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Clarification on approaching limitations as a repeat client

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I read an article a few minutes ago which made me pause and think. You can read the entirety by clicking this link. It's a general list of rules to follow which are pretty much obvious, yet unfortunately necessary to state given some of the experiences I've read some escorts have encountered.


However, one of the points caught me off guard -

"Just because a sex worker agreed to something in a previous session, does not mean that she has agreed to it in every other session. Ask every time, otherwise IT IS ASSAULT."


Personally, before seeing an SP, I had combed through her website, and reviews to get as much info as to what to expect (and limitations), but after seeing her a couple of times, I don't go through that process. And it didn't occur to me that her limitations might change. I have a cousin who actively works with issues relating to sexual assault, and it made me sick that I could have inadvertently done something to constitute an assault.


I'm not sure exactly what I wanted to say to everyone, I don't know what the general consensus is if a limitation changes. I guess it was something I felt needed sharing. Personally, I'm going to keep checking for any new limits before any encounter from now on.

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I think this is a very literal translation of the rules. I believe you should have the expectation that she will tell you about any change in the restrictions she may have adopted since the last session, and not expect you to know about them. But if she does tell you that she can't do something that was on the menu earlier then the old adage "no means no" applies. So accept it gracefully as she may have a good reason, and I don't think this could be considered an assault

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Guest F***tyF**rari

I agree with Boomer, personally if I am doing a special request I may tell you not to expect it every time. But if it is something that I normally offer I don't think it would be unreasonable for you to expect it in our continuing encounters. And if for some reason I can not do it for some reason I would simply say so and hopefully the man would understand.

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If you ask before doing anything you are doing the best you can to avoid any issues.


If she has a major restriction change, she will mention it or you won't receive it. (like if she is going cbj, and it used to be bbbj, you will see the change).


I don't know too much about what specific examples there might be, but one reason I once said that something that is OK today doesn't mean OK everytime is if the sp agrees to a small discount when you ask when booking. That is an example, the guy wants to come by, he is 20 short but ready now, and she says yes. That doesn't mean his whole rate has been restructured to be 20 less for all future appts. IT means he got a one time deal for one appt.



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My opinion is if you are not sure of something, ask before you do it. Don't just do it in the heat of the moment. Sure things can get heated in a good way but if you do something that's never been done before, you very may well have crossed the line and piss off an SP. Things such slapping or even face slapping which is highly inappropriate imo or having your hands around an SP's neck, to me this is assault and your ass will be fired as a client instantly! Would you like to be slapped without seeing it coming or suddenly find someone else's hands around your neck? Most likely not! Respect your SP and you will be fine.

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My opinion is if you are not sure of something, ask before you do it. Don't just do it in the heat of the moment. Sure things can get heated in a good way but if you do something that's never been done before, you very may well have crossed the line and piss off an SP. Things such slapping or even face slapping which is highly inappropriate imo or having your hands around an SP's neck, to me this is assault and your ass will be fired as a client instantly! Would you like to be slapped without seeing it coming or suddenly find someone else's hands around your neck? Most likely not! Respect your SP and you will be fine.


I don't disagree with what you say at all. However, I was not talking about something a client has never ever done before between the client and SP. To clarify again, the author pointed out that an act previously consented does not mean a default consent.


I got a PM from an SP, and talked to one privately on the subject, and both responses seem to echo what FeistyFerrari mentioned.


But if it is something that I normally offer I don't think it would be unreasonable for you to expect it in our continuing encounters. And if for some reason I can not do it for some reason I would simply say so and hopefully the man would understand.



I alluded to, but not entirely mentioned why this subject resonated with me so much. After considerably conversations with my cousin regarding sexual abuse (In my first post I mentioned that she works to reduce/eradicate abuse of this form), a common assault is when a victim consented to a certain act, only to deny it in the future. In the ensuing passion, "no's" are understood as moans in the midst of sexual excitement and ignored.


I understand that I pay for an escort's time, and while there is a presumption of something more happening, it is not a guarantee. Anyhow, these are my thoughts, take it as you may.

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