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Half The Sky

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I watched a disturbing and eye opening documentary this morning on channel 4-Half the sky/the oppression of women. It documented the travasities upon women in other countries. The most jarring was concerning genital cutting in Somalia. They said they perform this procedure on girls ages 8 and up to keep them in "control". Their clitoris is completely cut off and their labia then sewn so there is just a small hole to allow urine to pass and this is done without pain meds and with thorns as needles.They tie their legs so they won't move while doing it and afterwards they have to lie still in that same room for a week to heal. They are not fed so they will not deficate only pee a bit to allow better healing!

The other eye opener were the brothels in India when girls as young as 8 and 9 are forced into prostitution and made to see 20-30 men daily. They said India's brothels are the most brutal, women are killed for not performing or if they resist the brothel owners.

When we are having a bad day or thinking I wish I or we had this or that these are the people and things we need to think of to know how lucky we really are to be Canadian and have what we have.

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We are definitely very lucky to live in Canada. Women, or as you say small girls are treated so horribly in other parts of the world. Like to be female is to be a lesser being :(

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