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Life's little embarrassing moments

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We have had numerous threads about embarrassing moments as hobbyists, SP's, MP's etc. How about those "my face was red when..." moments in everyday life?


This thread came about after an encounter with a three year old today.


Standing in line at Shoppers, this cute little girl in front of me started rubbing my knee. Her mother told her to stop then asked her what she was doing. She responded "it feels like Jacob's head". Well, the mother started laughing and then noticed the perplexed look on my face.


She turned the baby stroller around for me to see the adorable toe headed new born cherub snoozing away.


I couldn't do anything but laugh.


My body hair (other than the Y thanks to shaving) is very sparse and fair. I have never shaved my legs above the knee but am now considering it lol.

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I went into future shop a while ago and was carrying my little dog (10 lbs), it was very busy and my dog perhaps became nervous as she decided to have a very gasy moment, you would have thought she was a great dane! Not sure if people thought it was me, as we certainly started getting alot of dirty looks lol, poor dog, it was kind of funny, smelly but funny.

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I went into future shop a while ago and was carrying my little dog (10 lbs), it was very busy and my dog perhaps became nervous as she decided to have a very gasy moment, you would have thought she was a great dane! Not sure if people thought it was me, as we certainly started getting alot of dirty looks lol, poor dog, it was kind of funny, smelly but funny.


Yeah, right. Blame the dog :)


I left a gaseous monstrosity in an elevator today. No dog around to blame, alas. But I got away quickly before anyone else got in, so not as embarrassing as it might have been.

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Guest *Ste***cque**

I was at a house party and for whatever reason, someone had placed their dogs bowl of kibble next to the cheese tray on the kitchen counter. I thought, peanuts, and popped a few into my mouth. At first I thought they were the worst tasting nuts I've ever had, and then realized my mistake. I couldn't wait to get home to brush the taste out. By the way, my sympathies to dogs everywhere. Yuck!

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While I was walking home from the grocery store I decided to check out Cerb on my phone. What I didn't see while walking was the sign I decided to unknowingly walk into face first knocking me on my butt. I stood up. Red faced and laughed at myself. Luckily there was enough people around to laugh with me. Or at me. Haha.

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This was a big embarrassing moment. We have to open our history books to this one, it was back when I was in high school...I also think this thus far tops them all

Family had gone out for dinner at a restaurant one night. Our waitress was a girl at my high school. Kinda cute, no downright attractive. I knew she had just broke up with her bf and my gf and I had broken up

So I was going to ask her out on a date, obviously not that night, parents around you know

Anyhow ordered dinner, me, liver with gravy (I definitely remember this). Well while I was cutting the liver my eyes kept wandering looking at her while she was working away. What I didn't notice was that the pressure or force or whatever from my cutting was slowly making the plate slide.....slowly to the edge of the table. And then, yup, you guessed it, liver and gravy and other food all over my lap, the plate crashed to the floor and broke, everyone in the restaurant heard and saw what happened. And the girl, our waitress didn't seem very impressed.

All I made was a mess for her to clean up. Never did ask her out after that

I am surprised that no one at school every found out though


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Yeah, right. Blame the dog :)


I left a gaseous monstrosity in an elevator today. No dog around to blame, alas. But I got away quickly before anyone else got in, so not as embarrassing as it might have been.


Lol, it was the dog, and I guess you left your mark,( gaseous monstrosity, lol, lol) farts are so funny.

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I've worked for the same company for many years now. At one time I knew everyone, but as the years passed and we expanded, a lot of new and younger faces kept appearing all around me.


I was getting on the elevator one day, and the doors started to close. Someone inside hit the open button so I could get on, then held it for a few more people.


Being old enough to remember the story of the Little Dutch Boy, and how he saved Holland by plugging a leak in a dike with his finger, I made some related comment to the person holding the door open. Something like "thanks for putting your finger in the dike!"


It was at that moment, as I surveyed the look of horror on the faces of my young colleagues in the elevator, when I realized that some expressions which we're commonplace in my youth don't translate well to this decade!




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Here's one and my face is still red! I quickly went to the grocery store about an hour ago to get cat food and bread. I'm about to get out of my car when I realized I left the house in a flash and ended up putting my shirt inside out. Of course people are going to notice and no one is in sight so I quickly took off the shirt in my car and turning it the right way when a guy pulled up beside me and just saw me in a black pushup bra with the girls busting out of it. I have never been so embarassed in my life while the guy had a huge grin on his face as he walked away. Suffice to say, I did not go into the same grocery store as he did and went to a 24 hour one instead.lol. Orleans is such an exciting place these days. Haha!

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Guest N***he**Ont**y

A few years ago I was visiting a parent in Port Charlotte Fla and my parent and I decided to go to the local Walmart Food Mart to purchase some groceries. Now it was mid Feb and of course I was distracted by all the local ladies wearing shorts and halter tops and sporting golden tans. I was busy paying attention to a nicely tanned blonde and walked into a pillar at the entrance of the Walmart building. The lady who was walking behind me broke out laughing saying you Canadians aren't used to seeing ladies wearing shorts and haltertops and wearing a tan are you? I guess my untanned complexion gave me away! Anyway I gave my parent the laugh of the day because he spoke up to the lady that was laughing at me and said I wasn't used to see half naked ladies walking around because I was from Canada.

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Well, refried beans and I don't mesh! Enjoying a wonderful cbj and all of a sudden I felt a great belch working its way up! No chance to hide it (actually is was epic and I could have probably burped the alphabet!) so unladylike but, nonetheless I couldn't help laughing my ass off. The great thing was that the recipient thought it was hilarious too!


Note to self, burritos are for down time only!

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Thank god for the cbj...... It could have been a real "blow" job if not....

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Lol, it was the dog, and I guess you left your mark,( gaseous monstrosity, lol, lol) farts are so funny.

Hooray for Cristy , someone besides me admits farts are fun. I admittedly am way to juvenile for someone having lived through five decades, but if a fart is coming on in a store, I don't supress it , I embrace it. I look sureptitiously both ways to make sure the aisle is clear, let fly the fart and split. A minute later, I walk back down the aisle to see if anyone is standing there with a look on their face. I am also a grandmaster of Silent But Deadly, the art of the noiseless flatulence. bahaha

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Guest ****ven

This is my all time fav. I was working at a cafe late one night closinf and we had this crazy customer come in and get a coffee. It took a while due to his loonieness but finally I was able to get him to sit down. I hurried back to my closing duties and in a rush accidentally ripped my button down totally undone baring my chest and a very sheer bra. i was hpping no one saw but as i hurried to do my blouse back up the crazy guest got up on his

chair and gave me a standing ovation.



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