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October/November's cerb book club book choice.

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I will have to agree with the liquor about this book it is very hard to get into because it switches back an forth from two different stories. It's one of those books that you have to keep reading to find out more information and to be honest I have been procrastinating and finding other thing to do other than reading this book. Although the writing is good. I hope this book gets better as I read more of it.

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I am a whole book behind the book club and have only now finished reading Criminal. I was excited about its choice because it is much more the genre that I enjoy reading. Detective fiction is usually an easy read and I love the twists in plot that make these sorts of novels interesting.


This book did not disappoint, although initially I was not too sure. The movement back and forth in time between the 70's and today's world with the two stories was disconcerting at first. As the book evolved I took great delight in the way that two seemingly disconnected stories meshed together.


Amanda and Evelyn were fascinating characters. I wondered many a time if in fact the way that they were treated in their workplace by the male cops in the 70's was in fact a true depiction of the way that women were not accepted as people who could work outside of the home working a "mans job," in a "man's world." My instinct says that their story though fictional was an accurate depiction of ways that many women in reality did forge the way for equality in the work force. The verbal, mental and sometimes physical harassment is a difficult concept for me to grasp as reality.


Thanks for the inclusion of this novel as a book club choice and I shall try to be more on the ball in the future.

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I must admit that I didn't finish this book. Ten hard spanks for this book club person. If anyone wants to skip a book at anytime go right ahead. It is just meant to be fun. However, I do intend of finishing this book on my vacation. I I will be chiming in about the rest of this book late too, my bad, teehee.

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I must admit that I didn't finish this book.


Well, you're one up on me. I never got around to starting it :)


Ten hard spanks for this book club person.

If you insist... :spank:

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Well, you're one up on me. I never got around to starting it :)


Neither did I. Grad school got the best of me... Spanks for me too!

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Neither did I. Grad school got the best of me... Spanks for me too!


I will do just that for you! --spank spank!--


I' got distracted and never finished the book neither.. --Giggles--

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I'm chiming on this late because I was on vacation.

Ten gold stars for Nathalie for going to school or anyone who's going to school for a matter of fact. I'm doing upgrading at home. It's not exactly grad school but I'm proud of myself for wanting to better my situation. What I learned is school doesn't make the person, however, school opens doors for people. May we never want to stop learning.

There's no pressure for everyone in the cerb book club to read every book, unless you really like to be spanked. You can read the books when you have some extra time, you can only read the books you are interested in, or you can read every book, the choice is yours. You also can chime in on past books too if it took you a little longer to read certain books. This is just a fun way to get book lovers together so we can have fun talking about the books we love to read.

I'm not going to do another book club poll till the end of this month so anyone who hasn't had time to read this book has a lot of extra time to finish this book.

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