someguy 67067 Report post Posted July 26, 2012 If there is really chemistry between you and a client. How do you let them know that you really like them or want to seem them again?. If you enjoy being with someone do you treat them better then a regular client? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billybob 20128 Report post Posted July 26, 2012 If there is really chemistry between you and a client. How do you let them know that you really like them or want to seem them again?. If you enjoy being with someone do you treat them better then a regular client? Unless you are rude or disrespectful a lady will always want to see you again. Don't confuse business with personal, just because you click with a lady doesn't mean she wants a personal relationship with you. Take it for what it is and enjoy it, keep it real, the lady is a professional. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Studio 110 by Sophia 150333 Report post Posted July 26, 2012 If there is really chemistry between you and a client. How do you let them know that you really like them or want to seem them again?. If you enjoy being with someone do you treat them better then a regular client? Do I treat them better? Well no, I hope that I treat all my clients with the same kindness and respect. But yes there can be something just a little special when you do make a connection. Sometimes the connection is a genuine bond with some people we meet. This bond can be chemistry, friendship, healing etc. But, even when I have the most amazing date with my most favorite client, at the end of the day it is still a business for me. One that I thoroughly enjoy, I might add! lol.. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted July 26, 2012 If there is really chemistry between you and a client. How do you let them know that you really like them or want to seem them again? I'd have thought that if the chemistry was that good, the client would feel it too, and come again un-prompted :) 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted July 26, 2012 The chemistry can be genuine. She might genuinely like you and you her. But don't confuse like with love, or think you are that one special guy. She is getting a donation to make you feel special. And that isn't cold or cynical, that's what this lifestyle is, paid companionship. At the end of the day, this is her job, her livelihood, to pay bills, rent and put food on the table. Keep everything in perspective, you can have a great time, and she can too RG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest S****r Report post Posted July 26, 2012 As Sophia said, I treat each and every one as special, because each one is. Yes, some I might personally enjoy more than others, but I would never treat the one any less than the other. Perhaps that is what is meant by being professional? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aspen Wilde 31371 Report post Posted July 26, 2012 I will echo what Phaedrus said. In my experience, great chemistry is something that is felt by both, such that it doesn't need to be expressed in words. It's not an issue of special treatment- having a good connection is its own reward. 6 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted July 26, 2012 I've met some really nice women so far. And most of my encounters were a lot of fun. The one's that I enjoyed the most were where there was more talking about common interest and kissing and cuddling and some post session emails communications. I'm not looking for a personal relationship, but like to see regular girls that really do care about me as a person and not as just a paying client. The sessions become more fun and relaxed as you get to know each other. It's an expensive hobby and I can only afford to see so many women per year and would like to go see women that I have a connection with as I find meeting new women hard as I am shy. Not as shy as I used to be, but still shy. And usually need a second session to be more comfortable with them. I guess I find it hard to judge if there is a genuine connection, because the SP's are all so nice :). 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted July 26, 2012 I've met some really nice women so far. And most of my encounters were a lot of fun. The one's that I enjoyed the most were where there was more talking about common interest and kissing and cuddling and some post session emails communications. I'm not looking for a personal relationship, but like to see regular girls that really do care about me as a person and not as just a paying client. The sessions become more fun and relaxed as you get to know each other. It's an expensive hobby and I can only afford to see so many women per year and would like to go see women that I have a connection with as I find meeting new women hard as I am shy. Not as shy as I used to be, but still shy.And usually need a second session to be more comfortable with them. I guess I find it hard to judge if there is a genuine connection, because the SP's are all so nice :). I'm with you, what makes an encounter all the more enjoyable is the conversation over drinks, kissing and cuddling. I recently had a extended date (four hours) with a great lady. We spent more time in the living room than bedroom and it was all great. Looking forward to seeing this special lady again My earlier post in this thread was more directed because there have been some threads and posts where some guys seem to confuse where a lady likes a guy as the lady has bona fide true feelings for the guy. This lifestyle is wonderful, many good and great ladies out there. But keep your perspective, don't confuse like for love. If that makes sense RG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Boomer 33202 Report post Posted July 26, 2012 I see that the comment about not confusing this relationship in terms of love, doesn't necessarily enter into the equation. As to the original question, if you have found some chemistry, I don't think you'll need to be told that they want to see you again, as after all this is their lively hood. As for the second part of your original post, yes I do think you can expect a little bit more personal treatment as you repeat and get comfortable with the lady. But this isn't necessarily by design, but simply a genuine desire to please based on you spending the time to get better acquainted and comfortable with each others needs, and yes you also have to be cognizant of her likes and dislikes if you want her to respond and give you her best. An additional comment, what's a regular client? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted July 27, 2012 I see that the comment about not confusing this relationship in terms of love, doesn't necessarily enter into the equation. An additional comment, what's a regular client? Well speaking only for myself and my comments, not just in this thread, but in another one recently ( the comment was made, (and yes, maybe I misread/misunderstood his intent in his post, I might have seen an underlying message where none existed) just as some helpful advice in seeing ladies. Yes I have met many great and good ladies where there has been great chemistry. And yes, I like the lady and hopefully she likes me. And I look forward to future encounters with these ladies because of it. I assume this has happened for other gentlemen too in this lifestyle. But on the off chance that the mutual liking of a gentleman and a lady and the resulting chemistry that can exist ends up getting confused with genuine feelings it can lead to at least one party at getting hurt (emotionally speaking that is) It was mentioned because as long as this lifestyle is kept in perspective, you can really enjoy the companionship a lady provides, and the chemistry that can exist between a lady and gentleman RG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fortunateone 156618 Report post Posted July 27, 2012 I find that the majority of clients I agree to see have already passed that 'connectivity' test before they even show up. To me, being polite, respectful and giving me the impression of being easy going and not aggressive or judgmental is going to make me want to see them. After arrival, then it goes further into does what I provide satisfy what he is looking for, and if so he will let me know. I don't want anyone of us to feel uncomfortable or regretful, so the best thing I can do comes in only agreeing to see someone I think I will be a good match for. If it works out, he will either say he'll call again when leaving, or he will call again. That would be the best compliment and what I am really striving for, because the people I like to see are the ones who want to see me, and those are the ones who I connect best with. For regulars, anyone qualifies to be a regular only after the 3rd visit, and only if there are more visits after the 4th. I consider anyone who when the # appears, I know exactly who it is. That could be a year later. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoyfulC 132299 Report post Posted July 27, 2012 It's not so much that I treat anyone better. I like everyone to leave here grinning and walking on air. But there are those special clicks that just happen. And it really is just chemistry. I don't think anyone needs to be told when they happen. It's pretty obvious! ;) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nntsci 11076 Report post Posted July 28, 2012 I've been impressed by how well the ladies I've been with have been at making me feel special within the hour or so we were together. Its not about chemistry at all. Its mostly about attitude, warmth, affection, humour, and perhaps most importantly listening to each other about what we need/want. When I'm with a lady, I'm respectful of her, I'm gentle, I enjoy just being with the lady, and she responds in kind. Sessions haven't always been as good as I had hoped, but I've never, never, never walked away thinking, that was a waste of money. Indeed I don't regret any of the appointments I've had since starting this hobby a few years ago; and I remember every lady I've been with including their stage names. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted September 16, 2013 It's been over a year since I started this thread, and I've had many more experiences and have met many new MA's and SP's. All experiences have been great, but with many of them there was a bit of chemistry, and the sessions were a lot more fun. Even now I have repeated with many of these women and have kept in contact thru PM's and emails. I regard these women as friends and am hope they consider me a friend also. I believe in chemistry, when it's there, both people are more relaxed and truly enjoy each other's company. there are times when there have been no chemistry, but the session was still enjoyable, but not as much as when she truly enjoys your company :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted February 2, 2014 I've recently had met several women where we seem to have amazing chemistry and felt a strong connection with each other. It was like being with a real girl friend. These experiences are full of kissing and cuddling with mutual enjoyment of each other's bodies. Really going out to try to please each other. Lot of affection enjoyed by both party's. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
someguy 67067 Report post Posted January 18, 2016 It's been a while that I have thought about this. But I've met many women since I first started and I've noticed that when you are a woman that when there is real chemistry and connection, that the kissing is more passionate and intense. With some women it's just an occasional kiss during the session but when the chemistry is really there it is so passionate and relax. The session just goes so fast and some times goes past the hour. Afterwards you can lie and chat and lose track of time, but the both of you are enjoying yourselfs and it doesn't really matter. When you leave, she still gives you more passionate kisses and ask you if you are going to return soon? And I probably will:) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GentMada 2181 Report post Posted January 18, 2016 It is very hard to tell... most of the ladies are professionals and don't let their emotions show. Let's keep in mind that this is a business after all. For me, the basic rule is that if I enjoy myself and feel a genuine connection then most likely she is enjoying her self too. If you see a little spark in her eye, a smile that lights up the room and you get a slow and affectionate goodbye hug then maybe, just maybe, she likes you ;-) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Charlotte Edwards 8590 Report post Posted January 19, 2016 Unless you are rude or disrespectful a lady will always want to see you again. Don't confuse business with personal, just because you click with a lady doesn't mean she wants a personal relationship with you. Take it for what it is and enjoy it, keep it real, the lady is a professional. ^this I'm really not sure how many ladies want to date clients. I think I've heard of 2 from all the sp's I know that have, and the relationships ended quite badly. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites