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Pooner Diaries: Worlds

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I recently got a PM that made me smile. In it, a lady referred to me as respectable because she knew that I had visited many ladies in the business. I knew what she meant. It was that over time, I had demonstrated that I wasn't weird, creepy, dangerous. Not excessively so, anyway. At least as far as I can tell, in what could be posted publicly for broad consumption.


But I jest. I know this already. I can see it in the way that ladies respond when I ask to see them. I can tell because often they don't even bother to contact the references that I'd supplied. Every once in a while, I get a subtle and sometimes not so subtle question about when I'm going to come calling.


But what had made me smile is that exactly the things that have made me respectable in this world is exactly the the thing that would make me disrespectable in the outside world. Here, having seen many ladies, having well and truly sown my wild oats, makes me trustworthy. And in the outside world, that would make me untrustworthy. Associating with ladies of questionable respectability is frowned upon. Not settling down, focussing most of my attention on one woman and one woman alone.


I'm comfortable in both worlds. But it is when the worlds intersect outside of me that I become perplexed. I never know where the lines are when a lady gets rather more interested in interacting outside than the paid service transaction. I struggle to find things to say when I lunch with the lady who always wanted me to do things that I could never talk about in the outside world, and I know little else about her.


Perhaps it's because lately I've been spending a lot more time in the outside world than this one, that I was more conscious of these opposites. I am a different person in each world. But each of these people are both a part of me, yin and yang, mirror opposites. My hobby persona is as much a part of me as the color of my eyes, the gap in my teeth, my crooked smile. I cannot be fully me without the outlet for creative desires, and of course the more carnal desires, that he provides.


So I thanked the lady of my PM for the compliment. And smiled.

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Guest t**d**teur

Very well said Birdboy. It reflects my sentiments exactly (and those of many respectable gents who participate in this hobby). I can only surmise about the others but suspect it is correct.

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This world and the outside world are two very different realms. The things that seem to be are really not what they are behind closed doors. In this world, we can let go and really explore our wildest fantasies at best. Just speaking for myself figuratively.

A mystery yet not a mystery yet to be solved.

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