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Updated availabilities - last week before September!

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Let's celebrate hump day ;)

Come join me at my discreet and private downtown location for my last week of availabilities before classes start.

I can be reached by email at [email protected] for the fastest response.




Excite your senses and join me for an erotic full-body massage that will leave you relaxed from head to toe

and everything in between.

Come unwind with a playful, sensual blonde... Let's heat things up with a steamy shower, perfect for getting acquainted, before moving on to a body-tingling massage, slippery bodyslides, and a tantalizing touch that is sure to leave you with a smile...




This week:

Wednesday August 22nd: 10:00am-1:00pm and 9:00pm-10:00pm

Thursday August 23rd: 9:00am-noon and 5:00pm-10:00pm

Friday August 24th: OFF

Saturday August 25th: 9:00am-7:00pm

Sunday August 26th: 10:00am-4:00pm


I will be away August 27th to September 2nd






A little bit more...



Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a few lovely tattoos.


Read what others have to say...






ps. I will be participating in the Ottawa AIDS Walk for Life this year!

$10 from each session will be donated towards this cause which benefits many local organizations such as the AIDS Committee of Ottawa, PTS, and Planned Parenthood Ottawa.

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