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Why my sites are blacked out today.

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If you go to my website, you will see that I joined in this great cause. I'm not advertising, I'm just saying that I agree with this. I ask you guys to check this out.


A lot of disturbing things are being hidden in the upcoming conservatives budget. It is up to us to take part in partitions, blackouts, letters, emails or anything that spreads the word to our government. That we want a safe and clean environment.


To also put a side note. This has nothing to do with Joyfulc's opinion. It seems like they are also picking on the poor by cutting funds to community centers, cutting funds to great programs, pushing the retirement to 67. Saying that we are getting older and healthier. Witch is a contraindication as more and more children are obese witch is having an effect on their health. They don't want to have debates that could point out that maybe some things that they are doing are wrong and they are bundling everything into one budget.


Don't get me wrong I do agree with some of the things the conservative party want to do. However, I do think that our other parties should have a decent amount of time to argue their points. If they really don't have anything to hide, they shouldn't have a problem with this.


This is just my opinion. I'm trying to push my opinion on anyone and I am not meaning to offend anyone.

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I've been following this bill for a while, as while no one in my family is a card carrying member of any party we do tend to follow politics. I have to say good for you for participating in this particular protest.


There are a lot of things in this bill that just don't sit well with me, particularly the tough on crime agenda, more prisons, and mandatory minimum sentences for crimes. I find it funny that the conservatives are pushing for more jail time when one of the most conservative states in the U.S., Texas, is basically going the opposite route. They've done studies that show when you focus more on punishment and less on rehabilitation the chances that a particular offender will re-offend goes way up, especially in drug related offences. There are also taking away a judges discretion to take into account mitigating circumstances for other offences as well. And god knows what else they are trying to ram through.


Now I'll admit that I am a bit left leaning when it comes to politics so I may be somewhat biased. But the fact that this government is doing everything in it's power to limit debate and ram this bill through just doesn't sit well with me. I still haven't forgot about Harper basically closing down parliament to avoid loosing power. And don't get me started on their EI reforms :mad:

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Tokan, you have some great points in your thread. They plain to build new jails and remove some rehabilitation programs. In fact the experts have said that Canadian crime is down and that the rehabilitation programs have helped many people. That just doesn't make sense to me. If we are in an economic crisis why are we spend so much money to build and maintain jails that may not be needed? When the rehabilitation programs are a fraction of the cost and they seem to be working.


I am in full agreement with the conservative party modernizing things to make things more productive. I also agree that these things should be in their own categories so they can be debated more and so that Canadians have a chance to voice our opinion. As the different parties have been taking emails and such from the public and have even added them to their debate.

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Thanks Peachy :) Yeah it baffles me that were wasting money on jails when as you said the rehabilitation programs cost less than the jails and appear to be more effective at cutting down crime than throwing people away in jail. And your right if crime is down why do we need tougher laws or more prisons?


I will admit that I do like that the conservatives put money back into the military that was badly needed. Although I don't like how they handled the F-35's at all. And their whole handling of the EI situation doesn't sit well with me either. Just sounds like it's gonna make it harder for honest people to get EI, force people into jobs that they are not suited for at all, and not really do anything to help people actually find work. Having just recently found part time work in my field I am particularly sensitive to that one.


This is kind of the problem with majority governments, that they can pretty much do anything they want and get away with it until the next election. Debate can pretty much be shut down by the government if they don't like it. But than if you look at the alternative with minority governments, not nearly as much can be accomplished because of the fighting among parties but at least there is more debate.

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