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Dorinda Bloom

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Like the title says - Oh My Gawd!


A couple hours of absolute bliss. I mean a really friggin fantastic time. I will not go into details because, well, these memories belong to us ;-)


If you get a chance to see Dorinda do not delay. Go ... go .... go ... get her. What are you waiting for??? http://www.dorindabloom.ca


I know Dorinda is in SJ a bit longer - maybe till tomorrow. Eventually she is hooking up with the spectacular Emily Rushton. The two of them would surely not be for the weak hearted. In fact, I will make a serious effort to see if I get to see them even though it would mean a road trip. What a way to leave this earth; sandwiched between to gorgeous ladies


Back to Dorinda. Did I mention wholly frig man!!!


Loved, loved, loved it. I raise all appendages in favor of this lady.


Why are you still here??? .... email her before she heads back home.

  • 5.0
Dorinda Bloom
I would visit again
  • 5.0
Dorinda Bloom
I would visit again
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Guest GRoberts

WOW is the word.

Dorinda is a joy to be with, so beauityful and energetic. Don't let her leave the city without meeting with her. She is so much fun to talk to and play with. I hope that she comes back soon, I will be booking in advance to make sure that I don't miss out on this gem.


Don't wait, book now.


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I certainly second all of Jara's and GRoberts comments. That is about all I can say because, curiously enough, my vocabulary almost completely disappeared on meeting Dorinda. In fact about the only words Dorinda heard me say during our visit were "lovely" (about 1200 times), "wonderful" (about 900 times), "beautiful" about (800 times) and "WOW", an infinite number of times. All kidding aside Dorinda is very pretty, with a sweet smile, very positive, and kind. Perfect for any guy that appreciates a true companion experience, and I think most of us want just that.

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"wow" all 3 above posts are 100% accurate!! I met Dorinda this afternoon for 2 hrs., it was as if time had stopped ticking, non-rushed gfe...she is 1 incredible lady...I can't wait till her next visit....ymmv..."wow"

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Guest bant***3

Like others have said, what an amazing woman Dorinda Bloom is...beautiful, outgoing, great personality, and endless energy. Very easy to get along with, and very passionate.


Looking forward to seeing her again.

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I had the great fortune of visiting with Dorinda Bloom when she was in town a few weeks ago and -- WOW -- what an amazing time I had. It was my second visit with Dorinda and I was thinking on my way to our encounter that second visits are always nice because those first visit jitters are out of the way. As well we had a warm email exchange in setting up the encounter so I was really excited about seeing her again.


Without a doubt my excitement was warranted - BIG TIME! Dorinda greeted me wearing a sensational sexy outfit, and to my surprise treated me to a sensual, sexy, erotic dance. I did not see that coming and what a delight it was. Dorinda is a gorgeous lady, with a girl next door, down to earth way about her, and incredibly sexy at the same time. What a perfect blend. We had a great time together, with kisses and cuddles and lots of other stuff too!


First visit, second visit or every-visit, Dorinda provides a wonderful experience. If you are thinking about a visit with Dorinda, then my recommendation is stop thinking about it and just do it the first chance you get!

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