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My summer drinks would be water, iced tea and beer. I like using brewed tea and real lemon for my ice tea rather than the powder. that way I can keep the sugar content low -- I find sweet drinks just make me more thirsty. (Not to mention packing on the pounds!)


While I gravitate towards Irish cream ales (e.g. Kilkenny) and Guiness throughout most of the year, they are too heavy for a hot summer's day by the pool. Corona, preferably with lime, is much more satisfying.


Another beer I like is Bierra Moretti, the Italian beer. It has lots of carbonation which provides a refreshing taste in the heat, yet gives minimal head (yuk yuk) when poured into a frosted mug. Leaves the mouth crisp and wet.

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Wine: Sauvignon Blanc (Not the New Zealand kind. Hit the wall on that grapefruit flavour. Traditional French style, grassy and crisp)


Beer: Hoegarrden (The absolute perfect sunshine beer)


Spirits: Gin and tonic, twist of lime


Oh look. It's Friday afternoon. Why am I still at work?????

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I must admit, I do enjoy my Pina Coladas. There is just something about a nice iced drink in hand, while enjoying the sun on the deck. :)

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