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What does it mean to have a 'home'?

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If you're in an environment where you can listen to music, take a moment to listen to this song while you read and potentially respond to this thread:


'Home' is a place we often take for granted. It is so incredibly important to feel a sense of 'belonging'. For some, there is a physical space associated with this feeling of 'home', for others, 'home' is where a person resides. I have an incredibly beautiful relationship with my step-father, Roger. I often feel 'at home' in his presence, regardless of the geography involved.


I live in downtown Ottawa, but I've spent a fair amount of the month of July outside of my 'home'. I've missed it terribly, and I'm so happy to be back. There is something special about being surrounded by my books, my art, my papers and knick knacks. There's something special about my pillow. I bought it especially because it's flat but firm. I often sleep on my stomach.


Although I had English Breakfast Tea elsewhere, it never tasted quite right, it never tasted quite like home.


I'm home now.


How would you describe 'home'? What is 'home' for you?


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For me, 'home' is wherever my little fluffy family of felines is. As soon as my big kitty brushes his big fluffy tail against my leg, I'm home :)

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For me, 'home' is wherever my little fluffy family of felines is. As soon as my big kitty brushes his big fluffy tail against my leg, I'm home :)


Good point - home isn't always where a person resides - sometimes it's where an animal resides... :)!

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Home, for me, is all about serenity and comfort.

A place or my space that provides the calmness from a relaxing music playlist (like the track u posted and most tracks from Bon Iver) to decompress from busy day or get lost in a thought. And gives me that comfort to enjoy a good movie, tv show, soccer or podcast.

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As much as I seem to be on the road visiting with family across the country, there is always that something special upon my return to 'home'.


For me it gives a sense of peace and serenity. To wake in the morning and have that first coffee in my own mug and outside with my flowers and property is something very special to me.


I now live alone in a huge century farm house and in some ways that is absolutely crazy, but to leave it and the memories that it has would be unthinkable.


It is my own fortress of solitude and brings to me a feeling and an atmosphere that I treasure.

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Guest Fis**********t**th
For me, 'home' is wherever my little fluffy family of felines is. As soon as my big kitty brushes his big fluffy tail against my leg, I'm home :)



I agree as a house isn't a "home" without a cat(s).

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I don't feel completely at home in this body, so how on earth can I feel completely at home anywhere? My goal someday is to be homeless, without possessions and the attachments to them; I suspect this will occur shortly before the death of my current vessel.


Until then, I will strive to detach myself from this material world and transition into a nomadic life. But here's the catch: my life as a nomad will require the use of a camper, which will, I suppose, become my 'home'.


Sometimes people get stuck on their houses. They build them bigger and grander. They buy up bigger and grander. Sometimes I wonder if the effort to build such determined permanence is merely a denial of the inevitable impermanence of us and our surroundings, including the earth itself.


I don't think I'll be home anyday soon; I probably have one billion more lives to live first.

Someday though, someday.


I have no idea what I just said. Another glass of wine is in order!

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Guest S**a*Q

I feel at home when I'm comfortable either alone or around people who love me.


My house has no pets and no one else, but it's MY space, where I feel at home.

My best friends houses are totally different, but I feel at home there.

My parents house isn't even close to here, but I still feel at home there.


I used to spend a lot of time in my car, living out of the back seat when I was away from the house for a long time, I felt at home there.


I think feeling at home starts inside you, you can't be comfortable somewhere unless you are comfy in your own skin...


Home is where the heart is.

I suppose that would make "Home" in me. :D

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Home for me is in my truck at work. I am a workaholic. Every morning when I crawl in my truck at 6 am with my coffee and turn the key ....I instantly relax and feel at peace. That is where I am happy and life is good. Sad eh ??

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I am a true introvert and my home is where I can be sure all is how I left it. Possessions are good but I could live in a cubby hole as long as all is in order. My pet is happy, my HOUSE is in order....that what make me happy. Sure, I am extremely happy in my house and enjoy my habits but continuity is my master.

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Home is a small (865 sq foot) house with a garden that provides fresh produce for about 6 months of the year. A back porch for early morning coffee and contemplation. Recently did a complete re-do, took everything out and didn't bring eveything back. Simple no pressure living suits me :)




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Home for me is the feeling I get when I am under one roof with the people that love me and whom I love. It is only achieved when I visit my sister and her kids.


I have not felt at home in my own things here in Ottawa for the past 14 of the 26 years I have lived in this city. Most of the time I feel like I am slowly dieing on the inside and that I am being stripped of my true self. I only start to live and bloom and "feel at home" during the summer when I get on my motorcycle with my camping gear and I have Ottawa in my rearview mirror going ... anywhere, anywhere but here!

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Home to me is where my family is. Family even with it's ups and downs is the most important part of my life. Irregardless of whether I'm at my daughter, sons or my own house as long as I'm surrounded by family I'm home.

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Home for me is my apartment, which is fixed up the way I like it. I like coming home, approaching my door at the end of the day, and I can hear my cat come running to the door, and greeting me.

Here I'm the master of the remote control. And nothing better than up early in the morning, de-caf brewing, checking emails, a couple fishing websites and CERB. And knowing I'm secure doing so, because I'm at home, the only one else around is my cat


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I think feeling at home starts inside you, you can't be comfortable somewhere unless you are comfy in your own skin...


I completely agree. Feeling at peace is impossible when we can't be still with ourselves, when we aren't connected to ourselves in a meaningful way. I couldn't have said it better Sara.


Home for me is in my truck at work. I am a workaholic. Every morning when I crawl in my truck at 6 am with my coffee and turn the key ....I instantly relax and feel at peace. That is where I am happy and life is good. Sad eh ??


I don't think that's sad at all.


I remember when I was in college, the only moments of 'peace' I had were on the drive to and from class. I lived approximately 35 km out of the city, and was working two part time jobs at the time. When I was driving I couldn't multitask, I couldn't do work, or hangout with my cell phone. When I was in my car, the only thing I could do was sit and pay attention to the road... It was a beautiful opportunity to think about life, and gather the peace necessary to feel at home.


I know your situation isn't identical, but there are parallels. I understand how it feels to feel instantaneously at peace in a moving vehicle we call our own. Speaking of which, I still own the same car. :D

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Guest qwert123

I think home is a little place, where you find full acceptance of yourself. It's a permanent comfort zone, and might even be just a place in your mind.

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Such a nice thread, home is a place where I feel secure, love,acceptance, where I can relax with my companion/pets,in complete privacy,where no judgements, harm will come to me.Simply put my serenity.

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Home is in your heart, where you feel welcomed by friends,family,being able to put your feet up and looking around at the photo's and memories of loved ones,and little ones.


Where you have family gatherings where hugs,laughter and pure enjoyment of re-living the past and future, home is always in my heart with those friends,family and neighbors that surround me with their love.


God,I do miss my parents. :( and that is where my home started,and I make my home today open to those that welcome me into their home.

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Well, this thread has really struck home for me. I've moved around a reasonable amount in my life: Ottawa, Toronto, the Prairies, England, southern Ontario.


I've never had a strong feeling about place. Home is where I am, and I've often looked forward to the next place .... The next "home"


But as many of you know I spent the last year in Newfoundland, and in many ways I think I found a deeper emotional attachment to a place than ever before. It resonated inside me as no place has. Now that I'm back home in Ontario I feel very comfortable -- it is good to be back -- but I also feel dislocated from home at the same time. A very strange feeling.



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