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Does the animal comanion (or companions) in your life do amazingly cute stuff? Or really annoying stuff that you can't help but to chuckle at? Or just plain amazing tricks?


One of my kitties has recently developed the habit of leaping from the floor onto my shoulders, where he sits purring like a fiend. Sadly, he chooses to do this only when I am in the kitchen. It's a wonder I haven't nicked myself with a knife or burnt myself on the stove!


My roomies dog at home has this strange mooching technique: belly-crawls towards your chair, hoping you don't notice. If you make eye contact, she starts all over. If you don't make eye contact, she slinks up and rests her head in your lap. If you ignore her, she'll eventually rest her chin on the table beside your plate and lick her chops. It's hard not to give her table scraps when she's being so cute!


All animals have their own quirky personalities! What are some of the things your four-footed family members do?

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Well my cat has a habit of taking a pencil out of the cup (I use one as a pen/pencil holder) and carries it off in his mouth.

He also likes the plastic pull tabs off milk cartons and plays with them like a cat toy

Any of his "toys" and toys are anything he can carry in his mouth wind up in my bed...it's his toy cache

At night in bed, he'll climb on and lie on my arm, and hiss at my hand...only at night though

When I get home at the end of the day, my shoes seem to have moved around, wonder who did that

And sometimes, he'll go in my sock drawer and socks all over the living room

I think he was dropped on his head at a very young age, or it's some sort of inbred feral behaviour


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One of My dogs has the habit of snuggling up to me in bed head on pillow and making me the little spoon. She is so cute and tiny, a blue heeler, malinois cross. She also likes to steal my socks out of the laundry and match the pairs and hide them.

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My orange tabby is very forward and not afraid to get his own way. I will be sitting in the kitchen and he will meow to want to go outside and if I wait a few minutes, he will come over and from behind the chair, he will stand on his legs and will literally tap me on the back with his paw to get my attention! And he knows how to give paw when I ask. lol.


My older cat who is about 15 enjoys chewing on plastic bags and he loves AngelaofOttawa! He sits on her lap all night. lol. He is like the Walmart greeter who will always say hello at the front door when someone comes in. He is pretty friendly.


My other cat who had passed away a few months ago used to love to butt heads and play with my feet when they were under the blankets. I once was drinking a diet coke in a cup and he went on the coffee table and put his paw in it and licked it and continued doing this. His brother on the other hand wasn't the brightest when he'd try to stick his whole face in the cup. He was a quiet cat but never put up with any guff after I witnessed him jumping on a Rotweiller's back when I had someone take care of them when I was away. He was the boss of the house and I still sense his presence all the time.

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I've had a similar experience with my yorkies to backrubman. The smaller one Timmy likes to do a drive-by run over my laptop and sometimes hits the enter key.. lesson learned. Don't have the sender in the email until I'm finished writing!


He also does a drive-by french kiss assault with his tongue if you're not prepared.. you'll get a mouth full of his long tongue when you're not looking. Many of my colleagues have sat on my couch and experienced this lovely assault.


One thing that I find hilarious.. is when Timmy (the smaller yorkie) taunts Max (slightly bigger one) to come and play by teasing with a rawhide stick.. sometimes he does his little ruff ruff.. and scuff.. and it looks like he's doing a moon-walk! I can never catch it on video though... they usually stop whatever they're doing when they see me pull up my iphone to catch them.


Another thing they do.. (there are lots) is to 'bury' a bone in the couch or fabric somewhere.. and of course it's in the plain view of the other to come snatch it when they're done.. it's complete with fake dirt being thrown over it with their nose. Thank god they haven't figured out how to do it for real in the actual outside dirt!


Oh.. they both like to sit on my chest.. puppies on the puppies...but not both at once

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