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For Fathers Day and Those Who have lost their Dads

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

Don't know how many people can remember things from when they were three or so, but I seem to remember quite a bit. Even to the point that I can remember feelings and emotions, almost at times smells and details that are so vivid it is like it happened just a few years ago. I am now on the good side of fifty, but those special memories haven't faded a bit. The day I am referring to in the poem I wrote for my father occurred on a very warm spring day, and I remember the good, clean smell of the freshly tilled earth, the pungent aroma of the tomato plants and the tiny little onions bundled into thier little bunches, held together by string,My Father was out in the garden getting ready to start planting. As a matter of fact, he had already started putting seeds into the ground, probably for cantaloupe or squash. He was busy marking off rows and I wanted to be in the garden with him, helping if he would let me anything just to be close to him. I adored him, and he took me everywhere with him, except for work. I remember walking into the garden and him looking up and seeing me and smiling as he dripped sweat. He asked me what I was doing, and as he stood up and started walking through the garden again, he told me to be careful where I walked because he had already started planting. I replied, "I'll just follow in your footsteps". I was referring to the depressions in the tilled dirt his feet had made. As soon as I said those words, he stopped dead in his tracks and whipped around and gave me the strangest look I had ever seen on his face. I had no clue what I had done, but will never forget that look. He stood there a minute looking at me, and then said, "I'd better be careful where I go".


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I am one of the lucky ones still but remember your fathers this weekend and what they did and sacrificed for you!


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This is not my writing but it shows what al ot of us feel !

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This month will mark thirty years since my Dad passed. He always seemed to be more concerned about the welfare and happiness of others, more then his own. But that was part of his nature and he is remembered for that and more.

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Guest *ig*a**

The other day was the 14 th year since my dad passed. I still miss him very much he was an inspiration to me. I stiil remember my first bike and the encouragement he gave me learning to ride it and the big hug he gave me when I finally was riding it. I miss you dad.

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I have not lost my Father. I am very close with him. Just last weekend we had bbq, played pool, drank beer together. I know there will be that day to come not too long from now, and makes me so sad just to think of it:( I have no idea what this world will feel like without him!


To all those who have lost their Father, I am truly sorry. Hopefully you have found peace with it? Hope you honor him in anyway you can!

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I shed a tear of happyness for those that still have their father in their lives.... And i share a tear for those who like me lost an important person in thier life.


A simple toast on Fathers's day


To those here,

To those not,

To those that are gone, but never forgotten

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Guest LittleWingnut

My mother and father passed away some years ago and I miss them very much. Parents are taken away from us unexpectedly and we should make peace, heal old wounds and try to move along before it's too late. Happy Father's Day.

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