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I'm sure everyone has had a dream floating, flying, publicly naked, robbing a bank, etc.


I remember one of my wackiest was where, for no good reason, I was given the bum's rush out of a DC-3 by Richard Gere. I don't really like the guy in real life as an actor. For some reason, he bugs me. Probably a pretty decent guy if ya get to know him.


Anyway, on with the story: it was really annoying because not only did he invade my dream, but the stupid prick pushed me out the airplane door before I had a chance to put on my parachute. It was ok sort of, because I dragged him out the door with me.


So, there we were falling to Earth & I was punching the hell out of the guy. Landed some good shots too. Boy, was I mad. Eventually we hit the ground and I was still punching the beans out of the bugger. Hmmm, apparently, I just exploded the myth that if you hit the ground in a dream you die in real life.


Got any good ones?

Edited by Jabba

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I'm bad at remembering my dreams. I always say I'm going to write them down but by the time I'm actually up and ready to go I forget.


In the Caribbean they say if you see a fish in your dream (It doesn't necessarily have to be directly linked to your dream..maybe just floating by) someone you know is pregnant.

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This is by far one of the weirdest dream I had and I had the same dream a few times.


I'm in Rome visiting the Vatican and a crowd is standing outside, I approach the balcony and I hear someone behind me. I turn around and notice that it's the pope, we talk and we go on the balcony and wave to the crowd which was loud, all of a sudden its quiet and I can hear some people say "who is that beside Notch?"(but really they say my real name).

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Guest *Ste***cque**

Usually, I can never remember my dreams beyond the first few minutes of waking. At least not enough to recount them with any detail later on.


There have been a couple of crazy dreams that have stuck with me though. They happened once when I was going through army basic training in my late teens and again when I was starting a business in my mid 20's. I believe they were brought on by sleep deprivation in my teens and anxiety/stress on the 2nd episode.


In the first instance I was required to make the rounds of the barracks once an hour throughout the night. By around 3 or 4 am i had just sat in a chair to rest until my next rounds. Within a few minutes of sitting i felt a powerful vibration and although i was convinced i was wide awake, I could not move at all. I could see everything in front of me and certain my eyes were still open. I tried with all my might to move my body but couldn't. All of a sudden, I felt hands move across my neck from behind me and started to choke me. In full panic mode I strained to move and with a another vibrating jolt, flew awake. I looked behind me but no one was there.


The 2nd time this happened I was in my apartment lying in bed reading and drifting off. Once again I felt a powerful vibration and ...wham, I couldn't move. This time I recognized the feeling but that didn't comfort me at all. The room looked exactly as it did while I was awake except all of a sudden I see a shape appear in the doorway from the darkened hallway and stare at me. Once again I panicked and while straining to move I felt a surge of electricity and jolted awake. I was so scared i didn't want to get up and investigate. I can't remember if I did or just closed my eyes.


I have since learned that this was possibly sleep paralysis and not some wacky dream, but those 2 episodes are clearly remembered to this day. I understand this is not an uncommon experience so hopefully you all won't think I am odd.

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In the first instance I was required to make the rounds of the barracks once an hour throughout the night. By around 3 or 4 am i had just sat in a chair to rest until my next rounds. Within a few minutes of sitting i felt a powerful vibration and although i was convinced i was wide awake, I could not move at all. I could see everything in front of me and certain my eyes were still open. I tried with all my might to move my body but couldn't. All of a sudden, I felt hands move across my neck from behind me and started to choke me. In full panic mode I strained to move and with a another vibrating jolt, flew awake. I looked behind me but no one was there.


The 2nd time this happened I was in my apartment lying in bed reading and drifting off. Once again I felt a powerful vibration and ...wham, I couldn't move. This time I recognized the feeling but that didn't comfort me at all. The room looked exactly as it did while I was awake except all of a sudden I see a shape appear in the doorway from the darkened hallway and stare at me. Once again I panicked and while straining to move I felt a surge of electricity and jolted awake. I was so scared i didn't want to get up and investigate. I can't remember if I did or just closed my eyes.


I have since learned that this was possibly sleep paralysis and not some wacky dream, but those 2 episodes are clearly remembered to this day. I understand this is not an uncommon experience so hopefully you all won't think I am odd.


Not odd at all, and thanks for sharing. I figure when it comes to consciousness, dream states, individual experiences, whatever you wanna call 'em, you got to wonder at the commonality. Despite the panicked moments (and I'm not unsympathetic), I'm wondering if your experience was conjured from a deeper, more primitive survival instinct?


My child suffered from night terrors. From the descriptions, these were no joke. Very disturbing dreams. Where the hell the dreams come from is a mystery.

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Guest *Ste***cque**

Tks. No question I was in full on survival mode at the time. :)

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