JoyfulC 132299 Report post Posted April 7, 2009 I'm giving up my apartment in Ottawa at the end of this month, and one of the advantages of this is that I hope to have more time to visit clients who usually have to travel to visit me. But if I'm going to travel to other cities and get a room, I wouldn't mind picking up a few new friends there to make it more worthwhile. I am wondering about Cornwall. I have a couple clients from there already, and I have often been asked to visit there although I never have. Any advice? Where do SPs advertise there? I'm a little confused about it, frankly, because for years, people have been assuring me that Cornwall is "less than an hour" from Ottawa. But where I live now is 45 minutes east of Ottawa down the 417, and Google Maps tells me that Cornwall is at least an hour from there. I'm not even sure what the population is there. (...see how much I get out? ;) ) Any advice or insight would be welcome. Feel free to PM me, since it's not really an Ottawa topic. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214242 Report post Posted April 7, 2009 CL has a section for Cornwall but never really had good SP or they were all fake. The population of Cornwall is not that much compared with Ottawa and IMHO Cornwall is going down hill but you might have a chance with the US border being there. Good luck.;-) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alexgrenyait 2186 Report post Posted April 7, 2009 hi there i lived in cornwall to for 17 years and just moved to ottawa 2 years ago.cornwall is 1 hour from for advertising...the best place i think would be on cerb or on ec.cornwall doesnt have much of a market for this as it is fairly small and is becoming a retirement community and there is not too much money in cornwall.good luck xo Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest gagagaga Report post Posted April 7, 2009 at least it doesn't stink there anymore Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoyfulC 132299 Report post Posted April 7, 2009 hi therei lived in cornwall to for 17 years and just moved to ottawa 2 years ago.cornwall is 1 hour from for advertising...the best place i think would be on cerb or on ec.cornwall doesnt have much of a market for this as it is fairly small and is becoming a retirement community and there is not too much money in cornwall.good luck xo An hour from Ottawa? I'm not getting this -- because I live out in the sticks not far from Embrun, and that's 45 minutes. So that would mean Cornwall is only 15 minutes or so from Embrun? ..c.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoyfulC 132299 Report post Posted April 7, 2009 I suppose a lot depends on the speeds you drive. We never exceed the speed limit and usually drive 10 or more clicks under, especially through areas with lots of deer. (One popped out of the median and dashed across the 417 just ahead of the car ahead of us last week, between the Embrun and Boundary Rd. exits.) Still, no way can I see Cornwall being an hour from Ottawa. You'd have to be flying low. (...or, in other words, have Quebec plates ;) ) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest S**r***e Report post Posted April 7, 2009 I am just a little east of Embrun just off the 417. I can make it to Ottawa in about 15-20 mins depending on traffic and where I am going in Ottawa. I can make it to Cornwall in 45 minutes. So depending on where you are coming from in Ottawa that would be roughly an hour to Cornwall. I drive about 120 km/h on the 417 but on the 138 I stay around 95 km/h because that road ALWAYS has a cop somewhere on it. I have yet to travel the 138 without seeing at least 1 cop. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoyfulC 132299 Report post Posted April 7, 2009 I am just a little east of Embrun just off the 417. I can make it to Ottawa in about 15-20 mins depending on traffic and where I am going in Ottawa. I can make it to Cornwall in 45 minutes. So depending on where you are coming from in Ottawa that would be roughly an hour to Cornwall. I drive about 120 km/h on the 417 but on the 138 I stay around 95 km/h because that road ALWAYS has a cop somewhere on it. I have yet to travel the 138 without seeing at least 1 cop. Can I ask an honest question here, without offending you? Why do you choose to speed? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
olderguy69 100 Report post Posted April 7, 2009 There are 4 sp in Cornwall and they advertise on CL. I have met 3 of them and going back on business soon....i will do a duo next time.. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest S**r***e Report post Posted April 7, 2009 Ok, so yes, I am speeding as the 417 is a 100 km/h zone and the 138 is an 80 km/h zone. However, if you are doing 120 in a 100 the chances of you getting pulled over are slim. Same goes for the 80 zone at 95. I don't know why I do it, it has just been something I have done for years. I have known that unless you are driving like an idiot, you are usually fairly safe in the 15km/h over area of the speed limit. Now with that said, I always follow the speed limit when it is 70 km/h or lower as this tends to be the limit when entering small towns and such. I follow the limit in these zones as they are the areas most likely that a person/child could come running out in front of you. I'm not a fan of people speeding in 50 zones at all. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest S**r***e Report post Posted April 7, 2009 Keep in mind too....that you can get a ticket for going too slow. Section 132 of the Highway Traffic Act. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoyfulC 132299 Report post Posted April 7, 2009 I always used to drive a little over (about as much as you) too -- and I think I did it because that's pretty much the speed most people drive! But I'm not sure. When we were driving cross country, the limit in Saskatchewan was 90, and most people drove 110. When we crossed the border into Alberta, the limit jumped to 110, and suddenly everyone started driving 130! Go figure. The roads between Ottawa and where we live are just terrible, though! And we've seen lots of deer near the road. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest S**r***e Report post Posted April 7, 2009 I too have drove across this beautiful country and I know exactly what you mean about Saskatchewan and Alberta. I am guilty of being one of those people doing 110 in Sask and then 130 in Alberta. I was just going with the flow of traffic. Like they say, "When in Rome". There is a stretch of Hwy 11 past Hearst in Northern Ontario where I tended to put the pedal down and drove way too fast perhaps. Of course in this stretch there is absolutely nothing there. I would meet the odd car but other than that, not a soul to be seen. I made up some good time going across there. I have to agree that the roads here are terrible. I find myself slowing down quite a bit when I know there is a really bad stretch coming up. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
saluki17 1144 Report post Posted April 7, 2009 Christine, I will welcome your visits to Cornwall, as I live int he states, about 30 minutes from Cornwall, and it will be much more convenient than having the 1 1/2 hour drive to Ottawa. As for the other SPs in Cornwall, I have seen ads for two of them, who work separately and apart, and they do not appear to be my type, though i have considered taking a shot just for the heck of it. I know the advertise on CL, but I think if you post your hours in Cornwall on CERB, you'll get some responses, like, from me! :mrgreen: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slurp 7020 Report post Posted April 7, 2009 I get to Cornwall on business now and then and would say it's a little more than an hour from most parts of Ottawa if you do the speed limit. Considering that since amalgamation "Ottawa" encompasses a huge territory there are parts of Ottawa that it could easily take 90 minutes or more, depending how far from major highways you are. According to the 2006 census, Cornwall has a population of 45965. But there isn't a lot going on, perhaps due to the fact it's on the way to Montreal. There were 2 not so desireable SPs (at least not to most guys who've commented) who advertised on CL from Cornwall (they still might) but other than a couple SC there's not much else happening there that I know of. HTH Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rick_falcon 911 Report post Posted April 8, 2009 From Ottawa to Cornwall, I do it in 60 minutes (417 then 138 and arriving on Brookdale in Cornwall). Embrun to Cornwall is about 40 minutes, at speed limit. The information above on the population is correct; it's slightly below 50000. It is true that Cornwall is not a rich town. The retiree community is well since many of them are Domtar retirees but, now that the Domtar has closed and been razed down, the economy is different. My hometown is similar to Cornwall but smaller. That's why I love the town of Cornwall and to go there. And the difference is the cost of living; living in Cornwall, you don't need to make Ottawa salaries to have the same level of comfort. A house in Cornwall worth $70K (and you have the choice...) would be listed $175K in Ottawa. But as anything else, there is adaptation. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoyfulC 132299 Report post Posted April 8, 2009 I too have drove across this beautiful country and I know exactly what you mean about Saskatchewan and Alberta. I am guilty of being one of those people doing 110 in Sask and then 130 in Alberta. I was just going with the flow of traffic. Like they say, "When in Rome". There is a stretch of Hwy 11 past Hearst in Northern Ontario where I tended to put the pedal down and drove way too fast perhaps. Of course in this stretch there is absolutely nothing there. I would meet the odd car but other than that, not a soul to be seen. I made up some good time going across there. I have to agree that the roads here are terrible. I find myself slowing down quite a bit when I know there is a really bad stretch coming up. Is Hearst on the Southern route of the TransCanada? We took the Northern route (11 & 17, I think). There's a corridor, maybe somewhere between Dryden and Kenora (Vermillion Bay?) that is the loneliest stretch of road I've ever been on! On the way out, it was pouring rain and we probably should have filled up before. We didn't realize how long it would be of nothing but 2-lane, with the odd pull-over. And it was DARK. When we finally popped out the other side, I was never so happy to see a truck stop in my LIFE! On the way back, we'd just come through that stretch when we saw the police setting up roadblocks. We stopped and asked, and were told that a truck carrying cheese had jackknifed so they were closing the road. ??? For a truck carrying cheese?? Yes, we were told that cheese is highly flammable (... makes sense, lots of carbon and hydrogen, eh?) and if it were to catch fire, it would be a mess. This had led to many jokes around our kitchen about careful handling of cheese so as to avoid a conflagration. ;) I'll post when I get set up to visit Cornwall. As I say, I already have people there. And the retirement set is fine with me. I'm just not enthused about having to post on you-know-where... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoyfulC 132299 Report post Posted April 8, 2009 Can I make a suggestion? If anyone here has seen an SP advertising on CL in Cornwall, why not tell her about CERB and invite her here? This is a much more civilized place than CL, and I'm sure they'll learn a lot here and also open up new possibilities for themselves participating here. (Not to mention, have a lot of fun!) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Apex2006 1071 Report post Posted April 8, 2009 I suppose a lot depends on the speeds you drive. We never exceed the speed limit and usually drive 10 or more clicks under, especially through areas with lots of deer. (One popped out of the median and dashed across the 417 just ahead of the car ahead of us last week, between the Embrun and Boundary Rd. exits.) Still, no way can I see Cornwall being an hour from Ottawa. You'd have to be flying low. (...or, in other words, have Quebec plates ;) ) Ok! So you are the one driving 10 under forceing me to use my breaks! :smile: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoyfulC 132299 Report post Posted April 8, 2009 Ok! So you are the one driving 10 under forceing me to use my breaks!:smile: Yep, dat's me! Use the passing lane. And if you'd like to wave as you go by, remember, fingers are cheap -- use more than one! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites