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Going Indy :) Great News

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Hi cerbies :)


I Recently (today) Quit the spa to be back independent. I had a lots of demand about going back Indy. So here we go :)


I just have a quick question. Can u guys Google that address:




and let me know if I should stay at my hull location to do in-call or I should move to Ottawa ? Can u guys reply and let me know your opinion about hull and if its a no then let me know which area in Ottawa works the best for you...


Thanks it will be really helpful. I'm about 5min from Champlain bridge.. Its closer from downtown then the spa i used to work.


hope to play soon XOxx

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Gooogle maps has it almost 20 minutes from Downtown Ottwa, that's a piece. Really depends on your clientel and where they are. Since there is a lot of daytime traffic for you I think, I suspect alot of this is Ottawa based, and this may be a challenge for some of them and while the spa was further from downtown, guys might have been in the Ottawa South area for business purposes.


I am probably not the best to give you advice on this point, but time to speak up guys.


PS - I loved it when you were downtown, I could walk.

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My thoughts are, gentlemen will travel to any reasonable limits to visit a gorgeous lady. Just over the bridge is quite easy access, downtown at times can be a pain for parking.I wish you the very best I'm sure your clients will continue to follow you where ever you entertain.

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That street seems easy enough to find.


I have to admit to a certain bias though, as I live on the Gatineau side and have been thinking about booking an appointment with you.

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It's a bit more of a hike than most Ottawa people will think of when you say "Hull", so that could be a deterrent for some. But I've traveled much further in Gatineau for a lady's company, so I have no problem with seeing you at your proposed location (being from west-end Ottawa helps too).

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In all seriousness, that is a great location. That area is booming, relatively affluent, close to downtown and Gatineau park, and is close to all kinds of shopping, outdoor activities, and things of that sort. Getting there from downtown is a couple minutes on the parkway, and then across the bridge. Its pretty quick!


If you set up shop in Plateau, I'll be your first customer, :)

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Guest happytimes

I like your old location downtown. I am happy to hear you are indi. I hope you do a website.

Posted via Mobile Device

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That`s good news, bad news. I`m 10 minutes away at most.. would have to consult with my finance advisor at the bank if you decide to offer services in Hull....

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