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Britney Collins - She's baaack and more fun than ever

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Guys , I've had the pleasure of seeing Britney a few times over the past few weeks as she's made her return to the business part time. For those of you that remember her from a few years back she's more exotic looking than ever with her beautiful blue eyes, very tanned skin and now long black hair. Treat her well and enjoy !! She's a gem !!

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Hi Britney, I do not think JoeBlow thinks it is weird that you are back. I think what he is referring to is that timzawastin has been a member here since Aug. of last year and this is the first and only post he has made here. Other members here have also PM'd me about this post (some who claim to have met you in the past) and timzawastin is suspected of SHILL posting for you here by them and they have asked me to look into it.


You and timzawastin do not appear to be the same person so I am leaving the recommendation for now but I would encourage all members who have had experience with Britney Collins to either post here and verify that this recommendation is legit or use the reputation system and click on the Add to timzawastin's Reputation link under his post and either AGREE or DISAGREE with this post.


I would caution ANYONE reading this recommendation until some of our other members (With higher post counts and higher reputation levels) can confirm it.


If the members here DO not agree with this recommendation they are welcome to PM me and explain why. If the senior members can confirm that this is a SHILL post I will of course remove it.


Recommendations by people with little or no post count or reputation is a indication that the recommendation may not be comming from a trusted source so the potential of the recommendation being a SHILL post is MUCH higher.

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Mod, While this is my first post on here I have used this board since joining last August to exchange PM's with other members and SP's. My recommendation for Britney is an honest albeit brief description of her from the few times that I have seen her since she has started working again. I had seen her a few years back and used to have another handle on the other Ottawa board and did have several posts there. I just wanted to recommend her on this board because I saw that she just joined it last week and I think anyone that see's her will find that my description of her is very accurate.

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Well, I've known Brit for several years and have seen her again recently. She disappears for seveal months at a time, over a year sometimes, but I'm always glad when we are able to get reacquainted.


I can agree with the review from the person who started the thread in that she:

- has an exotic look

- has beautiful eyes (I never checked the color thou. lol)

- is very tanned

- now has long blackish hair


He forgot to mention her recent "enhancements' (really good job) and her smile for which I just can't think of an adjective worthy to describe.


To me she's Just the same Brit. I've seen her more than I've seen any other SP. I've really only truly "connected" with a few SP's. I can list them on on hand....and Brit is one of them. Having said that, she has a life and has had to cancel numerous appointments and at times I've soured alittle due to cancelations, but just alittle.


I instantly had chemistry with her. In my year 2005 review of a few SP's, concerning Brit, I wrote "Friendliest. Lots of reviews so won't repeat. Sometimes I think she enjoyed it more than I did. After seeing her a few times its kinda like she's your buddy." 4 years later I still feel the same.


Note however, like most SP's, not everyone has the same experience and Brit has had reviews that would be off the scale in both directions. Some would say "controversy" was her middle name a few years ago but I don't think it was due so much because of her action but due to the fact people were so opinionated towards her.


DISCLAIMER: Since I know her fairly well I probably wouldn't have chimed in the review section for fear, of being "labelled" a shill but since the "MOD" asked for remarks from those who know her, I thought I'd give my .02.

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Mod, While this is my first post on here I have used this board since joining last August to exchange PM's with other members and SP's. My recommendation for Britney is an honest albeit brief description of her from the few times that I have seen her since she has started working again. I had seen her a few years back and used to have another handle on the other Ottawa board and did have several posts there. I just wanted to recommend her on this board because I saw that she just joined it last week and I think anyone that see's her will find that my description of her is very accurate.


You don't have to address this to me, it's the other members who drew concern. Reputation and contribution to the board will help establish yourself. This is a good chance to contribute to the board and show everyone you are legit. Thanks for the post and thank you JustJack for contributing as well in timzawastin's defense.


Usually 99 out of 100 times the posts that look like shill posts are usually shill posts. Hopefully this was the 1 out of 100 that just appeared that way.

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When first posted in announcement section Cowboy chimed in with happy days are here again. Doubt that was a shill post.

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When first posted in announcement section Cowboy chimed in with happy days are here again. Doubt that was a shill post.


Actually, that's not quite what I said. I did say her return should make some folks happy. It was not an endorsment. So long as past behavior isn't repeated she should do well. :)

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Guest gagagaga

as with all things ...this too will become clear with time

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timzawastin :


total posts...1

total friends...1 (Britney Collins)

recommendations...1...the vaguest rec ever


Britney Collins: http://cerb.ca/vbulletin/member.php?u=23020


total posts...2


recommendations...1 (kind of)


I'm finding this all a little weird


timzawastin is legit. I've received info from him before. Brit is one of my atf. Fabulous woman and service. Saw her recently with no problem booking (not like the old days.lol). Well worth it. Her new look is sexier than ever. Just one note... she has lots of tats, if that bothers you.

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It's just odd when our admin system is telling us that timzawastin and Britney Collins are sharing the same computer. I guess it could mean that Tim was over at Britney's place (or visa-versa) and logged into cerb using the other's computer... but you would probably have to be very good friends (beyond client/sp friendship) to do this. Some of the members remember Britney and like her so I am not concerned that timzawastin and Britney Collins have logged in using the same computer at this time ... but let it be noted that I think this is a SHILL post from timzawatin and his account will be suspended but since others have added to this recommendation I will move it out of the recommendations for now and see if anyone puts a new one in.

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