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Flying by jetpack! awesome video..

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That's awesome! I hope he doesn't get to close to the helicopter blades though :(

Purchase price is only 100K. No problem I think I have that in spare change on my dresser.

Edited by BarrhavenWoody
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Pretty bulky looking. Hopefully with time they can slim it down some and make it more aesthetically pleasing. As it is it would be kinda hard to look like a cool superhero in that thing :p

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Oh, nice landing! Ugh!!


Looks like they have a long way too go: too bulky, not very accurate, and the parachute idea is okay for emergencies, but obviously not a desirable landing strategy. I don't know why they didn't go with some sort of ram-air. ... Well, maybe because of the deployment parameters. This conical would probably have a significantly lower malfunction rate, but that oscillation is a killer!


You've gotta start somewhere!

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Well I know JoyfulC is a big fan of jumping out of a perfectly good aircraft with a parachute (and hope it works), but while in Cyprus recently I took a different approach: making sure the parachute works before you get off the ground (in fact you won't get airborne otherwise). Takes a week of training before you get to do it but worth the effort and just about as close to that feeling of flying like a tetrapod vertebrate as us humans can get.




It's also a commonly available and relatively inexpensive sport compared to the more elusive Jet Pack :)


Highly recommended for anyone daring enough to strap an engine on their back and take to the skies!

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BackRubMan, parasailing looks like a great way to spend an autumn afternoon. We have a guy who comes by here sometimes, looks like he's following the river.


I just saw this video today of a tandem skydive gone wrong (but everybody lived). That tandem master deserves a medal for his handling of this one!



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BackRubMan, parasailing looks like a great way to spend an autumn afternoon. We have a guy who comes by here sometimes, looks like he's following the river.

I just saw this video today of a tandem skydive gone wrong (but everybody lived). That tandem master deserves a medal for his handling of this one!



Wow Christine but did you see the comments below the video? Maybe he does deserve a metal but it seems the world wants to sue him for letting her fall out of the harness in the first place :) However, as you are a expert in this matter I will have to agree with you, nice save! If she had gotten clear of the harness and him with the chute open, well, their is just no catching up with her before the ground does.


"para-sailing" is quite different than "para-jetting" although they do use it as a training aid (you para-sail first behind a vehicle) but the beauty of para-jetting is not being towed or having to go anywhere in particular, it's total freedom to fly up down, left, right and go anywhere you want to go, just like a bird!

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I'm not sure that a jet pack is something I'd ever want to try as I'm a wee bit skiddish of heights. That being said the video was pretty cool. I wonder if their testing process was similar to a particular robot chicken episode. Here's the video, it's in French but the dialogue isn't too important to the sketch. Enjoy :)



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