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Kelly:Men most vulnerable organ 5.

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:milleunenuit:Men most vulnerable organ 5:

1: "heart" men of hospital admissions risk of myocardial infarction was 7-10 times that of females. The disease is due to too much fat and a large number of non-smoking, drinking cause and, in addition, work stress, trouble emotion was one of the causes.

2: "liver" in patients with chronic hepatitis, male-female 4 times times. Mainly due to alcohol. High fat foods is also negative for the liver.

3 "rectum" rectal cancer males than females. Men eat more fat and protein than women in General, medical research shows that, while in the absence of full of cellulose-containing foods, eating too much fat and proteins is an important cause of colorectal cancer.

4: "stomach" man likes to drink, smoke, drink coffee, men often binge eating, however, when the men to express their belly is an avalanche of protests; stomach pain, vomiting, hematemesis, acid eructation ... ... Medical studies have found that male incidence of Portal hypertensive gastropathy 6.2 times times more on average than women.

5 "prostate" men after age 50, about 60% of people suffer from prostate disease. Its cause is androgen steroid secretion gland surrounding the urethra as a change increases. Enlarged prostate is pressed into flat, and thus oppression dysuria caused by bladder.


Please call to make an appointment with Kelly:613-800-4763 enjoy the half hour/$40,1 hour/$60 of Relax massage and gentle testicular & Prostate care @ 9:30AM---6:30PM.:ThankYou:

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