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change in ad photo sizes?

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Guest ***t***iv***

I just noticed that photos posted as part of advertisements are now much smaller than they used to be, almost thumbnail sized, and it says 'click to open in full size' when hovered over.


Anyone mind explaining why, and is that a permanent change?


I hope it isn't going to stay like that...

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I noticed too-I just presumed it is a permanent change...hope not-pics look nicer in the ad, still do, I just think they look better when they are bigger. ;)

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I noticed yesterday that the pics in Best Bums and Abs threads had shrunk to thumbnail size, as had the pics posted on my profile page. I went into the user profile panel, under thread display options, and found the image resizer button. I adjusted that to "Keep original size," and everything now seems back to normal.

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I noticed yesterday that the pics in Best Bums and Abs threads had shrunk to thumbnail size, as had the pics posted on my profile page. I went into the user profile panel, under thread display options, and found the image resizer button. I adjusted that to "Keep original size," and everything now seems back to normal.


Awesome Cato! I tried it and poof! Back to normal. I noticed it yesterday and thought it must be the system then notice all pictures had down sized in the ads, guestbooks and everywhere I looked. Again thank you for the great tip Cato.



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Indeed, thanks Cato ... I thought my eye sight had suddenly deteriorated drastically overnight!



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This is something we are trying out. A problem surfaced with some ladies posting outside the advertising area and including a HUGE photo (obviously marketing) in a non advertising post. So, instead of making more rules and policies (we have so many already) I came up with the idea to have all images resized to a thumbnail (a decent sized thumbnail) and you can click on it to see the full image. Basically we are testing it right now and will adjust it if necessary.

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