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May I have some wine with my cheese?

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Disclaimer...no berating those who do not share the same interests as you lol :)


So, this thread is dedicated to those tv shows and movies that you find incredibly cheesy/bad.


This came about after watching Vegas tonight. I will give it another try but the scene where the title character (notice my undivided interest...can't even give the characters name) stood out on a landing strip and as the car raced towards him, shot out one tire and then a second resulting in the car careening off minutes before impact.



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I cannot stand those Bachelor/Bachelorette shows. No offense to those who enjoy watching them but finding a partner to spend the rest of your life with does not happen within a certain amount of episodes. No wonder so many contestents have had failed matches on that show.

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The new Hawaii 5-0.

It's so over the top.

Whose life has that much drama, cop or not &

what detectives work in tank tops?

No matter how cute they are.( Vancouver girl, love her )

It's an escape from drudgery & serious,

the scenes are gorgeous, so I see the attraction.

But I can't watch it, it's just too campy.

Da da da da daaa daaa, da da da da daaaaaa!

Thanks Meg, that'll be in my brain until Friday!


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