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Guest W***ledi*Time

Welcome Back, OD! You were certainly missed! But of course you've nothing to apologize for. Cerb is a river, in which each of us is completely free to dip our paws, or plunge in and do the dog-paddle, at any or all times, for any reason. No obligations.

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Great to see you back OD, and glad you've survived the Ottawa culling!


I've been wondering if the rash of cancellations and no shows in Ottawa that several ladies have reported is related to the uncertainty and fear in the Capital these days. Glad you made it through o.k.

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Feel the pain too. Even though it looks like I'll be unscathed (touch wood) there are some co-workers who have been given notices. Morale is at an all time low.

Not a good time to be a federal public servant


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Been wondering why you had done the disappearing act. It's always fun to pull up the posts I see you've responded to, get to see some of the comic responses.


And glad to see you've avoided the axe.

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Glad to see you are back, yes things are a changing around here, and even those that make it through this change with a job, will have it more difficult than in the past, since the work is the same, just less to get it done.


Hopefully this will be manageable for all.


Welcome back, buddy.

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OD: great to have you back.


Even though it looks like I'll be unscathed (touch wood)


RG: please stop touching your wood. Or at least, turn the webcam off.



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Welcome back OD !


I was worried this was you after one of your dates ;)




That cast on my weiner... not accurate. It only had a small bandaid.

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That cast on my weiner... not accurate. It only had a small bandaid.


Ohhhhhh gotcha !! Probably one of these then




ps.... welcome back big guy and sorry to hijack your thread


ps x 2 .... and as Phaedrus said....quit touching your wood RG ;)

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ps x 2 .... and as Phaedrus said....quit touching your wood RG ;)


....said the man in speedos.

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....said the man in speedos.


Back the truck up Phaedrus.... I own a speedo... but nobody will let me wear the f***ing thing haha ....


and for the record my ex-wife bought it for me ... ya the one that drinks tea instead having sex !!! Ya that one ;)

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Back the truck up Phaedrus.... I own a speedo... but nobody will let me wear the f***ing thing haha ....



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... just glad you didn't show the real pic....



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VERY glad to have you back, OD!


We've been a bit short on essential revelry without you. I was concerned that you might have been a victim of the Zombie Apocalypse, so it's good to have your report that you've survived, so far!


Btw, someone needs to prod the Fat Bastard BBM out of hibernation and back to work, or whatever approximation of work they might aim to achieve.....

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Back the truck up Phaedrus.... I own a speedo... but nobody will let me wear the f***ing thing haha ....


and for the record my ex-wife bought it for me ... ya the one that drinks tea instead having sex !!! Ya that one ;)


Please let it be known I really do want to see this speedo. I promise to match this and more so game on baby!! No tea here baby!!

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Whoo Hooo. Hey, welcome my friend. No apology necessary at all.....I am just so pleased to see you. It's been mentioned before on here but when someone suddenly disappears, we wonder and hope that everything is OK and that nothing bad healthwise has happened. So this may be my highlight of the day. Good friends are important.

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... just glad you didn't show the real pic....





Hahahah Are you hacking my computer OD and stealing pics from my Dead Sexy file ???? Hmmm ?

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Back the truck up Phaedrus.... I own a speedo... but nobody will let me wear the f***ing thing haha ....


and for the record my ex-wife bought it for me ... ya the one that drinks tea instead having sex !!! Ya that one ;)



She probably started drinking tea (spiked with something I'm sure) instead of sex after seeing you in the Speedo

Just kidding buddy


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Although we only met breifly last Nov....I feel like we had known each other much longer! You were missed here with your wonderful humor and wise words! Yipppy, OD is back....watch out ladies! lol....xoxooxox

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Glad you survived the cuts OD. However, I'm sure there are a number of our fellow cerbians that weren't as fortunate. I wish them all success in sorting out their future paths.

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Glad you survived the cuts OD. However, I'm sure there are a number of our fellow cerbians that weren't as fortunate. I wish them all success in sorting out their future paths.


You couldn't be more right. Ottawa just experienced the equivalent of a GM, Ford or Chrysler plant shut down with a load of talented men and women all losing their jobs simultaneously. It happened 20 and 30 years ago too.... but for many of us, being 20 or 30 years younger, it was less daunting... there was time to replace that lost career.


It's one of the hardest parts about getting older - realizing how tenuous the hold on the future is... and understanding that it could all be gone in the blink of an eye.

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