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Gia Wren Marlowe (AKA Georgiana Sweet)

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I recently had the great pleasure and privilege of meeting Georgiana at her downtown incall. I'd been chatting with her here (and elsewhere) for a while, and I was impressed with her obvious intelligence and grace... so, obviously, we had to meet!


Arrangements were easy; alas, making them several days in advance was... well, you remember what it was like waiting for Christmas when you were a kid? It was like that. Still, just like Christmas, the day arrived... eventually :)


Georgiana's incall is very tastefully decorated, although I didn't really notice this when I arrived because I was too busy feasting my eyes on the lady who opened the door. By all means go and look at her pics if you like; rest assured, they don't tell you half the story!





Where was I? Yes, I'd just arrived. So, after being welcomed in, we sat and chatted for a while. Gia is just as lovely and intelligent and well-informed in person as she comes across when she posts here. I could quite happily have spent hours talking to her... and quite possibly would have done, if she hadn't reminded me that we really ought to get better acquainted. So, a bed was conjured from under a pile of cushions (good trick, that), clothes were magicked away (also a good trick, although not so much when the prospect of leaving naked becomes a possibility) and... well, at this point the camera pans out into a soft-focus, use-your-imagination-to-fill-in-the-blanks kind of arty shot, 'cos I don't talk about details :)


And so after a fantastically fun-filled interlude, it was time to say our goodbyes and part company... for the moment. Until next time.

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Georgiana, Gia (or GG gorgeous Gia as I think of her ) and I finally met after me procastinating, and getting my timing down to finally meet her.


I'm just kicking my sorry ass why I did not visit her a while ago,Gia has always intrigued myself from her posts here on the board to her web site and of course her gorgeous photo albums.


One of my favorite, recent photo's of Gia showing her personality,humor and sex appeal



Plus I wanted to get my huge soft hands on her beautiful bum :)



After her ensuring that my screening process went well ;) We set a date for past Friday, afternoon for a couple of hours. I find that for myself in the past month, that I'm really enjoying the benefit of longer dates with a lady, an hour is nice, but two is so erotic, and plus you simply have so much more time to explore,breath,sigh,orgasm :) and then of course do it again :)


When I arrived at her lovely in call place, we hit it off right away, good conversation, some sarcasm by myself, and listening to her beautiful laugh was very appealing to me.


Gia and I spent the next two hours plus enjoying each other from head to toe, it was erotic, sensual and very tingling ( :) ) for her, and I'm still smiling a day later.


I will not get into the details ( As my friend Phaedrus had done above) but I can honestly say,having time to pleasure each other getting a massage a shower together (Gia looks awesome with wet hair ;) ) it was a very memorable visit with her.



If Gia is still working from home in the next weeks and is doing some procrastination, I will be knocking at her door more often.



She is stunningly gorgeous and has a very beautiful body, certainly glad that I finally met Gia.


Thanks Gia, you and I will see each other again real soon, you are a true sweetheart.

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I too had the excellent experience of meeting Gia this week.


Shortly after I arrived we found ourselves immersed in conversation about lots of geeky things including web design and final fantasy. I could have easily sat there and talked with Gia for hours but luckily she made sure we did not miss the point, so to speak. :)


Much like Phaedrus' account, this is the part where the camera fades off slowly leaving the rest to the imagination. If you are using your imagination however, I would strongly recommend keeping the words intimate, sensual and erotic in mind!


Gia's pictures are stunning and her website does a great job of projecting the intelligent, sexy, beautiful, fun and sweet woman that she is. That being said, I am not sure that any combination of words or any number of beautiful images can really express what it is like to meet this wonderful lady in person.


I look forward to meeting you again, Gia. Until then have fun designing websites and.. well.. procrastinating, haha ;). Either way I am sure you will blow them away! (Sorry for the pun, I couldn't resist!)

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What can I say further about this lady?


I enjoyed another 2 hour visit with lovely Gia it was again the most sensual,erotic,orgasmic date like our first,but actually without the start up communication we seemed to get lost in each others eyes,and lips for a rather long period of time, AND that was just to say hello again!!


When a lady chooses her name,there is no doubt that Gia picked her name so correctly. Urban dictionary defines sweet -

"An intensive used to express satisfaction, acceptance, pleasure, excellence, exaltation, approval, awe, or reverence. When used individually, the level of satisfaction expressed is most often directly proportionate to the duration of the vowel sound."


I must state there was "satisfaction"... yes mutually ;) " acceptance " we have accepted each other and embraced and ceased the moment :) Oh yes to "pleasure" :) The feeling leaving her place was "excellent and Gia showed excellence in her service once again "


And finally she always has my two thumbs up for " approval " and most worthy of a last name of Sweet!!


Oh and I'm still in "awe" :) thanks GG


BTW the lingerie,garters,nylons under her welcoming business attire was totally "hot" very stunningly sexy !!!and I enjoyed every second of taking it all off very slowly,piece by piece.

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Edited by PistolPete

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Guest **nu***o

I'm quite intrigued. How would you suggest I contact her or how did you contact her? I understand there is an involved screening process?

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Those who know me may know what it means when they read the latter part of the title, "my best ever". She is so beautiful, so sweet, so kind, so intelligent and so pale and so so passionate wow!!.


I emailed her last week for a date set for today. She is always very quick in responding. I was taken by those lovely pictures of hers with that beautiful milky pale skin. I had to have a chance to see, kiss and touch it for myself. I couldn't wait for the incoming date. I woke up at 6:00 am this morning in anticipation of this date. I am almost always very calm before my dates as I have been with thousands but with Georgiana my heart was ponding in anticipation of a great time and the kissing of that beautiful skin.


Georgiana arrived stunningly dressed in my favorite all black which best revealed her very pale skin and long black hair around her. A perfect match for her very pale skin. Smiling and cold we kissed and hugged and I welcomed her to my home to be my guest for the afternoon. We sat and chatted for a while to know each other better and hugged and kissed while conversing. I loved chatting with her as she was very nice and friendly but I couldn't wait longer so I invited her to the bedroom soon after her arrival.


She was very responsive to just about everything. She made me feel like the greatest lover, in fact she made me feel like the greatest lover in the world for the two hours she was with me. As usual I don't get into details of my encounter except to say what I have said already that the encounter was my best experience ever.


Georgiana has beautiful blue eyes (yes I kissed her eyes too), very pale soft skin , absolutely beautiful feminine body covered by the most feminine palest softest skin, a belly and bum to die for, absolutely beautiful sexy busty pair of boobs (strawberry on top of whipped cream), and an impeccable hygiene. I kissed her for an hour and a half and I could spend the rest of my life just kissing that skin and die happily knowing that I have been to heaven already . She is an angel in both looks and personality. Very friendly, very kind, and very beautiful inside out.


If you love pale soft feminine skin, beautiful feminine body and face and angelic personality she is highly recommended for you.


Thank you so much the Sweetest Gia for the heavenly time.

Edited by Capital Hunter
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This recommendation is long overdue and for that, Georgiana, I apologize


Recently I had the pleasure of spending an afternoon in the company of one of the most beautiful, sexy, intelligent, fun and thoughtful women I have ever had the pleasure to meet. I was luck enough to arrange a date with the lovely Gia and the afternoon was everything that I could ask for and more.


We had recently met at a social and we renewed our acquaintance over a good bottle of wine. We spent a short time getting even more acquainted -- laughing and talking about our mutual love of wine, current jobs and some of the bad jobs we have had in the past.


Then the afternoon got extremely passionate and erotic. I won't get into details except to say that Gia is a stunning beauty, who is very passionate and has an absolutely gorgeous body - a body that is easy to worship.


Gia is a pleasure to spend time with - an absolutely gorgeous woman, treasure to talk to, and fun to be with. I am making plans to see her again as I can't think of any better way to spend an afternoon.

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I'm not sure if I really can add much to the wonderful recommendations already posted by my fellow Cerbites. Still, to ensure that CERB keeps it's primary purpose of recommending SPs to the hobbying community I decided to add my voice to the growing chorus of pro-Georgiana Sweet postings.


I met Gia last week for a lovely afternoon at her centrally located incall location. Setting up the meeting was easily done via PMs and email exchanges. When I arrived she greeted me wamly with a nice cup of tea. She looked lovely and her smile was infectious. Although the room was rather dark due to the grey day, her blue eyes were a sight to behold. We had a lovely little chat over tea with the subject matter ranging from changing car batteries in the winter, the merits of a liberal arts education, the hazards of middle management and a brief review of literature. The later part was the more interesting section of our discussion as quite of bit of it occured with her sitting on my lap in her underwear. Needless to say she had my attention ;-)


When you have a beautiful young semi-nude lady sitting on your lap discussing Proust, you know things are definitely not going to progress as a normal day. After my quick lesson in Proust, I was able to remove the final pieces of clothing and I was rewarded with a heavenly site. A nude Gia is one of the wonders of the earth. A nude Gia sitting on your lap kissing you is a dream come true.


Needless to say things progressed in a very positive way after that point. I will not go into a detailed discussion of what occured next. I would like to simply say that Gia is a wonderful lover and I was very happy I listened to the very positive reviews provided by my fellow Cerbites.


I hope to have another literature lesson with Gia in the near future.

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I finally had a chance to meet Gia last Friday. I had contacted her a few months ago to arrange a time for us. During this time we exchanged emails chatting about different things. I knew well before we met that this was going to be a different experience. All I can say is I was not disappointed.


From the time I arrived you could see the attention Gia had put in to set the atmosphere at her place. The candles, the lighting and the music in the background. It made the start of everything so relaxing.


We sat down for tea and conversation. I was having so much fun talking with Gia that She had to let me know it was time to move onto other things (silly me). Things went great, next thing I knew I was looking at this amazing lingerie.. I just couldn't help but telling her how nice it was. She then said it would look better on the floor and..






yah ...


Definitely looked better on the floor ...


Now I am stuck dreaming about the next time we meet while driving for work. If you saw what I drive for a living it is not a good thing ...:)



On the serious side I really have to say that having a chance to meet Gia was an amazing experience. I really thing she is an amazing women. I really am dreaming about the next time we meet, however cars are safe.

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Georgiana sweet was as expected very pleasant. Her very pale skin was a real turn on (she is even paler than me!!!!!!) and her very sexy large pair of boobs and very sexy bum and very very pale, very soft very sexy skin which makes her unique among those many who I have seen and her blue eyes and black hair (my favorite complexion) as well. A GFE treatment as before. I have reviewed her extensively already and thanks again sweet Gia for accepting my invitation and being my guest once more.

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Georgiana Sweet. She's an enigma, complex yet simple, painfully beautiful yet natural, brilliant yet down to earth. Quite simply, she's easily everything to everyone. A, "Gia for all"!


I was introduced to "my Gia" through her intellect conveyed through her writings and musings on a variety of subjects. Something about her spoke to me, perhaps it was a sensation that she was a kindred spirit of sorts. As I gazed upon her images, artistic and sensual deep down my soul lamented that I had not experienced this magnificent woman before now. Years before, the universe had already smiled on me and determined that I was meant to experience this "work of art". However, it waited until this day to reveal its treasure to me.


I contacted Gia and we exchanged a number of emails over a couple of weeks and our conversations ran through a wide range of topics. From pre and post french revolution art and music to travel she enticed me and allowed me open up. Each day my anticipation built and I mused to myself whether this woman could ever possibly live up to the "Gia" in my head.


The day of our date came and all morning I was extremely nervous that I would not be enough, that I was undeserving of the experience that was being laid before me. Even as the suns rays shone on my face, the crisp morning air nipped at me as I walked to her. Around me the sound of busy morning traffic gave way to the beat of my noisy heart. I arrived at her door, closed my eyes took one last breath and rang her code. An eternity passed before me as I waited, then her form moved before me through the glass.


The next few moments were a surreal blend of fantasy and reality as she moved against me and lead me inside. As I search my mind now for words to express my emotions I struggle, for I don't believe words exist that can accurately capture the essence and true physical beauty of what fate had placed before me.


For an hour we drank tea and chatted about a mirad of topics from youth, life experiences, grafting of fruit trees to string theory. I was completely enamored and fascinated with how easy Gia was to talk to and she drew me further in. Her crystalline blue eyes danced as she talked and I admired the striking beauty of her face. I wanted to touch her and kiss her lips so bad and I winced as I pushed back my physical desires. Physically, her body is a true image of perfection and is exactly captured by her pictures. I longed for the moment that I felt her against me.


Gia must have sensed my building desire because she moved close to me and as our lips touched my head spun in response to natural electricity. For the next two hours our bodies melded into one, flexing and contorting in the sweet agony of passion. Under her spell my body responded as though it was extension of her own. Sensations unknown to me before today exploded within me over and over, I was entranced.


She was hungry, wanting and her desire to please me raged. Back and forth the dance progressed rising and falling one grand crescendo after another. She transformed me into an voracious animal, a predator but met me moment for moment with an unbridled aggression of her own. My fingers and lips explored all of her and as her scent and taste filled me I realized that it was possible that I had not known true sexual passion and release before her.


Completely spent and panting we lay against each other and I traced the soft curves of her body with my finger tips. We kissed and held each other as the intensity of our encounter faded. Finally as sweat glistened over or bodies, Gia asked if I would like to shower. I looked into her eyes and said, "No". Her scent was strong on my skin and I wanted to let it remain for the rest of the day as a reminder of complete ecstasy that I had experienced. Even now as I write this hours later, her scent still dances around me causing my pulse to race.


Be it known to the world, Gia is a woman in a class of her own. Any person man or woman who does not allow themselves to experience her company will surely leave this world cheated of one of its most beautiful pleasures.


Thank you, Gia!

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Guest spk**

Short and sweet. Seen her 3 or so times, was none disappointed. Hopefully I will be back in town to see her again. Cheers

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This as been a long time coming!


I finally saw Gia this spring after "stalking" her on this site, EC and her own website for months. There was something about this lovely lady that just intrigued me so deeply that I was actually afraid to make real contact. I was captivated by her above average intellect that easily transpired through some of her postings/website musing and the way she described herself in her ads. I was also drawn in by her exquisite body and screaming sexuality so successfully brought to us by her artfull photos. But I was hesitant to make contact because even though I am myself a well educated gentleman I do not dabble, even a bit, in the poetry and readings she seemed so found of and so was afraid we wouldn't connect.


Was I ever wrong! When I finally found my balls ;p I contacted her through PM and saw right away that she was far from a head in the cloud elitist. And when I finnally met her in person what I found was a very smart and fun loving, down to earth, young woman. An extremely hot and sensual one at that!


This may seem like a weird reco because I don't even get anywhere near our sexual encounter but I just wanted to get across the fact that she isn't the out of reach intellectual that some believe her to be ... Well I know financially she is for a lot of guys out there ... but on the connectivity level she is very much within reach! So bottom line is: if you can afford her rates don't let the poetry stop you, she is so much more than that!!

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I had been reading Gia's posts and ogling her photos on her website and Flickr gallery, which due a great job of capturing her beauty and have this artsy quality about them. There are a few of the photos on Flickr, back-light, which almost create a silhouette effect, reminded me of Aphrodite, goddess of love.


At that point I couldn't resist and had to book a get together with the living goddess.


I booked a 3 hour session though her website and was contacted shortly after. We exchanged a few introductory emails which gave me a good feeling about how our encounter would go.


Her incall is conveniently located, clean, and very inviting. Gia opened the door and we exchanged greetings. Sexy, sophistication came to mind right away.


We chatted for awhile over a glass of wine and were getting much more comfortable and close. I had booked a Nuru massage (first time for me), so Gia led both of us in for a quick shower in preparation. It was an incredibly exciting and fun experience, especially with Gia sliding that beautiful body over me. I happily returned the favour. It was the perfect ice breaker that led to some great intimate moments.


It was a memorable experience and I hope to see Gia again.

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Last time I saw Gia was over a year ago. I'm now wondering why did I wait so long ?? Stupid move on my part.


Gia was her awesome shelf. Great conversations running from hunting with a bow to tattoo appreciation with her providing a very attractive canvas. She is an incredible attractive women who made me the centre of the world for a brief period of time. And those eyes of hers are mesmerizing.


Normally a SP doing a name change is a red flag but in this case there was no difference. Gia Wren Marlowe = Georgiana Sweet.


Definitely not going to wait a year for my next visit.

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There is not much that I can add that has not already been said. I'd like to echo all the good thing said about Gia. She is charmingly disarming, I felt relaxed right away with her. She is beautiful, sexy, seductive, and down to earth. She looks absolutely stunning naked and has the nicest breast I've ever laid hands on. She knows how to use all of her assets to stimulate all your erogenous zones. She sets a very warm and relaxed atmosphere that seems to move along at a very natural and unhurried pace. We had tea and chatted a bit, which I found really added something nice to the experience. I look forward to seeing her again.

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I met Gia again and as always my time with her was a delight.


Gia is both wise and beautiful.She makes one feel very comfortable with her down to earth and happy personality.Quite a sense of humour!I always find her scope of knowledge on many subjects quite astounding as she is willing to discuss anything.Gia provides very stimulating conversations.


Her beauty is captivated by her photos and upon meeting her it is very difficult to not continually stare at her.


Of course she makes one feel very comfortable in the physical realm as well and after seeing her I am always left with a great feeling of satisfaction.


I highly recommend an encounter with Gia and can promise that one will not go away feeling disappointed.

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I had the fortune to visit with Gia and Malika a couple of nights ago and wanted to express my total satisfaction with the time I had with them.


They both are very beautiful as one can see in their photos.They have this chemistry between them that leaves one speechless at times.And most importantly they made me feel so comfortable both physically and mentally.


Both Gia and Malika have your interests at heart and strive to please you at all levels with their conversation,sense of humour and of course filling your physical needs.


I will say no more and leave you all to experience this delightful duo and their magic.A cornucopia of delights.Thank you so much ladies.

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There was a moment, not so long ago, when I realized that it had been a while since I last saw Gia. Far too long. Obviously, this was a problem which needed fixing. And so, a few days later, I found myself showing up to her incall...


Well, you can read the recos above if you want; they're still accurate. I still like the effect Gia has on my brain as much as the effect she has... elsewhere. Once again, we ended up talking for ages, and once again, it was an excellent way to spend time. Of course, other things happened too, but you'll have be be content with not being told too much about that. And there was even time to chat some more before it was time to think about finding the clothes and heading out.


And then it hit me...


No, not some dramatic revelation. A giraffe. Which was one of the more random things that's happened to me.

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When I moved to late in 2015, Gia was one of the first providers I saw. Our time together was extremely memorable. She's and exquisite, unique beauty with an amazing body and an even better personality. Our time together flew by so much that I saw her with another couple of weeks.


Writing this has reminded me that I should definitely see Gia again soon. Do I recommend her? Heck yes.

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