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Egyptian women fight proposed 'farewell sex' laws

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Women in Egypt are fighting proposed laws that would permit men to have sex with their wives up to six hours after death.


On Monday, Egypt's National Council for Women sent a letter to Egyptian People's Assembly Speaker Dr. Saad al-Katatni, asking parliament not to approve the controversial laws, the Egyptian newspaper Al Ahram reported.


The council argued the new marriage rules, lowering the legal age to 14, and the "farewell sex" legislation are similar to traditions that have prevented women from working or being educated.


The idea that marriage remains valid, even after death, came from Moroccan cleric Zamzami Abdul Bari, who spoke about it in May 2011. He also said women have the same right to have sex with their dead husbands.

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WHERE THE HELL DO THEY THIS FROM?? Seriously, it is not a part if their spiritual beliefs. Traditions are made up to enjoy yourself, but not to ruin someone's image or take control of their life.


I know the age of consent in Canada is 16 (changes in May of 2008, tell me if I am wrong) but for marriage with a 14 year old with just a nod from her Father. I know we have crazy lifestyles up here and we are doing the best we can. But when voices of individuals, these Young Ladies especially, their voice is not heard or just silenced.


It does suck that their is no Human Rights Court in Africa. I know of European Civil Himan Rights Court.


When I was young I remember being shy at one point and quiet and kept to my self. But when you are silenced because your "Husband Owner" wants his way with you.....even AFTER death.....it is becoming like The Hills Have Eyes over there.


Girls, and they are girls, who are 14 are beautiful and attractive. Even if they look older, have a great Arse to Breast ratio, I WILL NOT TOUCH THEM!


Prefer the Mature ones more. BD


And legal ones HA HA HA HA

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