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Cat......Cat....where art thou my fair Cat?

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Where has our favorite little kitty cat gone........I do miss her input....insight....

Please tell us you are OK.......we worry about you.....

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She was here for her monthly 3rd week visit just stayed low as she had way to many clients to catch up with. For anyone that missed her I believe she is back again the third week of March!!


She is an absolute doll and a it is privileged to spend time with her.

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  antlerman said:
Where has our favorite little kitty cat gone........I do miss her input....insight....

Please tell us you are OK.......we worry about you.....


You're right Antlerman, I too was noticing her absence and do miss her too...



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Guest i***k***

She logs in regularly to cerb. Not sure why she doesn't post much anymore altho I'm sure she has reasons.

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I recieved a note today telling me this thread was up and I smiled. There is so much happening in this life adventure and for the first time in a decade I'm in a world where no one knows anything about my profession. It has been a challenge on so many levels and I miss everyone so much I ache at times. Not just the physical void but my heart aches for the connection I feel when I spend time with those I care about in Ottawa. My edit button has malfunctioned on several occasions. The bureaucratic superficiality is difficult to digest and I long for the times shared with friends when I can say exactly what I'm thinking and how I'm feeling. I miss listening and knowing I made someone smile and the sun shine brighter for their day. I remember the moments of intimate exchanges where there are no lies, just two people being real. I miss the genuine conversations and touches. I miss you all so very much.


Do not think life isn't glorious at times for me. My daughter brings joy to my life in ways unexplainable. I love the mountains, the big sky and amazing winter weather. I have so much to be thankful for and I spend my time here re-learning to live in a world that isn't quite ready for me. I now remember clearly why I turned my back on it so many years ago. What I do know is that I don't feel that I'm giving back to the world the way I thought I would, the way I want to, the way I am accustomed to. I always had such an intense sense of satisfaction with my work and I am seeking it now but it's not there yet. I doubt it ever will be because there is nothing in the world that can replace the connection, however brief, of two people just being themselves. I plan on being back in Ottawa for April 16th and I will try and stay until I have had a chance to reconnect with everyone I miss that misses me back.


Know that I'm smiling and I will try and be better at posting. I don't have access at work and I try to peek in at night to see how the world is spinning in the capital. I enjoy reading everyones input and it gives me that sense of belonging that I don't have here. I haven't decided to make this move permanent yet but I need to give it a fair shake. Until then I plan to come home every third week of the month.


For all those that continue to make CERB what it is....THANK YOU


Sincerely with love....Cat

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Beautifully written Cat, well done and hope you do make it back to Ottawa and by the way, its' been over a month and you haven't congratulated me on my Steelers winning the Super Bowl....



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Nice to hear from Catherine my dear, you of course have made CERB a unique place to visit with your great threads.Keep in touch, and hugs always! ;)

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Cat great to hear all is well with you you are a special lady for sure.

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always a classy lady......

Cat thanks.......glad to hear you are well.....

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  wynn said:
A lady to be admired and respected.


Most ladies are....but Cat goes in a special catagory all by her sweet southern little self.....:-D

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It's obvious you are truly missed by all who know you my dear friend.


I can not even attempt to verbalize how I feel other than to simply say you are and will always be my smile.

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