use various methods for screening and rules to follow when being contacted.

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Excellent advice given by everyone. Also, being new, if you haven't already you might want to consider screening methods for new potential clients to try and weed out the crazies. A lot of the ladies on here use various methods for screening and rules to follow when being contacted.


I agree. As an experienced SP, when I speak to someone on the phone, I know in a matter of 30 seconds if this is going to be someone I want to meet or not. You can also tell by tone of voice, how they approach you and the questions they ask. If they are evasive or too pushy then those are red flags. If they also push for your address without committing to an appt, that's another red flag.


I'll admit there were a few times where I didn't listen to my instincts and came to regret it. The encounters weren't horrible or life threatening but I just didn't like the person or their attitude. Now when something tells me not to book off the bat, I listen to my inner voice. In this business, you begin to gain almost like a sixth sense where you will feel if something is wrong, it will feel like alarm bells going off in your head. Please listen to it even if you haven't taken a lot of appts or need the money. If a guy sounds off or is doing something that is out of the ordinary, take precautions and remove yourself from the situation whether it's on the phone or in person.

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