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Kelly:Men's 10 most important foods(3)

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:boobies: Men's 10 most important foods:



6, eggs that are most easily absorbed--the body can be easily broken down into their amino acids and muscle growth in raw materials. Eggs are rich in healthy fats, saturated fat and lecithin, which is to help muscle growth. Period of yolk in the sculptured lines may not be desirable, but not weight gain during the season, don't forget it. 7, green tea, black tea was green tea is rich in vitamin c that are not. Vitamin c prevent colds, oxidation resistance not to be lacking in nutrients. Green tea is also rich in glutamic acid to prevent aging, enhance immunity, nourish the body's amino acid aspartic acid. Also had pressure diuresis and the Elimination of the roles, enhancing the role of caffeine such as flavonoids, lowering blood pressure.



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