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Ymmv what does that mean to you?

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I know YMMV may mean different things to different sp's or for that matter clients. I think it would be great that a lot of newbies be directed to this thread if for nothing else to have them think about what they can do to to improve their chances of getting the mileage that they are looking for.



It really comes down to respect, common courtesty, and a mutual understanding of what is normally to be expected during your time together and what isn't expected. Just like any type of encounter with two people there is going to be either a great chemistry or not so great. This is not something you can fake, so sometimes even with great nails and fresh smelling skin it just aint going to get you any further, but I always assure each and every client that if you treat me with dignity and respect I will assure you the same regard :)

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I know YMMV may mean different things to different sp's or for that matter clients. I think it would be great that a lot of newbies be directed to this thread if for nothing else to have them think about what they can do to to improve their chances of getting the mileage that they are looking for.


I think that this subject might want to be a sticky thread somewhere on cerb. A new thread about this is happening in the Ottawa section on cerb. I just posted something in the newbie section. This is a good topic for new clients and new sp's too.



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I thought ymmv was dependant on penis size as you see it alot on SP add's offering greek.


Seriously though great topic good to know what the ladies think on the subject.

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Guest D***el B***e

I take nothing for granted ... I agree wholeheartedly with all the definitions of ymmv ... From my own personal experience, I have seen both extremes. And one time it had nothing to do with hygiene or anything like that. I once saw an MA who, I could sense, was absolutely, and positively sure I was a LE. Needless to say, the session was cold, emotionless, and I got zero mileage out of it, and I mean z-e-r-o!!! She even told me ... You're a &%$#@ !!! ...whatever!!! ... on the flip side, I saw another MA once who couldn't get enough of me ... and that was on the first visit!! May be I saw her at the right moment, I'll never know ... but I felt like I was driving an electric car ... lots and lots of free miles .... I couldn't believe it myself ... omg, you mean again!!!!


So, yes, I'm a strong believer in "ymmv" ... but there are so many angles to it, it is hard to cover all the bases.

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YMMV to me means, with the proper hygiene, respect and being a gentleman.

Plus the phase of the moon, the temperature, the mood, the time of day.

Karma, Luck , being in the right place at the right times, means you can have an outstanding date. A wild and crazy time.

Actually a good sense of humour helps a lot.


I must be lucky or funny, cause most of dates I've had so far with Cerb women have exceeded my expectations :)


Cerb Women Rock :)

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To me YMMV means that all services are at the ladies discretion, and therefore dependent on the sorts of things already mentioned: good hygiene, good manners, gentlemanly conduct all result in a good session, while the opposite will adversely affect the level of service.


The wild card, of course is chemistry. With the best, most professional SPs, I find that if hygiene and manners are in place you can generally expect a fairly consistent and good / great level of service. Chemistry can push that to great / exceptional.


In general, I haven't found looks to be a great factor in determining the service I receive.


Pretty much what he said; nicely summed up.


I'm a pretty average-looking, middle-aged guy and I don't think looks play much of a role in the level of service I receive either.

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It means what it should mean...you are paying for your companions time not a license to Rape and Pillage... just like in the real world she gets to decide what is appropriate for that visit. In my experience this is not a bad thing as SP's get into the business with open eyes. As for us guys...we can impact just what are mileage will be by being respectful....clean... sober....on time...and truly appreciating the wonderful lady we have chosen to meet.

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"I must be lucky or funny, cause most of dates I've had so far with Cerb women have exceeded my expectations"


Pretty much spot on. I have yet to have a bad experience. So whatever YMMV means it seems to work for me.

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The very first thing that Peachy said on this thread resonates with me. Also for me it's about chemistry. There are many things that can and do go wrong but it is how an SP and a hobbiest overcome these that can ultimately make the difference.


I tend to repeat for this very reason because I often feel like one experience does not the whole story tell and when one gets to know one's partner some amazing things can happen. I'm not talking dangerous behaviour or things she would not normally do I'm talking how intense the sex can get because you are learning to get in sync together. She gets to know when she has got you just about there or exactly how much pressure you like with mouth, hand or orifices. Conversely you get a read on her too...is direct licking too intense for her? does she prefer digits and tongue?....where does your kiss and touch get her motor running? What position is her preferred one that not only is comfortable but hits the right spots for her?


For me I like to give almost as much as I like to receive so unless she's a pretty good actress I have to be getting some good responses. I can usually tell that by degree of moisture, skin temp, muscle reaction etc...it's not really that hard to tell if a woman is having a good time. So YMMV also includes her reactions and how she responds to you.


Just a few thoughts from the Boner....:dncdick:

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Guest c**io**m7

I agree with every point made here. Attitude, connection, hygiene...they should all factor in ymmv.

What used to frustrate me was the providers who use ymmv as upsell. Service "x" is ymmv, but was a $50 premium. In this case, I always interpreted it as "your money may vary".

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