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I just peeled a hangnail

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My struggle with the forces of good vs evil.


I noticed a little flag of nail/skin on my right-hand pinky. Hmm. Don't like that. Don't like that at all.


I have a grooming protocol that compels me to keep things clean, neat, clipped, tidy and organized. My brain immediately goes into grooming mode. "Peel the thing off - get rid of it - don't have any loose things hanging about". Yeah, that's the ticket!


I wouldn't exactly call it a personality disorder although some professionals may disagree. It's just my own...protocol (I don't know what else to call it fer God'sake).


I haven't lived these many years to ignore the signs of impending doom. I know something about consequences.


I look at this innocent blemish & I say to myself: "Nah, this isn't anything to worry about - go ahead, peel it off". My encourager happens to be my evil angel (dressed in red btw) sitting on my left shoulder. My primitive lizard mind tells me something about survival. I'm going to regret something. I ignore the warning for the moment.


I hear a faint whisper from the fog in the distance. My good angel who sits on my right shoulder (hands clasped together in a prayer mode & dressed in virgin white robes) earnestly and calmly says: "Don't do it asshole".


I hesitate.


Then I go ahead and do the stupidest thing in the world. I grasp the flap of skin and slowly peel backwards.


ow ow OW Jeez, does it have to hurt this much?

And what's with all that blood?!


So, I got the hangnail.

I also got a big boo-boo.

I still haven't learned anything cuz' I'm gonna do it again.

My kid is making fun of me.


Why do I do this crap?

Edited by Jabba
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I'm always working with my hands doing some landlordy thing or another, and those little bastards can really hurt every time they're whacked or tugged. It's worth the blood and pain to rip the damn thing off. Smother with iodine and carry on.


That reminds me of something; a sweet young nurse told me recently that they don't use iodine, peroxide, or alcohol when cleaning wounds now because it kills healthy cells, so all they use is saline solution. What?!? People are dying in hospitals because of MRSA and they don't want to sanitize wounds with things that actually kill germs?!!!?


Oh, and you keep doing this crap because you're a man and you never learn and be proud of that!

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My struggle with the forces of good vs evil.


Why do I do this crap?

Perhaps a heart-to-heart with the two angels sitting on your shoulders might be an enlightening solution? ;)


Have a great weekend, Jabba xox

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