mod 135642 Report post Posted November 14, 2012 This agency Diamond simply does not reply to voicemail and text message. A lot of agencies will not answer phones when no one is available and will not call back unless you specify its ok and times... And make sure your not calling from a blocked number 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted November 15, 2012 A lot of agencies will not answer phones when no one is available I thought half the point of an agency (from a SP's point of view) was to have someone to take bookings while she's with a client? Doesn't it completely defeat their purpose if they don't answer the phone? Or am I missing something? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest **nu***o Report post Posted November 16, 2012 I sent a text message. I called to leave my number and name What else is expected? Call most other agencies and they actually are more than pleased to answer.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pink Kitty Escorts 6195 Report post Posted November 16, 2012 I thought half the point of an agency (from a SP's point of view) was to have someone to take bookings while she's with a client? Doesn't it completely defeat their purpose if they don't answer the phone? Or am I missing something? I agree it is what the agency is about. But I think what was meant was if there were no ladies available. Like we won't answer the phones after the ladies are booked off for the night, say like after 3 am or Whatever time they are done. As far as Texts, we don't answer them that quickly and everyone has to book by phone CALL not txt. In our case it has to do with the fact my phone is forwarded to one of my receptionists. They don't even see the texts because I have the phone physically in my hand, they don't. And I can't book a lady, and they find out she was already previously booked. And unfortunately alot of guys who text, are not overly serious about booking and its a huge washout factor. If ppl honoured their appts, there would be more interest in dealing with Text messages, but the bad apples spoiled the bunch. Another issue, in our case is sometimes the phone gets jammed or even freezes and we have to reboot it. We receive alot of phone calls a day. Hundreds.. and sometimes it's hard to get to everyone. Not defending these guys, because I doubt their volume is too high based on the comments here. I noticed they are offering a 2000 dollar signing bonus. I wonder how that works.. LOL I guess it will catch some very naive young girls.. Who knows? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted November 16, 2012 I thought half the point of an agency (from a SP's point of view) was to have someone to take bookings while she's with a client? Doesn't it completely defeat their purpose if they don't answer the phone? Or am I missing something? Nope ... In a ideal world that is the way it would be, but understand that in many cases 24/7 phones, reliable staff, etc... Are not possible or reasonable. Some agencies are 1 agency owner who drives and answers the phones and 2/3 ladies taking calls, others are 60+ ladies, 24 phone lines and full office staff... Those run 24/7 and you can usually expect that type of service.. Usually... You can throw the "ideal world scenario" out the window. Most agency owners (and i say most) do not have a mba.... Most have no formal business training at all....(some do however) Just keep in mind that no set rules or guidelines exist. At least not at this time as the industry is pushed underground. And if business is good enough that they can just not answer the phone or stop taking calls a lot will just do exactly that. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest i***ebi****ndbu***it Report post Posted November 16, 2012 I recommend Bella Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest **nu***o Report post Posted November 16, 2012 Is this starting to sound like a sympathy call defense for the agencies and one man/woman operations? Seriously. If you can't answer or reply to a telephone call or someone who leaves a clear voicemail message on your system, you are either in the wrong business or you haven't discovered the world of IP telephone technology with multiple voicemails online. Given the potential profit individual manager owners and agencies stand to make (indie's excluded), there is little to no excuse. Let the market forces do their economic magic and lead to their closure. Seriously guys, really? High volume and down telephone systems, reboots, etc...It's a business. Sorry Mod, but I am not with you on this one but I respect your opinion - you're the mod, I have no choice! ;) I am 100% behind Phaedrus on this one. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mod 135642 Report post Posted November 16, 2012 Hey, I am not saying it is right! I am saying this is very common. I agree, it would be frustrating but the truth of the matter is ... that is the way it is in many cases. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest **nu***o Report post Posted November 16, 2012 Ah, now I understand. Makes sense, Mod, thanks for the clearing up your position on it. Yeah, I now you're right, it's simply the reality. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pink Kitty Escorts 6195 Report post Posted November 16, 2012 The biggest issue is this is a business that is unlike any other to compare to in a real world setting. Due to the emotional, psychological and physical elements to it. Because of these factors, ladies are not subject to the same types of constraints that a normal working individual would be. Especially the way in which the laws are presently. A schedule is a very loose thing, and is merely a suggestion, rather than anything set in stone. Some ladies can hold down a fairly solid schedule, but many cannot. It is just the way it is.. All of that said, as an owner of an agency, if all of the ladies are off for the evening and it's 2 am. There is no point to continue to answer the phones, for much longer. Bookings made at 2 am for the next day, or even further ahead rarely pan out. Again, it is just the way it is.. Obviously during our normal business hours we try to answer every call, but it is realistically next to impossible due to call volume. (300 calls + many days) At least in our case. If someone is truly interested, they should know enough to call back within a few minutes.. Pretty Simple... WE don't book by text message, again because many texters are not overly serious in booking, and we need to hear the voice of the individual. If they sound drunk, ect.. it's a no go. I know alot of guys would like to book by text, but it's not something we can afford to accomodate. No shows are bad enough as they are, and to block a ladies time as well as another possible client is pointless, and very bad for morale and business. WE are not a 60 girl agency going 24/7.. We simply say that we are open Early and closed Late... And that is exactly what we do, and it works well for us. And the vast majority of our customers. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest **nu***o Report post Posted November 17, 2012 It's okay Pink Kitty...we're not referring to you. We are all confident that you provide reliable professional service. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pink Kitty Escorts 6195 Report post Posted November 18, 2012 I didn't think you did. The thread is about Diamond Escorts. Just throwing out some explainations about our side of the business. Many people don't understand the way the business REALLY works. Being a legitimate business owner in some real world enterprises, I would never dream to run things the same way as PK. This business is a completely different world. With a completely different M.O. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest i***ebi****ndbu***it Report post Posted November 19, 2012 Bella is great! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites