mod 135642 Report post Posted March 30, 2009 She didn't know who the guy was, she actually thought it was me. I was informed by someone else on here who he is as they managed to put two and two together. MOD is aware this is the same person he has banned before. Hopefully this can be put to rest soon! Don't want to piss this Scotsman off, would not be very wise on his part ;) I am still not 100% sure this is the same guy who previously got banned. If someone knows something I don't please PM me as I do not see anything (in public at least) that would make me think this was done intentionally (But I am still reading posts while I reply to this as you all have been busy over the weekend). I have asked SPUD to change his name and until I know for sure it is someone who has previously been banned I must allow him on the site (We will just keep a close eye on him for now) Maybe it's something he did or said in chat but you guys need to PM me when you see something weird going on. I can't stay on top of everything all the time. (I do try but it's not possible so I rely a lot on you all as a community to inform me if you think I need to moderate something I may have missed or overlooked. I also can not read your PM's so if something happens in a PM you must FLAG it for me to read. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest C****** K***e Report post Posted March 30, 2009 Not to play the devil's advocate here, but WrinkledinThyme would a kind of funny scam...I'm one for the pun, always. Seriously, though, I do think people should have a check first. I spent a fair deal of time coming up with a name, and I would be pretty pissed off even if there were a Chantelle Kyra. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spud271 47779 Report post Posted March 30, 2009 Being an actual highlander, I agree with you 100%...there can be only one!!! Well, at least I know who I am, and I guess that's all that counts!! :p Thanks, I am the real Capitalman. There can be only one. (Highlander, remember him?) My momma taught me how to read. I can spot the difference between Spud and Spud271, the difference between Igotaboner and Igotawoody but during a quick read it can be confusing. At least most of these laffals just disappear after a while. The userdatabase should get purged once in a while of inactive accounts, imho. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest f***2f*** Report post Posted March 30, 2009 Being an actual highlander, I agree with you 100%...there can be only one!!! Well, at least I know who I am, and I guess that's all that counts!! :p what's next?? spud666 ? ha ha Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apex2006 1071 Report post Posted March 30, 2009 is it possible to change your handle after you register? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted March 30, 2009 So we have a confirmation that is was the same guy we booted before who tried to use a similar name as another member. He must have went out and got a new IP address as it slipped through. It was a static IP so he will need to do that again to come back. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest W***ledi*Time Report post Posted March 30, 2009 Not to play the devil's advocate here, but WrinkledinThyme would a kind of funny scam...I'm one for the pun, always. Hmmm ... maybe it's thyme to spice up my sex life ... Chantal could thyme me up so I can't move and have her way with me ... I've been a bad boy and deserve to be punished ... (Boner, what have you started??) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest W***ledi*Time Report post Posted March 30, 2009 This wasn't mentioned because i didn't know...i was just stating the facts... I was talking to the wrong spud... Sorry Emma, I didn't dream of implying anything ... other than that the thread started out in one direction, then wound up turned 180 degrees ... hope no one misunderstood me. You're always admirably straightforward in your posts (unlike some of us). p.s. On the subject of the confusing "spud" clan ... if I recall my Stompin' Tom lyrics correctly, there was one Bud the Spud who had a mighty big load ... don't see his handle on the CERB Member's List, though (but there's a "budthestud" and a "bud-the-stud") ... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spud271 47779 Report post Posted March 30, 2009 Damn, I should have used that instead of Spud271. It would fit my personality far better! what's next?? spud666 ? ha ha Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest f***2f*** Report post Posted March 31, 2009 Sorry Emma, I didn't dream of implying anything ... other than that the thread started out in one direction, then wound up turned 180 degrees ... hope no one misunderstood me. You're always admirably straightforward in your posts (unlike some of us). p.s. On the subject of the confusing "spud" clan ... if I recall my Stompin' Tom lyrics correctly, there was one Bud the Spud who had a mighty big load ... don't see his handle on the CERB Member's List, though (but there's a "budthestud" and a "bud-the-stud") ... I used to laugh so hard when i heard that line......"with a mighty big load" Here are the lyrics.... t's bud the spud from the bright red mud Goin down the Hiway smiling- The Spuds are big on the back of Bud's rig And they're from Prince Edward Island they're from PEI Now from Charlottetown or from Summerside They load him down for the big long ride He jumps in the cab and he's off with the pride Sobagos He's gotta catch the boat to make Tormentine & he heads up that old New B. line Through Montreal he comes just a flyin with another big load a badadoes. Now the OPP don't think mucha Bud... Yeah the cops a been lookin for the son of a gun That's been rippin the tar off the 401- They know the name on the truck shines up in the sun-"Green Gables." But he hits Toronto and it's 7 O'Clock when he backs er up agin the terminal dock. And the boys gather round just to hear him talk About another big load a badadoes! Chorus: Now I know a lot of people from east to west that like the spuds from the island best. Cause they'll stand up to the hardest test-right on the table. So when ya see that big truck rollin by-wave yer hand or kinda wink yer eye, Cause that's Bud the Spud from old PEI, with another big load a badadoes! Chorus: slow-because he's got another big load, of the best dog gone badadoes that's ever been growed And they're from PEI They're from PEI Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest f***2f*** Report post Posted March 31, 2009 the hardest test right on the table!!! ha ha ha Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emma Alexandra 123368 Report post Posted April 12, 2009 I almost made the mistake again today by sending a message to the wrong guy....Today it was our many hunter's lol Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest W***ledi*Time Report post Posted April 14, 2009 Looking through the Members List, I've been interested to see the great variety of handles that have been chosen by users as they sign-up to CERB. Some of my personal favourites: A Nonny Mouse, belzeboob, benedick, bodysnatcher, CoitoErgoSum, cunninglinguist, dickincider, Fera Moans, genitelman, kinkytaurus, LurkSkyWalker, pikasso, rassputin, roamantic, Sir Cumsalot, throbin hood A common theme is equipment-related: 10nthick, Anaconda08, ballsoffury, bentwoody, brokendick, Cptsausage, dickbert, farmermcdic, Firehose, Howitzer, hugeviper, kazoo, masterjohnson, medium willy, minimeat, oldguyzer, Peterthegreat, Pinktorpedo, Qcumber, rodzilla, Salami, spittingcobra, sstitanic, testicularoverlord, thundercock, up my kilt, WellandDowd [i love this one, presuming he is from Welland], xcalibur Another theme is activity-inspired: analyst [a pun, I presume], badassgiggle, BeaverLiquors, bobforapples, Boinkster, bouncypancake, brownie tickler, bushwhacker, clitlicker, crotchcraver, datyluvr, dropenwide, eatnsniff, Hairball, Jacque le Feet, kissnbandit, knotholegang, lasslicker, licalotapuss, licknsplit, looking5hole, nibller69, peeloin, Phil Holes, Pigsnot, playtoe, pocketpool, pullmygoalie, Slap Nuts, snifferoo, sodamouss, spanktopolis, thecrimsonchin, toes2nose, Whip Whap, Willy Come Generally self-descriptive: cheatingsoon, curiositykillsthecat, happilymarried, Happysperm, inhoth2o, lustpuppy, marriedtoolong, mensastallion, pencilneckgeek, pornoholic, Stickypants I'd like to know the story behind: ebeeblebrox, jeaguypataterubberboot, rottenstick, skunkypants, ten-peckered-owl, tommy3shoes, uncleshitty, underbagunderpig More puns: AnitaName, frodolicous, funshui, haniball, havanaclue, Johnny Soporno, macropolo, pampurr, pinkfreud55, Salty Seaman, slylock Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites