Kelly 1343 Report post Posted September 6, 2012 :milleunenuit:14, balanoposthitis: a highest incidence of the glans foreskin disease. Almost all patients with Phimosis. Between the glans and foreskin is too long, due to the shedding of epithelial cells, glandular secretion and smegma bacilli form a warm, moist culture medium for bacteria, once the bacteria have entered can cause inflammation of the the visible glans and foreskin surface edema; early onset congestion, urethra redness around the wound, erosion, can be developed into a superficial ulcers, purulent discharge outflow, the patient consciously itching or burning sensation at the head of the penis and the subsequent pain. Ulceration, pus, bad taste. In severe cases, there will be fatigue, fever, inguinal lymph node enlargement and tenderness. In addition, Candida fungal infections such as inflammation of the glans, the usually presents glans mucosa erythema, local edema, smooth performance edge mild scaling can have pimples and small abscess formed to expand to around glans erosion. Recurrent episodes of Candida balanitis foreskin can cause chapped, fibrosis and the glans sclerosis changes. Balanoposthitis treatment: local available 1:5000 potassium permanganate bath soak glans, morning and evening, or with a cotton swab dipped in disinfectant the gently wipe exudate or pus, be careful not to use a variety of ointments and powders, otherwise but easily aggravate the condition. The systemic reactions severe cases, treatment with antibiotics can be added. General treatment effect is not obvious, you should pay attention to the diagnosis and treatment of specific pathogenic microorganisms. Secretions found in Candida local administration nystatin or clotrimazole. Trichomoniasis detection should be given metronidazole oral secretions. Suspected of sexually transmitted diseases, check gonorrheal secretions, and pay attention to the hard chancre, chancroid differentiated. See a doctor promptly. Please Call me today for an appointment and enjoy the half hour/$40,1 hour/$60 of Relax massage and gentle testicular & Prostate care @ 9:30AM---6:30PM.:ThankYou: Kelly: 613-800-4763 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites