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Canada Day, as with many other holidays has come with traditions that evolved over time.


One wish I always wanted was to be on Parliament Hill for the whole of Canada Day in order to take in the entertainment, enjoy the atmosphere and end it off with fireworks. I actually did manage to get ther just once and spent the day on the Hill, in the rain, and then late in the evening hearing that the fireworks were cancelled because of the high winds. Even with that it was still a day to look back at fondly.


So for me the normal tradition of Canada Day on PEI will be intact for this year.


Lots of family here, a gorgeous warm sunny day with a nice breeze. The lobster is from the last haul of the season yesterday along with potato salad, cole slaw, a garden salad made with some early things from my garden. We will finish off with a fresh bowl of strawberries for dessert.


After dinner the short drive to Charlottetown to watch fireworks.


It is interesting that yesterday I heard a report on the news that in a survey 70% of the people they polled would be interested in having a maple leaf tattoo. For me that's the one and only tattoo I have so maybe for once I am ahead of the curve.


The more that I travel and the more that I speak with people who are international travellers, the more that I appreciate all it is that being a Canadian and living in Canada brings.



Happy Canada Day everyone!



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Having grown up in Québec City, Canada Day isn't a day I've often celebrated. Canada Day is the national moving holiday in Québec. July 1st is the day new leases are signed, housewarming parties are had, and mass amounts of garbage accumulate in the streets as people decide to downsize their belongings. If you don't book your moving truck months in advance you probably won't get one. It's a chaotic day!


It's only when I moved to Ottawa that I realized I was different from the rest of Canadians. I spent my first Canada Day on Parliament Hill five years ago. It was incredibly overwhelming. I get a little bit nervous in crowds!


More importantly though... Canada Day is my mother's birthday. I'm in Québec City now, visiting my folks and I just woke her up with breakfast in bed by her favourite (and only) daughter. "Happy Birthday mom!" Canada Day will always be a special day for me.

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Growing up in Brockville my Canada day tradition was always to go to Riverfest with my family, catch a performance down at tunnel bay sitting in lawn chairs, and than watch the fireworks. Even though some of the music wasn't exactly my cup of tea I always enjoyed the atmosphere and loved watching the fireworks as a kid. I'll admit that having spent Canada Day on the hill one year that Ottawa's fireworks make Brockville's seem like a fire cracker in comparison. But I still love those summer evenings down by the river, and am kind of sad that Riverfest is no more :(



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Lol.....some things we do on occasions still bring a smile to my face. When the youngsters were young, on Easter, I'd load up the ceiling fan with treats and when they were present, I'd turn it on and blast candies all over the livingroom. They never got tired of it until recently.

I live on a slight slope overlooking a town. On Canada Day, my kids' highlight was getting their daddy to bring the loader tractor to the end of the barn after dark. They would clamber in the bucket and demand to be raised to the full height of the loader. "Hang onto your little sister!", I'd holler. Then the town would set off the fireworks and the kids would oooh and ahhh until they were over and the loader was gently lowered to the ground again. They'd head to the house and have to find the dog (terrified of fireworks) before they went to bed.

Ya, I know......not exactly "Parent of the Year Award" material, but we all survived until their mother found out what I did.

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Guest Ve**Di**ySe**et

Steaks and beer are my Canada Day weekend traditions!

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Canada Day is traditionally a family gathering at the lake with the folks and my brothers and their families. The afternoon spent frollicing out on the lake and enjoying watersports with family and friends.


Then a family gathering to enjoy bbq steak and ribs and all the fixins.


Pack up some beers and head to the park for some fireworks.


I don't get to spend much time with my siblings and my nieces and nephews so I do very much enjoy this day of the year.


Last year I started Canada Day off with a morning visit with an awesome Cerb lady friend. I was hoping to carry that on as a tradition but couldn't make it happen this year...Boo. So I had a pre-Canada Day visit with her a couple days early ;)


Enjoy your day everyone and Be Proud !! Canada Rocks !!!

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Canada day in my small home town is Always a biiig deal. for 3 days there are parades dances and activities. I always loved the doll stroller parade and the frog and turtle races :)

and I lived on a border town with Maine so then you'd rest up for a couple days then go 'Ova tha Borda' and do it all over again for independence day.

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