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How to get rid of hiccups

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I got a sure fire cure.

You don't have to breath into a bag.

You don't have to fart on your grandma's grave...


Got a hiccup problem?

I'll send you the cure.


Or, if you have a better cure - write it down here.

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Usually my cause of hiccups is when I'm eating and the food hasn't gone all the way down the pipe so to speak

Solution, a big glass of water, chug it down, and whatever food is lodged gets dislodged and the hiccups from the lodged food goes away too


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I find that any sort of breathing exercise that makes you get back control of your diaphragm will get rid of them pretty quickly.

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Oh God. Hiccups!


I don't get them often but usually the holding your breath or a drink of water with your ears covered seems to help.



The reason I say Oh God is a story that I never ever want to repeat.



Many years ago I was in hospital for hernia surgery. It was so many years ago that at that time it was not a send you home the same day thing but I was in for 3 or 4 days.



Anyway, they decided that I had a reaction to the anesthetic, a very rare reaction. I got the hiccups, but not just any hiccups. These were like the real deal! Deep down full body right from the abdominal area every single one wanting to rip open the stitches kind of hiccups. And there was not one thing that worked. Thirty second intervals with fourteen hours of pain. I would not have wished it on my worst enemy!!!



So Jabba, wish I had known you and your surefire cure! :) Never again please!

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The hind lick manouver works great......and there is nospelling mistake......hind lick

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Guest *Ste***cque**

I'm with Meg. You place a heaping spoonful of sugar on your tongue and slowly sip a glass of water at the same time. As the sugar dissolves and you finish the glass of water, your hiccups will be gone. This has worked with every person I've mentioned it to. Try it next time you have the hiccups, if you're skeptical.

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What I have been told by my grandfather was to take a teaspoon full of sugar(just like what Meg said) and saturate the sugar with vinegar(just like Serena said).

PS. do not over fill the spoon with vinegar cause the sugar will melt and fall off the spoon. In a quick motion swallow the whole thing(sweet and sour at the same time) and the hiccups will stop immediately.


I have done this many of time and it never failed to work.

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In my younger party years...well I still party....but anywhooo if you guzzle a beer and a friend smacks you on the back at the same time....all better and good to go :)


Or try what the rest of the people say here....perhaps more practical ;)

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