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I used to love the Girl Guide sandwich cookies until they changed to chocolate mints. And, from the tone of this post, you can tell I take cookies very seriously!


I hate chocolate mints. I hate them like you wouldn't believe. They're totally soulless little pieces of creep. They have no satisfying crunch or munch or texture. They just "are". They bug me because they have no indication of genesis...no traceable origin. No ingredients that I can identify. Spooky.


The GG sell these Chocolate mint ghost cookies. I don't give a Shot if they (the chocolate mints) are for a good cause - I hate 'em (the cookies) & you can't make me buy 'em! At the Supermarket exit, where the GGs usually park, I have to duck my head like Dark Man every time the cute little one's ask me to buy the cookies. I tilt my hat downward and skawk: "Go away", in a burned voice. I then scuttle away to my slug-enabled car.


Bring back the vanilla sandwich cookies. I used to like to stick them in the freezer and they get nice and cold. Sort of like an ice cream sandwich. God I wish I had a box full of those suckers right now; I'd eat the hell out of it. Gimme Gimme Gimme those vanilla sandwich cookies!


Ok, got that rant out of my system. --Whew--

...no wait, there's more coming....:


I want a real cookie. The only proper cookie is something with oatmeal, chocolate chips (real ones) and/or raisins. The soft warm ones. Don't give me the hard, crispy crap you can buy in the boxes. And, while I'm on the subject, y'know, I think I've ODd on Mrs Fields. Can't handle the sugar content anymore.


I need a healthy, chocolate chip-filled, oatmeal, soft chewy raisin (maybe), large, brain expanding cookie that can give me a gooshy, mind blowing, explode in my pants smiley orgasm any time I want. YYess, ohh, yes, gimme that morsel - I neeeed it...rub it all over my tongue & give it a little nibble. I love the way it melts around an leaves tasty pieces to enjoy. Ohhh shhhiiiiii----------t you little cookie muther. Biting into a wonderful cookie is like revealing and peeling the peach for the first time. It is sooo sexy!


Ahem. I do like a little cookie delight.:tongue:

Edited by Jabba

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Guest jake_cdn

Wow Jabba, you really are passionate about your cookies.


I couldn't agree with you more regarding the GG cookies. I always loved the Vanilla cookies with a big, big glass of milk. The GGs used to sell the cookies in Vanilla or chocolate then they combined them into one box and I had to buy them and eat the white (vanilla) ones ...then of course I would eat the chocolate.


Then they came out with the mint chocolate and, like you, I cannot buy them. I feel like a pr--k every time I refuse to buy them from the GG. I usually just end up giving a donation instead.


Good topic but now I crave those Vanilla cookies

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Oatmeal raisin ... Without a doubt.


But I do love Peak Freens ... The one's with the jam in the center.

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I agree with you on the GG cookies, start a petition, I will sign it.


When I was a kid I used to love ginger snaps, haven't had them in years, might go buy me some today :)

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Guest jake_cdn
I agree with you on the GG cookies, start a petition, I will sign it.


When I was a kid I used to love ginger snaps, haven't had them in years, might go buy me some today :)


You should visit your local Giant Tiger store they have bags of bite sizes ginger snaps they are not only inexpensive but delicious

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My history of cookies:


Arrowroot. Easy on the gums and digestion. Have not had one 10 years.


Dad's Oatmeal or Choclolate Chip. A highly refined but nicely packaged cookie, especially the chocolate chip. As kids, we could only have 2 at a time but I could actually palm 6. Cookies were the gateway snack to my sneaky ways.


Chips Ahoy chocolate chip. Another retail item but they were the epitome of a decent store bought cookie for quite a while.


President's Choice oatmeal raisin. Good cookies at a good price.


Ikea Ginger Snaps. I was surprised to dicover the Swedes made these yummy cookies. OUr neighbour down the street back home made good ones too.


My Kid's Cookies. They make a lot of them and even let me have some.


I know I am leaving out many other cookies I hav ehad intimate pleasures with but that is for another entry.


Cautionary note: When eating a cookie I also inhale so as not to lose any crumbs. This requires much focused attention so as not to suck any little bits into your lungs. Practice, practice, practice.


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OK, I hate to be the odd man out on this very serious issue, but I have to totally disagree with you on this one Jabba. (with all due respect). I have a standing order for 4 boxes of the chocolate dipped mint cookies with the young girl down the street whenever they do their cookie drive. She knows not to bother me if they choose to do those horrid cream filled cheap Oreo imitation sandwich cookies. Only the chocolate mint. (I'm getting hungry just thinking about them!) I think they are one of the graetest inventions of our species... OK well maybe not. But damn, they are good. Just my 2 cents.

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I love chocolate anything cookies.

My favorites are Presidents Choices chocolate chip(or chunk) cookies and Celebration chocolate milk cookies.

In a close second are Oreo.

In third are the Fudgeo double cream.


I try to stay away from sales on those cookies cause I can eat the whole bag in one night if you don't stop me.

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Guest Fis**********t**th

Homemade chocolate chip cookies just out of the oven will set me a droolin' anytime.

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I love them all!! :)

White chocolate macademia would probably be up there..

everyone's fave with PC's Cookie (mm soo good)

Pilsbury cookie ... or dough ... :P

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