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To the Mrs who like Negotiating

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I just wish to let you know that I will not answer your emails, I will hang up on you and I will refuse to meet with you.


It is sooo disrespectful.


It is already a really big priviledge that you have to even be able to spend intimate times with a girl like me.


If you want a girl for 200, do your research and find one who charges that.

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Guest i***k***
I just wish to let you know that I will not answer your emails, I will hang up on you and I will refuse to meet with you.


It is sooo disrespectful.


It is already a really big priviledge that you have to even be able to spend intimate times with a girl like me.


If you want a girl for 200, do your research and find one who charges that.


You should really have this in your AD here not as a post in the general section for all of Canada...

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You should really have this in your AD here not as a post in the general section for all of Canada...


If some of the Gents that contact you have a tendency to ask for a "better deal" then, mentioning in your ADS the fact that you do not negotiate the donation you ask for (before or during the rendez-vous) is a good way to save yourself some headaches and frustration.


Also, by adding this very important detail on your website, you make it clear to everyone who wishes to negoticiate that is is not an option with you!


Hope this helps a little :)



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It does not happen often, but Cloe your suggestion is great.. I am sure some will always try though.


It just happened to me this morning and that is why I posted.. I guess from a little bit of frustration. I always feel bad when hanging up on someone, but I really refuse to waste my time with people who disrespect me.

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I have always had that listed on my site about negotiating and some still try. It is amazing to get calls sometimes and they say things like I am looking at your site and they ask questions that are already answered there. The funniest is what do you look like? I say have you looked at the gallery page? I get an, “oh ya I see that now”.

Edited by brandi

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If you think this thread doesn't belong here, can you let me know how to delete it?? Thanks


Brandi, yes sometimes it is a little bit annoying and I joke about it.. but sometimes they think thats being bitchy..


Like if the guy goes: how much is it.. 250 for an hour?? I say: wow you can read.. but not in a sarcastic way... just in a 'cute I am playing with you' way.. Sometimes it upsets them.. Why? Should I always be submissive and answer all questions in a sweet come take me now way? It doesn't make sense to me. This is why I usually stick with email requests only.. lol

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I find alot of people don't read the web sites other than the rates. Because I have referred one woman on here several times. in my reviews. I keep getting pm'ed I can't reach her.

She post her schedule daily on her web site and profile.

People do not read everthing on sites when they should. Like rates and schedules.

I got frustrated and told one person learn how to read and check her schedule.

She never works during the day and he was calling her at 9am in the morning and the only way he could get her # is by going to her web site,

Some people just can't read!!!:razz:

Edited by E.D. man

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Guest i***k***

I may have come across a bit short in my reply which is not what I intended. You definitely shouldn't have to put up with that type of thing but it's part of the business unfortuneatly. Adding that to your AD and website should help minimize the amount of guys doing this but you'll always have some.


I personally don't have a problem with the post being here but you'll should get better results the other way.

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Like I said, this is not a problem I encounter often.. I just felt like letting off a little bit of steam.


ED you are right about people not reading.. And these people are the ones running the government and buisnesses... scary! :)


It is part of the buisness and it will not go.. I accept that, but felt like expressing myself on the subject. ;)




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It is already a really big priviledge that you have to even be able to spend intimate times with a girl like me.


While I agree negotiating is rude, I don't really consider it a "priviledge" (sic) to spend time with an escort and I think you sound overly arrogant. It's like saying it's a privilege to spend time with a hairdresser or doctor. As a service provider you are in fact in customer service. Frankly, you spend "intimate time" with people to pay your rent. There's no privilege involved in it just because you select your customers.


And being in customer service, you're going to encounter a lot of sucky customers and potential customers. You just need to grin and bare it. Put a disclaimer on your website in bold about hanging up on negotiations and call it a day.


What I find tacky and rude is complaining about it in a venue where potential clients may read it. There's a place and time for everything. And while I don't mean to sound bitchy, I'm really shocked to see a post like that from someone I see as classy.

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There are about 25% of people out there that have a need to negotiate it is in there very being. Take advantage of the situation and create an a la catre menu for those types, let them pick and chose and negotiate for a group rate, then after they have their fun recommend the Table de Hote all inclusive package, you will have taken all the fight out of them and they pay up. For many this is just a game, if you play back you will win because all the other ladies simply hit the ignore button. You can also turn the tables on these guys, ask them what they want to pay and what they expect and negotiate it backwards, "sure you can have a 200 session, it will be one of the best 30 mins of your life, when should I expect you?" But words like "NO, NEVER, NOT" will be mood killers for sure. Just my 2 cents worth.

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Guest f***2f***

I can't imagine some of the stupid shit you sps have to put up with. It's bad enough when they come on here, or pm me, to ask me who I recommend. It's like "can't you read the recommendation section?" I've posted there and others have too....go do some research!"

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Miss Butterfly,


I have to agree with you 100% that it does make me sound arrogant or even cocky to say this, but I really believe that every moment is a priviledge. I believe in respect and appreciating every moment. And well, I do think I am special, as is everyone. I do feel It is also a great priviledge that I have, to be able to work in this buisness and meet wonderful people and be attractive enough and enjoy intimate times enough and be a good people person.. yes I am also lucky to be able to live of this buisness and to meet men who are nice to me.


I just find it extremely disrespectful of men to ask for discounts and make me (or any woman) feel like they have to do what ever they want. I get frustrated by injustice and disrespect, I can't help it. It must be my passionate nature.

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There are about 25% of people out there that have a need to negotiate it is in there very being. Take advantage of the situation and create an a la catre menu for those types, let them pick and chose and negotiate for a group rate, then after they have their fun recommend the Table de Hote all inclusive package, you will have taken all the fight out of them and they pay up. For many this is just a game, if you play back you will win because all the other ladies simply hit the ignore button. You can also turn the tables on these guys, ask them what they want to pay and what they expect and negotiate it backwards, "sure you can have a 200 session, it will be one of the best 30 mins of your life, when should I expect you?" But words like "NO, NEVER, NOT" will be mood killers for sure. Just my 2 cents worth.


This is very smart! ;) Don't mind if I use it!


But I have to admit that sometimes it is a bad feeling also.. A feeling that the guy doesn't respect you or your 'profession'.




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This is very smart! ;) Don't mind if I use it!


But I have to admit that sometimes it is a bad feeling also.. A feeling that the guy doesn't respect you or your 'profession'.





Oh for sure there A-holes out there that don't have respect for women or some that just don't respect people in general. You will weed them out along the way, just don't let the first discussion of a discount piss you off, be polite and forceful and suggest a compromise that you can live with and would work for them. This will seem strange but I saw a lady in thee mid 90's and she charged like a taxi cab, it was by the 5 mins!! and as the clock went up your bill went up, plus she charged for different activities it was rather complicated but she was not a conventional lady and I usually ended up paying 120-140 for a satisfying 25 mins, however a few times I went over the top and took 2 hours :) there was a discount on by the hour so it worked out to like 250?? I think by keeping it very complicated she could change the rules on the fly and no one could negotiate, you could name your price and she would give the options! She never named the price out right, it was always "what do you want and how much are you prepared to spend".

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There are about 25% of people out there that have a need to negotiate it is in there very being. Take advantage of the situation and create an a la catre menu for those types, let them pick and chose and negotiate for a group rate, then after they have their fun recommend the Table de Hote all inclusive package, you will have taken all the fight out of them and they pay up. For many this is just a game, if you play back you will win because all the other ladies simply hit the ignore button. You can also turn the tables on these guys, ask them what they want to pay and what they expect and negotiate it backwards, "sure you can have a 200 session, it will be one of the best 30 mins of your life, when should I expect you?" But words like "NO, NEVER, NOT" will be mood killers for sure. Just my 2 cents worth.


With all due respect Dummpy, I strongly have to disagree with you.

The Gentleman who wants to negotiate a donation is out of line and demontrates a total lack of respect for the Lady he wants to spend time with, especially that the acts shared between those two people are so intimate!

I don't think, at any time, a negotiation of donation is acceptable in this industry!


When I go for a real, professional massage, I pay for the full 60 or 90 or 120 minutes and tell her/ the masseuse what I'm looking for and what I am confortable with.

I do not ask the Lady to not massage my feet or my upper back or my lower legs just to save a few dollars.

I wonder what the Lady's and the spa's reaction would be if I tried to negotiate the rate of their services! :shock: They would probably tell me to take a shorter session or go somewhere else that is less expensive!!!


You either want to spend time with that Lady or you don't. Negotiating price and acronyms should not be part of the experience.


By starting negotiations with Gentlemen who feel the need to do so, you will only open the door to more headaches!

Maria, I believe by creating a "menu a la carte" will only complicate things for you in the long run and may attract a clientele of Gentlemen who may only be looking for the lowest price with the most acronyms available! Is it really what you are looking for?... Negotiating price and acronyms??


Now, if it is the type of Gentlemen you are looking forward to spending time with, then it might be a good solution after all.

(I guess it all depends on what your/our personal definition of a good time and quality time/experience with a Gentleman means to each of us.)


On the other hand, if you are looking to share a more pleasurable experience with a Gent, then I don't recommend you use this option.


Now, if you decide to offer a special lower donation during a specific time, then the Gents should take full advantage of it and appreciate it that much more!


By the way Dummpy, the "NO, NEVER, NOT" is not the mood killer... Asking to negotiate in the first place was! :wink:




Just a little side note:

Maria, I will tell you that when I first started in this industry as a companion (my hobby :boobies:), about two years ago, I created a "GFE table d'hote menu" for my Gentlemen to consult before our rendez-vous... (It helps to create a certain level of confort and we don't need to stop and ask if xxx is ok to do during the passionate moments)... I used to send it via email to everyone who contacted me then decided to post it on all the boards a little while ago... Anyway, if you want to take a look, you will see that I list everything I am confortable sharing with Gentlemen and acts that I refuse to share for personal reasons.

If the Gent doesn't want to share a specific activity with me, my donation still remains the same. :wink:

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Cloe, I really agree with what you say in your post.


I don't even like the terms services or menu, it doesn't resonate with an encounter with me.. I am just myself like I would be with a boyfriend, the things I do, I do them because I want to... not because someone if paying for a service or menu item.. Therefore the a la carte thing doesn't work. The people I meet pay to spend time with me..


I though Dummpy was clever with his, "sure you can have a 200 session, it will be one of the best 30 mins of your life, when should I expect you?"


But, for me, the 'No, I don't negotiate, please do not contact me again' is what I prefer. If a person is disrespectful by negotiating, I am scared he might be disrespectful in other ways.. and since my safety can be compromised in this hobby, I prefer not to take any chances.

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Miss Butterfly,


I have to agree with you 100% that it does make me sound arrogant or even cocky to say this, but I really believe that every moment is a priviledge. I believe in respect and appreciating every moment. And well, I do think I am special, as is everyone. I do feel It is also a great priviledge that I have, to be able to work in this buisness and meet wonderful people and be attractive enough and enjoy intimate times enough and be a good people person.. yes I am also lucky to be able to live of this buisness and to meet men who are nice to me.


I just find it extremely disrespectful of men to ask for discounts and make me (or any woman) feel like they have to do what ever they want. I get frustrated by injustice and disrespect, I can't help it. It must be my passionate nature.


Now THIS I understand and agree with this.


Though I wouldn't consider our profession a privilege - anyone can make it if they have the confidence, charisma, and personality :). Confidence can be the most sexy thing in the world.


And negotiators suck. I also disagree that it kills the mood to say "no" flat out. You don't negotiate hair salons, manicurists, mechanics, or plumbers. I deserve the same respect.

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enjoyed your "GFE table d'hote menu" MISS CLOE... it was/is very straight forward and self explanatory, I never in my time asked for a discounted rate, feel it would be a slap in the face to lady providing her mind, body and soul to me for a hour or 2.


With all due respect Dummpy, I strongly have to disagree with you.

The Gentleman who wants to negotiate a donation is out of line and demontrates a total lack of respect for the Lady he wants to spend time with, especially that the acts shared between those two people are so intimate!

I don't think, at any time, a negotiation of donation is acceptable in this industry!


When I go for a real, professional massage, I pay for the full 60 or 90 or 120 minutes and tell her/ the masseuse what I'm looking for and what I am confortable with.

I do not ask the Lady to not massage my feet or my upper back or my lower legs just to save a few dollars.

I wonder what the Lady's and the spa's reaction would be if I tried to negotiate the rate of their services! :shock: They would probably tell me to take a shorter session or go somewhere else that is less expensive!!!


You either want to spend time with that Lady or you don't. Negotiating price and acronyms should not be part of the experience.


By starting negotiations with Gentlemen who feel the need to do so, you will only open the door to more headaches!

Maria, I believe by creating a "menu a la carte" will only complicate things for you in the long run and may attract a clientele of Gentlemen who may only be looking for the lowest price with the most acronyms available! Is it really what you are looking for?... Negotiating price and acronyms??


Now, if it is the type of Gentlemen you are looking forward to spending time with, then it might be a good solution after all.

(I guess it all depends on what your/our personal definition of a good time and quality time/experience with a Gentleman means to each of us.)


On the other hand, if you are looking to share a more pleasurable experience with a Gent, then I don't recommend you use this option.


Now, if you decide to offer a special lower donation during a specific time, then the Gents should take full advantage of it and appreciate it that much more!


By the way Dummpy, the "NO, NEVER, NOT" is not the mood killer... Asking to negotiate in the first place was! :wink:




Just a little side note:

Maria, I will tell you that when I first started in this industry as a companion (my hobby :boobies:), about two years ago, I created a "GFE table d'hote menu" for my Gentlemen to consult before our rendez-vous... (It helps to create a certain level of confort and we don't need to stop and ask if xxx is ok to do during the passionate moments)... I used to send it via email to everyone who contacted me then decided to post it on all the boards a little while ago... Anyway, if you want to take a look, you will see that I list everything I am confortable sharing with Gentlemen and acts that I refuse to share for personal reasons.

If the Gent doesn't want to share a specific activity with me, my donation still remains the same. :wink:

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With all due respect Dummpy, I strongly have to disagree with you.

The Gentleman who wants to negotiate a donation is out of line and demonstrates a total lack of respect for the Lady he wants to spend time with, especially that the acts shared between those two people are so intimate!

I don't think, at any time, a negotiation of donation is acceptable in this industry!


When I go for a real, professional massage, I pay for the full 60 or 90 or 120 minutes and tell her/ the masseuse what I'm looking for and what I am comfortable with.

I do not ask the Lady to not massage my feet or my upper back or my lower legs just to save a few dollars.

I wonder what the Lady's and the spa's reaction would be if I tried to negotiate the rate of their services! :shock: They would probably tell me to take a shorter session or go somewhere else that is less expensive!!!



By the way Dummpy, the "NO, NEVER, NOT" is not the mood killer... Asking to negotiate in the first place was! :wink:




... :wink:


In Canada we have adapted to a level of the price is the price, and certainly 75% of the men out there understand this, some of us usually tip as well if the session was really a good value. And if the idea of negotiating does not appeal to you than don't, most ladies won't. However if you can master the art you will make more money for less work and have a larger target market that's all. Last time I was at a spa they had 2 or three pages of Options!!! And the list went form like $50-400.

Because I know how negotiating can ruin the mood I never do it, if the ladies rates are unclear (and often the price seems to change daily) then I clarify but never rebut the price that is quoted. I am then faced with a selection to choose from 4-5 ladies that could satisfy my needs at any one time and I choose the best value based on performance to price. In Ottawa anyway there is enough competition to comparison shop, and that is the Canadian way :). However some gentlemen do get confused why one lady is at 200 and another at 400 for in their minds comparable services, rather than take the 200 they may ask the 400 lady about 200. This is not the smartest thing for the hobbyist to do but it is an opportunity for the 400 lady to try and get a client if she wants the business, and how she responds will determine that. Money is money and I don't think any lady on this board really believes that they can be "bought" for a few hundred dollars, you have made a conscientious decision to offer this service for many thousands of dollars collecting a few hundred at a time, don't take it personally is all I am saying and you will make more. The long time pros in this business know how to separate the negotiating from the intimacy.

Self esteem and your worth is not tied to how much someone will pay for your time or how many thousands you can make in a week, it is different for everyone, but tying it to a monetary value will always kill your self worth. Consider the construction worker who is only making $30 an hour, he or she does not feel like an inferior person because they are settling for a small pay cheque, our values are far more complex than the price per hour. The day you start to let someone affect your self esteem for a few hundred dollars is the start of that slippery slop to depression. Have you ever had sex for free? If so that is the minimum that you have accepted, beyond that it becomes supply and demand, if someone comes along and offers anything more than that than they are serious in there minds. If someone offers 100 and you have a line around the block with 400 in there hands than clearly the answer is ?I am sorry hun but you have been out bid?, or if you are prepared to pay the rates I have stated I will honour them however there is a waiting list, if you want a priority booking I suggest you offer more than my suggested minimum. All of these things tell the negotiator that they are getting the best price, and that is really the fear, ?OMG if I pay 400 and some guys are only paying 200 than I am a fool?. If you make it clear that the price is fair and you are in demand than they will either move to the option B girl that is 200 or pay the 400. If business is slow you can always say half hour BJ only and you have a date.

I know I am risking life and limb and wrath of SP?s, however it is a business and many oh so many of you claim that you love your work i.e. love sex. So in the eyes of many you are being paid for something you love to do and would do anyway so they have a hard time putting there finger on the monetary aspect, in this same thread we are discussing the tremendous privilege we have in visiting with each other, the monetary tribute seems rather token even at 4 or 500 to this privilege, so with the donation already being an unequal amount what is a few hundred plus or minus? The money and the act need to separate transactions, if you are going to be in the business long term.

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Some ladies run specials during slow times. So is that negotiating when they lower their price or is that a sale. lol:-P:boobies:

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No it's not they are lowering there price! But if you go and ask her if she will lower her price then find bat and beet your self with it!

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