CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 From time to time I get a call from a "private caller" telling me to go get a "real" job. Do you consider this to be a "real" job? My opinion is that this profession is just that a profession, deserving of as much respect as any other profession. We, the service providers, take much care in what we offer, earn respectable incomes, are respectable intelligent people who get good reviews. So how could it be looked at in any other way? Perhaps these "private callers" are just ball less ninnies who have much time to waste and no common sense? 10 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
backrubman 64801 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 From time to time I get a call from a "private caller" telling me to go get a "real" job. Do you consider this to be a "real" job? OMG! I'm so sorry to learn that some twit sees the need to harass you Cristy. Of course it is a real job. In fact it is often referred to as the "Worlds Oldest Profession" but aside from being professional I consider the ladies that take this job seriously to have a real vocation and provide a much needed service. I have much more respect for people that do your job than lots of others. Don't let anyone tell you different. If it helps, I've been told the same thing :) 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhantomKnight 7914 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 Of course it's a real job :) Don't let the haters (idiots) tell you otherwise. :) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
futileresistenz 28253 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 What backrubman said, in particular this quote: I have much more respect for people that do your job than lots of others. There will always be the haters and the narrow-minded, fed by the media's biased, way-off portrayal of the industry, who have nothing better to do but to put the ladies down. Don't let it get to you! FR 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *ig*a** Report post Posted September 21, 2012 Absolutly what you are doing is a real job. Don't let this idiot get you down. Who ever is calling you and saying this has some issues they must deal with. Keep smiling Cristy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 It happens Christy; just take it with a grain of salt. These people have problems and those problems are not yours! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cleo Catra 178383 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 Not only is this a real job, but its the best jobI've ever had. And i pay taxes, just like any other job. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carrie Moon 68826 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 One of the many reasons I have a feature so 'private' callers or any other nuisance callers I specify can't get through. (call manager through Rogers - totally worth it for $5/month!) 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NotchJohnson 214237 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 You know what I think? Let the haters hate and the lovers love, these people have nothing to do all day then be negative, surround yourself with positive people and you will see that life is wonderful(so is your profession). Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrgreen760 37785 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 In my view paying income tax makes this a job, like any other. Peace MG Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheRubicon 166 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 I'm pretty new here, but from what I've seen and read to date, you ladies here take your profession very seriously and obviously take alot of pride in the services you provide, and work to improve yourselves and your services for your clients from the discussion I've seen. I think by any definition this would qualify as a profession as the skills and effort to make your services better, and by extension, increase your profits, make it evident that you work in a skilled profession. Turds calling in to act as such should be ignored as ignorant. Just my humble opinion. Cheers TR Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kechara 2526 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 Yes it is. I had some other things I wanted to say about the person who called you, however a lot of it was so negative and cutting I decided it best to say nothing. I would rather not sink to there level. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JoyfulC 132299 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 It's a real job, even if you don't pay income tax. Let's not forget that many of our sisters around the world live and work in circumstances where they'd be implicating themselves in crimes simply for trying to pay their income taxes and establish credit and a financial identity. (It's just one more way of keeping women down.) And yet, like us, they are making their livings, supporting their families, and working for repeat business. Don't worry about it, Cristy. The jerk that says this is probably the same guy who finds it necessary, when pulled over for speeding, to inform the cop that he pays his salary. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sexy playmate mia 1751 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 there will allways be loosers that try to bring you down generaly because the are low them selves and the fact will allways remain you are not! dust them off like the worthless low life loosers they are and give them the attenchain they deserve NONE! keep your head up and smile at the fact that they are unhappy and u r not! take care Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shayla 798 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 It is a real job in the sense that you provide a service and get paid for it but beyond that I wouldn't really consider it anything else to be glorified when comparing it to "actual" jobs. I would hope for most that it's just a short term thing and nothing that anyone would want to make a career of... To each their own though. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crankF 12893 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 From time to time I get a call from a "private caller" telling me to go get a "real" job. Do you consider this to be a "real" job? My opinion is that this profession is just that a profession, deserving of as much respect as any other profession. We, the service providers, take much care in what we offer, earn respectable incomes, are respectable intelligent people who get good reviews. So how could it be looked at in any other way? Perhaps these "private callers" are just ball less ninnies who have much time to waste and no common sense? People such as your private caller are nutless, negative nobodies. I think of your profession as stress relievers, in some cases at least as effective as a licensed therapist. Many clients receiving counseling are at their core, sexually frustrated. This guy might better come see you, but not now, no way!! He can pound his pud! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 (edited) No, it's not a real is much much more, it is a profession, one that our community respects, unfortunately mainstream society, in it's ignorance stigmitizes. And not every lady can do this profession. It takes a very special lady that can make a man feel special, without the complications and strings of a relationship. Companionship is something we all require. And those ladies who provide paid companionship, are very much special, and professional. It is much more than just a job You ladies all deserve our upmost respect. What you provide for us, yes there is a price put on it...but in many ways, what you provide, is priceless. From a grateful respectful gentlemen, who looks forward to the escapes you provide me RG Edited September 21, 2012 by r__m__g_uy 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carrie Moon 68826 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 It is a real job in the sense that you provide a service and get paid for it but beyond that I wouldn't really consider it anything else to be glorified when comparing it to "actual" jobs. I would hope for most that it's just a short term thing and nothing that anyone would want to make a career of... To each their own though. Sorry to hear you feel that way. I am extremely satisfied in making this my career.. Although I've had several what I call 'square' jobs over the years I have been doing this 'job' longer than any other and am always thankful I've found it. For sure in the beginning for me it was a double life I led and my delicious little secret from most people.. but that was tough on me. 25 years later I actually openly tell certain people I meet (that I feel comfortable enough with) that I'm an escort when they ask what I do. I have been a waitress, secretary, teacher, sales rep, house-painter, tree-planter, long time student, physician, security guard, worked in construction, lawn maintenance.. etc etc.. and although some jobs I loved.. I can say with complete satisfaction that I've loved this job the most. I am as an escort.... a sexual surrogate, a dream come true for some, a fantasy come true for others, a safe place to experiment, a confidante, pleasure provider and in several cases a therapist! Everything you do in life can be viewed as necessary; important; valuable or all the opposite.. completely up to you. Life as with everything else is 'what you make it' 9 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shayla 798 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 That's fine lol. I just wouldn't want to be a hooker for the rest of my life. I'd rather utilize the spare time and extra money I have to plan for a better future I guess. I just don't think I'd enjoy doing this when I was over 30, but hey if that's what you like then go for it. I do this because it's easy and I'm too lazy for a square job right now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LeeRichards 177238 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 That's fine lol. I just wouldn't want to be a hooker for the rest of my life. I'd rather utilize the spare time and extra money I have to plan for a better future I guess. I just don't think I'd enjoy doing this when I was over 30, but hey if that's what you like then go for it. I do this because it's easy and I'm too lazy for a square job right now. Well when I was in my twenties I had a round job....and only wanted do what I was doing until my 30's and when I have more money then I could get an oval job and have a little better I am in my 40's and I have a real good square job and excellent financial stability and no debt. Now I just want to be a gigalo but I am too god damn old now :( Of course it is a real job and for as long as you want it to be !!!! Hell the last time I moaned at work was when I got my piss poor bonus cheque and the last time I had an orgasm at work was in 1999 and that just got me and my service writer in a tad bit of trouble ;) Enjoy your real job ladies !! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 I ran out of rep points to give and just want to thank all of you for taking the time to be supportive, add your advice and point of view, it is so sincerely appreciated.:biggrin:-Cristy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 That's fine lol. I just wouldn't want to be a hooker for the rest of my life. I'd rather utilize the spare time and extra money I have to plan for a better future I guess. I just don't think I'd enjoy doing this when I was over 30, but hey if that's what you like then go for it. I do this because it's easy and I'm too lazy for a square job right now. You know there are women here that have been doing this for a while and might take offense to this especially when using terms to describe their job.. While it is great to have goals for the future, putting down the profession you're currently in right now and making money at will not gain you any respect among your peers here when you really need it. And trust me, in this job it is good to have people on your side. Just some food for thought. 11 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shayla 798 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 You know there are women here that have been doing this for a while and might take offense to this especially when using terms to describe their job.. While it is great to have goals for the future, putting down the profession you're currently in right now and making money at will not gain you any respect among your peers here when you really need it. And trust me, in this job it is good to have people on your side. Just some food for thought. I wasn't really putting it down, just stating how I don't really consider it a job and it isn't something I would aspire to be long term. There's plenty of things that I do that others wouldn't consider and that's fine. I didn't mean it to be offensive and I'm not really here to garner any respect on a hooker board lol. Just sayin... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Carrie Moon 68826 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 I wasn't really putting it down, just stating how I don't really consider it a job and it isn't something I would aspire to be long term. There's plenty of things that I do that others wouldn't consider and that's fine. I didn't mean it to be offensive and I'm not really here to garner any respect on a hooker board lol. Just sayin... I don't take offense.. because I only feel pity for you. I'm prouder every day of what I do.. because of how I view it... But since you don't and don't want to make any friends/garner any respect from your peers.. I have to wonder. What are you doing here then? If you use the board to advertise.. I doubt you'll get many clients because they too care whether you're in the job solely for money or also because you enjoy it. 7 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted September 21, 2012 I wasn't really putting it down, just stating how I don't really consider it a job and it isn't something I would aspire to be long term. There's plenty of things that I do that others wouldn't consider and that's fine. I didn't mean it to be offensive and I'm not really here to garner any respect on a hooker board lol. Just sayin... That's quite alright because you just showed how you feel about your current job and in this business first impressions are everything. Remember that there are eyes and ears here that are potential clients ( or non potential clients now after reading this) that will see this and realize you do not seem to like what you're doing. Attitude is everything, no matter what type of job you do. It's no flies on me but when you're in a business to make money and you want to make money right now, you just committed buiness suicide with your last few posts. Your lack of respect towards this board and its members is overwhelmingly evident and won't do you any favors in the meantime. And remember, once a "hooker" always a hooker... no matter how short or long term you've been in this business. Good luck! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites