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Well Mixed Feelings Today

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Yup, the boat sold today :-( going to miss her

Probably 2-3 years buy another boat

But from the proceeds of the sale, I went to the bank, paid off my line of credit :-)

Better yet, there is enough money left over that something very special will take place this November

So mixed feelings yes, but over the tears now LOL and feeling pretty good all in all


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I can relate somewhat RG. I love cars and when I go to sell one that I have become attached to it can become very hard to let it go even though you want to. Just think of the anticipation of getting a new one down the road and yes about november, now that will be a lucky lady, something else to look forward to and enjoy! I'm sure she'll make you forget about boats.:icon_biggrin:

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Congrats on selling your boat. It will probably always have a special place in your heart and memories, but there will be other boats in your future. Your dedication to keeping your financial house in order assures that. Best of luck to you!

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Mixed feelings indeed I am am sure RG. However this has been something that you have been working towards for a bit, so it must feel good to have that transaction behind you. That's always a good thing, to be able to cross things off of the list. :)

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