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If you could have one Super Power what would it be?

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I wanted to do this as a poll but soon realized that the number of super powers is only limited by your imagination.


So let me know what it would be for you and why?


you get bonus points for humor!

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Easy one...


Precognitive & Presentiment

(able to perceive things and emotions in the future)


So I know when not to....

(1) pick up the phone when someone is calling to complain or yell

(2) open a email/PM/etc of someone who is complaining or being a pain in the ass!


and basically avoid unpleasant things that corrupt my good nature. ;)


Usually I just hang up on these people or ignore them but it still often leaves me feeling uneasy and affects my mood for the rest of the day. It probably is not good business to just hang up on people who piss me off (or ignore the emails/pm's) but if it means the rest of the people I deal with that day see "happy me" it's worth it.


Sure would be nice to avoid these all together however.


I am sure most of the guys are thinking "the ability to make my penis bigger at will" after Angela's comment - (You are probably alienating yourself a little with these comments but to each their own right) LOL

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To freeze the time for everyone except myself. I can stop the time and do anything that I want (look under the skirts for example :grin:) when everyone else is frozen. Not to mention all my options in a strip bar :-). Just kidding :grin:.


No seriously, to travel in time. Just imagine if I am in a casino and I know what will the winning number, 10 minutes ahead of time :wink:. Not to mention all those criminals I can fix before they commit the crime (against women and children).

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Guest W***ledi*Time

Would the ability to have multiple extended-orgasms qualify as a super power? If so, that'd get my vote ...

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Go back in time, so I can make love to all those ladies that I had encountered over the past years...and just keep doing IT:mrgreen: OVER AND OVER AGAIN

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For me -- To read womens mind, by hearing their thoughts. There was a movie a few years ago about similar anomoly.

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I would like unlimited "do overs". The abilty to turn back time and relive an event, an incident or your whole life. And to be able to re live it as many times as you need to, to get it right.


One of the bad guys on a Painkiller Jane episode had that power.

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I am sure most of the guys are thinking "the ability to make my penis bigger at will" after Angela's comment - (You are probably alienating yourself a little with these comments but to each their own right) LOL


My appologies if this offended anyone:-( I guess I didn't make it known that it was in good humor. In all serious, if I was able to make a choice, I would choose the power to go back in time. To redo some of the things I did wrong, and to make them right. Then again if I did that, I wouldn't be where I am today. So I guess I am going to have to be content with the present, 'cause today is a gift:lol:

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KIH the movie was ''What woman want" starring Mel Gibson AND the very gorgeous Helen Hunt:-D, year 2000



For me -- To read womens mind, by hearing their thoughts. There was a movie a few years ago about similar anomoly.

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If I could have super power it would be to attract all gorgeous female to me so that they would want to make love to me.( wait I already have that power.lol ) Seriously it would be to go back in time and fix everything that went bad in my life. ( I know I'm selfish but its only fiction ).:-D

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The power to travel to the leading edge of the universe to see what's going on as it is being created. Of course I would want to travel back to tell everyone exactly what is out there.



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Ya know, I would go for dreamers assumed power, to at any time assign any super power. That would be the big one.


I could see the package, freeze or travel in time, invisibility would be fun, be a fly on a wall, extended orgasms,...... I could do it all.


I know greedy, but ......

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To identify every sadist, serial killer, rapist, incestuous father, tyrant, dictator, warmonger, slave trader, child exploiter, child abuser, woman beater, drug dealer, animal abuser, conqueror, religious fanatic BEFORE BIRTH and abort them all.


And then live in peace and security with the rest :)

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Guest Ou**or**n

Time travel - so I could go back in time and smack myself up the side of my head when first thought of buying that horse for my ex...

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my super power, to cum like I pee ! often, every morning and sometimes for 5 minutes! LOL


Pete I hear ya on the Helen Hunt front, she's yummy :)

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I want to be able to become a comic book character! Probably "Den from Earth" (Heavy Metal, the movie)


Then I could make my moves on all those ubber hot comic book femme fatales!


Of course going back in time to shag women like Joan Crawford, Marilyn Monroe and Veronica Lake would be super amazing too!

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To identify every sadist, serial killer, rapist, incestuous father, tyrant, dictator, warmonger, slave trader, child exploiter, child abuser, woman beater, drug dealer, animal abuser, conqueror, religious fanatic BEFORE BIRTH and abort them all.


And then live in peace and security with the rest :)


As they say, Great minds think alike, darling:smile:.


I was more like thinking of aborting them after birth but I like your idea better. Thanks

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To identify every sadist, serial killer, rapist, incestuous father, tyrant, dictator, warmonger, slave trader, child exploiter, child abuser, woman beater, drug dealer, animal abuser, conqueror, religious fanatic BEFORE BIRTH and abort them all.


And then live in peace and security with the rest :)


As they say, Great minds think alike, darling:smile:.


I was more like thinking of aborting them after birth but I like your idea better. Thanks


Seeing that Anita has taken care of just about all of the bad society. I would like the super power to take care of the wallet draining politicians and adjust the income tax rate to give us hobbyists a lot more disposable income for hobbying.

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KIH the movie was ''What woman want" starring Mel Gibson AND the very gorgeous Helen Hunt:-D, year 2000




That's it. Only thing in addition to the ability would be to have the capability to turn it off at times.

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Every time I see an ED commercial I think an erection that lasts for over 4 hours is actually a pretty good idea!! Not sure if that's a super power but .........

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