DariaKayM 2991 Report post Posted September 27, 2012 What makes you say "WTF?" For me? I say "WTF?" ...... When people walk around grocery stores wearing those giant blinking bluetooth ear sets and their on the phone and they bang into you and don't even say excuse me or apoligize... like seriously wft? They might as well have a douche bag taped to the side of their head 4 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted September 28, 2012 What makes you say "WTF?"For me? I say "WTF?" ...... When people walk around grocery stores wearing those giant blinking bluetooth ear sets and their on the phone and they bang into you and don't even say excuse me or apoligize... like seriously wft? They might as well have a douche bag taped to the side of their head Speaking of grocery stores, why do people right at the end of an aisle take their carts, decide to start gabbing and socializing with another person, and block off the aisle? Do those people drive the same way And going through a check-out, why does a person decide to gab and socialize with a cashier, when there is a line up of people waiting to go through, and why does the cashier allow this. And at drive throughs, usually Tim Hortons, why don't people pull right up behind the car ahead of them. I've seen line ups going right off the property, onto a street, blocking traffic, and if every one pulled up right behind the car ahead of them, this wouldn't happen...keeping two or three car lengths distance in a drive through isn't safe, it's a hazard. RG 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Meg O'Ryan 266445 Report post Posted September 28, 2012 I neatly place my garbage can and recycle bins at the end of the lane way. A few hours later, I look out the front window and say WTF to myself as my bins are either tossed into the middle of the lane way, (sorry told I should call it a driveway) on my lawn or in the street. Jesus, Joseph and Mary, how hard is it to put it back down where it came from? Doesn't take anymore time than tossing it. I have watched them do it...I guess that is what they do to make their job more interesting.? 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted September 28, 2012 Police who drive like they own the road and don't feel the need to use blinkers, I mean wtf, they have to follow rules too! 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
contraman 5480 Report post Posted September 28, 2012 People who spend money on signs for their business and don't bother to have them proofread. The #1 offender: 's when it should be just s. The #2: restaurants that offer "Ceasar Salad". "CAESAR", goddammit! I really need to get out more. 1 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Report post Posted September 28, 2012 I walk a lot. So mine would be about people who take up the whole side walk when they are walking. They don't even acknowledge that you are there and they almost walk into you. I feel like carrying a big fog horn sometimes. Hello, there is a person here and yes you just stepped on me. Sometimes we are so disconnected form each other, wtf? Or the second one is being stuck on the bus with crazy homeless guys who likes to hit on you. You have to be polite to them the whole time because if your not they just might snap and the buss driver doesn't do anything about it. I was on the buss and same situation happened to a girl and a gentleman spoke up for the girl. A fist fight almost happened on the bus and the buss driver just let it go on. Very scary, wtf? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DariaKayM 2991 Report post Posted September 28, 2012 People who drive with their blinkers on and when you think they're going to turn and end up not turning like seriously WTF or people who DON'T indicate when thy're turning. That's why you have indicators on your car in the first place, dumbass! 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *ig*a** Report post Posted September 28, 2012 I walk a lot. So mine would be about people who take up the whole side walk when they are walking. They don't even acknowledge that you are there and they almost walk into you. I feel like carrying a big fog horn sometimes. Hello, there is a person here and yes you just stepped on me. Sometimes we are so disconnected form each other, wtf? Or the second one is being stuck on the bus with crazy homeless guys who likes to hit on you. You have to be polite to them the whole time because if your not they just might snap and the buss driver doesn't do anything about it. I was on the buss and same situation happened to a girl and a gentleman spoke up for the girl. A fist fight almost happened on the bus and the buss driver just let it go on. Very scary, wtf? Can't always blame the bus driver they are not allowed to get involved there are procedures thay must follow. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest **l****uz Report post Posted September 28, 2012 People who spend money on signs for their business and don't bother to have them proofread. The #1 offender: 's when it should be just s. The #2: restaurants that offer "Ceasar Salad". "CAESAR", goddammit! I really need to get out more. Ha I love this one! I have a couple of years of English studies and incorrect spelling and poor grammar drive me craaaazy! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest K***e D****ls Report post Posted September 28, 2012 -slow drivers in the fast lane who refuse to move over -animal cruelty -gaudy acrylic talons painted in hideous colors and patterns -people rushing the gate at the airport before their section or row is called. Sit down. The plane isn't leaving without you and you're making things a hell of a lot less efficient. -reality tv -people using social media to air their own dirty laundry, whine, bitch, moan, complain, play the victim, etc. I get that everyone has a bad day now and then. We all do. But if something is that bad, perhaps therapy is a better option than whining and bitching on twitter. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
roamingguy 300292 Report post Posted September 28, 2012 Might seem minor, but when there is heavy traffic, and a driver wants to get out onto the road, you stop to let him/her out onto the road, they don't give a thank you wave. Probably the same type of person that forgets to say please/thank you in person. Fortunately happens, at least for me, very rarely, and I'm still a courteous driver, don't let them bring me down RG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mrgreen760 37785 Report post Posted September 28, 2012 Folks who sweat the small stuff......the line will move, the clerk is trying and on and on. Life is short, don't allow some one else to ruin your day. Peace MG 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *ig*a** Report post Posted September 28, 2012 Your waiting at the checkout, express lane grocery store, your next in line a lady comes up and say"s she"s in a hurry ,you look only 2 items so being nice you say sure she goes ahead of you then waves at her husband who comes and has 12 items in a 8 items or less isle, wtf. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PhantomKnight 7914 Report post Posted September 29, 2012 The MTO drive test centre employees. I'm starting to think they have to have a quota of people to fail. drivers who don't signal when changing lanes. The OC transpo bus drivers attitudes. Most are very poor and deserve a punch in the mouth. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billybob 20128 Report post Posted September 29, 2012 When someone who is clearly a hobbyiest identifies themselves as a SP. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest *ig*a** Report post Posted September 29, 2012 The MTO drive test centre employees. I'm starting to think they have to have a quota of people to fail. drivers who don't signal when changing lanes. The OC transpo bus drivers attitudes. Most are very poor and deserve a punch in the mouth. I have met alot of OC Drivers that are exceptional. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted September 29, 2012 (edited) People that litter, lazy mfers!!!!! I hate them, on a drive home the other day I encoutered 4- 20 something assholes in a car laughing as they threw food from their car all the way down the street. I mean wtf, it's garbage, you wonder what their homes are like. Another-people that pick up their dogs poo then toss the bag to the side of the road, WTF! Edited October 1, 2012 by cr**tyc***es 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luckyme 41401 Report post Posted September 29, 2012 When during the summer, and you are driving with the windows down, the driver in front all of a sudden spits out of his car's window, or sticking out his hand to empty something or tapping the ash off his lighted cigarette -WTF! :mad: 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phaedrus 209522 Report post Posted September 30, 2012 -people rushing the gate at the airport before their section or row is called. Sit down. The plane isn't leaving without you and you're making things a hell of a lot less efficient. I wish... I wish... ...I wish that they could just let these people through, and then channel them into a separate holding area, where they'd be made to wait until everyone else was on the plane. And then they'd be called by row, again... and once again, those that can't follow simple instructions get held back. And so on, until either they learn or there's only one idiot left, who boards last. While I'm dreaming, I'd also like my own private jet, so that I wouldn't have to be annoyed by these people in the first place :) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Moviefan 1238 Report post Posted September 30, 2012 People who ride their bikes 2-3 feet away from the curb and hold up traffic behind them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest jake_cdn Report post Posted October 4, 2012 When you are waiting patiently in a long line and have been there for a few minutes and another cashier opens up and says " I can take the next person in line" and some ass at the back of the line jumps in first leaving the rest of us waiting ... no regard for other people who have been waiting. Drives me nuts and I do not handle it well and usually voice my opinion about it to the perpetrator. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nicolette Vaughn 294340 Report post Posted October 4, 2012 I neatly place my garbage can and recycle bins at the end of the lane way. A few hours later, I look out the front window and say WTF to myself as my bins are either tossed into the middle of the lane way, (sorry told I should call it a driveway) on my lawn or in the street. Jesus, Joseph and Mary, how hard is it to put it back down where it came from? Doesn't take anymore time than tossing it. I have watched them do it...I guess that is what they do to make their job more interesting.? I'm a couple of blocks away from you and they do the same fucking thing! One time I hit the garbage can with my truck because it was lying at end of driveway in the street! Oh yeah and speaking of recycling bins, teenager cleaned out the garage and decided to put all my high heels in a recyling bin with cans on tops of the shoes. My sister thinking it's just beer, pop cans and water bottls in there takes it out front. Then I come home from a coffee run after garbage truck is gone and my god damn shoes are all over my front lawn! I guess the garbage man was smart enough to realize it was a mistake but wtf he threw out the shoes on the lawn and then the bin. Argggg!!!! When hobbyists suddenly want to become SPs or MAs! Like WTF? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
antlerman 17064 Report post Posted October 4, 2012 People that jump through an open door in front of you and do not even attempt to hold it open for you Posted via Mobile Device Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest S**a*Q Report post Posted October 4, 2012 Peeple who mak misteaks wen righting and ignure the waivey leins. (UGH!!! --Shudder-- It's like nails on a chalkboard for me...) & MSGS full of LOL WtF OMG U2 WAT? WHAT... THE... F--CK... Take some time and learn to embrace the freaking english language!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CristyCurves 169033 Report post Posted October 4, 2012 Childishness people that write stupid sh-t on other sites to try and ruin ones reputation! WTFx2 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites